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Contrast homologous and analogous features.

Objective:. Review for county test tomorrow. Warm Up:. Contrast homologous and analogous features. Jeopardy. Hosted by S. Lower. Objectives:. Review for Evolution Test. Warm Up:. Write down 2 possible BCR questions on a piece of paper to be turned in to me. Quia evolution games. `.

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Contrast homologous and analogous features.

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  1. Objective: Review for county test tomorrow. Warm Up: Contrast homologous and analogous features.

  2. Jeopardy Hosted by S. Lower

  3. Objectives: Review for Evolution Test. Warm Up: Write down 2 possible BCR questions on a piece of paper to be turned in to me. Quia evolution games

  4. ` Convergent, divergent & Co-evolution More evolution Natural selection evolution 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  5. Row 1, Col 1 What is the process of natural selection or survival of the fittest ? The change in peppered moth Coloration after Industrialization is an Example of ..

  6. 1,2 What is divergent evolution? What type of evolution Occurs when 1population of species are Separated into different Environments.

  7. 1,3 The arm bones of humans and the wings of birds. An example of Homologous structures?

  8. 1,4 The more amino acids in common, the less time that Has elapsed between our shared common ancestor. The relationship between Shared #’s of amino acids & time between a common ancestor.

  9. 2,1 What is an adaptation? The type of allele that gives one Member of a species a Better chance of surviving.

  10. 2,2 What are homologous structures? When divergent evolution Occurs, the separated populations Develop new functions (flying, Walking, grasping) Using the same original Structures called …

  11. 2,3 A change in the allele frequency over time. The definition of evolution.

  12. 2,4 Fossils found in the top layers are younger than those Found in the bottom layers? The relationship between A fossil & Its position in Sedimentary rock.

  13. 3,1 What is overproduction of offspring, variety within the population, struggle for survival & differential survival & reproduction ? The 4 criteria for the process Of natural selection.

  14. 3,2 What are analogous structures? A long nose an anteater & an Aardvark are both used to gather Food in an ant mound or a termite Mound. They are not closely related Long snouts in these 2 creatures Represent what type of structure?

  15. 3,3 Over time more and more of them would be light and less of them would be dark? A forest changes from dark bark To light bark. Describe What would happen to A population of moths that Are found in this forest.

  16. 3,4 As species evolve they no longer use some feature that Were important to their ancestors. Ex. Hipbones in whales. Why vestigial features support Natural selection. Give an example.

  17. 4,1 What is an divergent evolution? The type of evolution that Results in homologous features.

  18. 4,2 What is co-evolution? The type of evolution in which 2 Species change as a result of their Close association to each other.

  19. 4,3 DNA codes for amino acids? What is the relationship Between amino acid sequences And DNA sequences.

  20. 4,4 Those giraffes that stretched to get a food source would lengthen their necks and their offspring would then inherit their longer necks. How would Lemark explain What happened to the giraffe’s Neck.

  21. 5,1 What are analogous & homologous species, vestigial features, embryology, fossil evidence, molecular evidence? List 4 pieces of evidence that Evolution is taking place.

  22. 5,2 Zebras that had stripes survived better than those that did not. How did the zebra get its stripes?

  23. 5,3 The environment of antibiotics causes a selective pressure. Only those bacteria with resistance alleles survive and then reproduce offspring like themselves. Explain the growing problem Of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

  24. 5,4 Mutations give a population different alleles. Those populations with greater variations have a better chance of surviving when the environment changes. Peppered moths, finches in the Galapagos, bacterial resistance… Explain the origin And role of variation in a Population. What is an actual Example of this phenomenon?

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