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PREOCCUPIED WITH SALVATION, pt.2. 1 PETER 1:10-12 by Troy Self, Associate Pastor. OUTLINE. I. Salvation was the s ubject of the prophets’ computation [enquiry and study], vv. 10-11a II. Salvation was the c oncept of the Spirit’s inspiration, vv. 11b-12a
PREOCCUPIED WITH SALVATION, pt.2 1 PETER 1:10-12 by Troy Self, Associate Pastor
OUTLINE • I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation [enquiry and study], vv. 10-11a • II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration, vv. 11b-12a • III. Salvation was the precept of the Apostles’ interpretation [preaching], v.12b • IV. Salvation was the object of the angels’ fascination, v.12c
TO UNDERSTAND… • That our present salvation in Christ was the subject of the Old Testament prophets’ curiosity and interest. • That we may take our salvation for granted. • That we evidence genuine faith by remaining curious about the benefits of salvation. • That we have something substantive and important when we tell about the glory of this Christ…
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • The prophets: the prophets Peter is talking about are in the context of his Jewish culture…these prophets he is talking about are the OT prophets. • The prophets enquired into what they had written. They wrote down what God the Holy Spirit told them to write down in prophecies.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • Enquired: to search out, that is, investigate, crave, scrutinize • It suggests diligent study and a painstaking effort to find the answer to a riddle. • The strengthened form of the word that Peter used here conjures a picture of the Old Testament prophets doing their utmost to hunt down the meaning of what they had written.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • A. what the prophets pursued • Who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you…by virtue of their name, prophets prophesy. • Prophesied: to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office • Mac: Of all the truth the prophets received through divine revelation, the truth of salvation was their greatest passion. From Moses to Malachi, all of the Old Testament prophets were fascinated by the promises of salvation.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • Though the Old Testament prophets knew that their writings described a future manifestation of salvation grace, their desire to understand those prophecies was still so compelling and pervasive that they enquired and searched diligently into their own writings.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • B. what the prophets proclaimed • Salvation truth weaves a thread throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. • The prophets in direct utterance preached about it, and it was portrayed in many types and shadows.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • The prophets were familiar with the general plan of salvation and the underlying principles of grace. • But they instinctively felt that very much more was as yet unrevealed. • They sensed that God had something yet to reveal that would be awesome and wonderful.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • C. What the prophets pondered • 1. The times which they pondered • 11aSearching what, or what manner of time… • Henry: Daniel was a man greatly beloved and inspired, yet he understood by books and study the computations of time, • (Daniel 9:2) In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • Even their own revelation required their study, meditation, and prayer; for many prophecies had a double meaning: • …in their first intention they aimed at some person or event near at hand, but their ultimate design was to describe the person, sufferings, or kingdom of Christ.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • We live in a day and time when the average man is apparently too busy to meditate, to ponder, to reflect either on the course of his own life or the Scriptures. • Mac: The queries were about who and when. (It should be noted here that today’s believers regularly face the same questions regarding New Testament prophecies of the future.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • Mac: [cont.] They can know the events revealed in Scripture, but the exact identities of key persons involved and when precisely certain events will occur is an ongoing course of study for all interested in eschatology.)
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • what manner of time… The word Peter uses for ‘time’ is important. • It is the word kairos, which denotes a season. • It is not to be confused with the other word for time, or season, know as chronos. • Kairos refers not so much to the duration of a period as to the distinctives of that period.
I. Salvation was the subject of the prophets’ computation • Gill: The prophets made a very diligent inquiry into the exact time when Christ should come to work out the salvation of his people… • …and that it should be seventy weeks, or 490 years, from a date given in Dan_9:24 as it was revealed to the Prophet Daniel; • …and they not only searched into the exact time, but into the manner and quality of the time when the Saviour should come…
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify…’ • The expression ‘the Spirit of Christ’ is important. It refers to Christ’s own Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The expression bears silent witness to the deity of Christ and the pre-existence of the Lord Jesus as the Son of God [Romans 8:9; Galations 4:6].
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • The OT prophets knew that they were being led, controlled, informed and inspired by the Spirit of God. • Peter affirms they were under the control and indwelt by the Spirit of Christ. • ‘…when it testified beforehand…’ • A twofold process was involved. They wrote by divine revelation and by divine inspiration.
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • They were acutely aware of the fact that the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing them forward to a unique ‘time’, one that was both marvelous and mysterious. • As to the fact and features and the duration and character of this coming ‘time’, they were left very much in the dark. • They did know that it was to be an age of grace [1:9] beyond anything in all of the ages past.
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • 2. The truths which they prophesied • 11b…when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. • [see handout supplement, Old Testament Prophecies and their New Testament fulfillment]
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • 3. The people whom they prepared • 12Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things…’ • Peter wanted to remind his readers that they were actually the heirs of this new dispensation, this new and wondrous departure from God’s previous dealings with mankind.
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • They were actually living [as are we] in the very time period that had so excited the interest of the prophets, and they were experiencing, in an age of grace, things of which the OT prophets had never understood.
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • Of this salvation, the prophets: • Enquired • Searched diligently • Prophesied • Searched
II. Salvation was the concept of the Spirit’s inspiration • While the Bible is a best-seller, the people who actually read it are a minority. • The Bible is an open book in which God tells us about the riches of salvation we have in Christ Jesus. • Therefore, study the Scriptures to be wise in respect to salvation.
SO WHAT??? • Like the prophets of old, we in this dispensation must make of this salvation: • Search the Scriptures: (John 5:39) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. • Search: through the idea of inquiry; to seek, to investigate • Read the Scriptures: (Revelation 1:3) Blessed is he that readeth…
SO WHAT??? • Study the Scriptures: (2 Timothy 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. • Know the Scriptures: (2 Timothy 3:15) And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
SO WHAT??? • Meditate on the Scriptures: (1 Timothy 4:15) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. • Fathers: setting the example • Children: AWANA and Jr. Bible quizzing • Youth: SH Bible Quizzing