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Check Sheets, Scoring Guides, and Rubrics, Oh, My!. Using grids to i mprove writing and reduce grading time. Key Points for Each Assignment. Start with the learning outcomes for the assignment. Create a rubric or scoring guide to outline your expectations
Check Sheets, Scoring Guides, and Rubrics, Oh, My! Using grids to improve writing and reduce grading time
Key Points for Each Assignment • Start with the learning outcomes for the assignment. • Create a rubric or scoring guide to outline your expectations • Define the process students should follow • Provide a check sheet for each stage of the process based on the rubric for students to follow
Scoring Guide Basics • Criteria-based • Value-based • Customized to each assignment • Sampled with students
Criteria-Based Scoring Guide • Select student learning outcomes for the assignment • Uses MLA documentation correctly Parenthetical citations Correct information Works Cited list Punctuation
Value-Based Scoring Guide • Categories of quality • Range • Description -Exceptional/Satisfactory/Needs Improvement/Unacceptable --Exceeds expectations/Meets Expectations/Does not meet expectations --Excellent/Good/Poor --Expert/Emerging/Novice/No evidence --Above Average/Average/Below Average --10 . . . 0 --Strong/Adequate/Weak
MLA Documentation • Excellent Adequate Poor • In-Text Citations • Correct format • Works Cited list • Punctuation
Customize to Each Assignment • Purpose • Length • Audience • Complexity • Research required
Sample with Students • Provide rubric to students and explain. • Provide samples of student attempts at the assignment (three of differing quality) • Small group reading aloud of each sample • Small group discussion to find consensus of each sample’s value according to the rubric then ranking them • Full class exchange of findings • Have students create a check sheet based on this exercise
Grade with the Scoring Guide • Use the same rubric your students saw. • Copy the grid for each student assignment (which may be electronic) • Fill out the grid according to your evaluation. • Provide a space for comments and specific directives for improvement. • Save completed grids with comments in each class folder for future reference and term grading.
Resources • rubrics.kon.org • scoop.it/rubrics-assessment Bean, John. Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Stevens, Dannelle D. Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2012.