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O pen Minds Academy. An Academy for Sustainable Development. What is OMA? Why OMA? OMA Concept Academic Programs People & Organizations Strategy Plan Location. Content. What is OMA?.
Open Minds Academy An Academyfor Sustainable Development
What is OMA? • Why OMA? • OMA Concept • Academic Programs • People & Organizations • Strategy Plan • Location Content
The OMA is an initiative that aims to set up a post graduate academy for the Middle East region in consortium with eight European and regional universities. It seeks to provide young professionals from the region with learning experiences, entrepreneurial mind-sets and leadership skills geared towards addressing the complex challenges of sustainable development. Learning for Sustainable Development Post Graduate & Professional Education for Leadership in Sustainable Development
OMA aims to offer accredited masters degree programs and practical training for candidates seeking career paths in public policy, business and community development with extensive knowledge of means and tools for enabling and achieving sustainable development. Graduates of OMA degree programs will be able to utilize analytical and critical thinking tools, communicate , and perform flexibly in a continuously changing and globalizing world economy. Providing Professional Qualifications A place to acquire professional qualifications for the future job markets created by the needs of sustainable development
Persistent Challenges OMA programs and learning methodology are geared towards addressing development challenges prevalent in the region namely, water, energy, environment, health, rapid urbanization, employment and learning. The development challenges outlined above are further compounded by a large and growing young population that is entitled to live in a world with equal and better learning and job opportunities. Unemployment Environmental degradation Healthcare challenges Economic diversity Infrastructure needs Research capabilities Public administration inefficiencies
Need for Alternative Skill Base Conventional disciplinary approaches are no longer sufficient to produce graduates with needed skills and capacities to address the complex challenges of sustainable development. OMA is positioning itself within a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to learning that aspires to create a workforce with a renewed set of qualifications that could drive desired social, economic and environmental development. OMA graduates will be trained to work in complex, multidisciplinary and international environments grounded in ethos such as entrepreneurship, social responsibility, openness, creativity and reflectiveness. Critical thinking Entrepreneurship Openness Creativity
Building Leaders Creating a workforce that could drive not only desired economic, but also social and environmental developments. Facilitating professional attitudes, entrepreneurial abilities, and progressive values in the region. Improving inter-cultural understanding, tolerance, and trust through multi-cultural dialogue and practice. OMA Contribution: Renewed set of qualifications Entrepreneurial attitudes Internationality
The Offer World class educational experience, applied within the regional context Professional qualifications OMA will offer aspiring leaders with world-class knowledge, expertise, and qualifications in public policy, development, and business that are rooted within the regional context. OMA education will be delivered in partnership with eight world-renowned universities - made accessible to the people of the region through grants and subsidies from OMA trust funds.
Core Values Approach to Learning Partners and Alliances Organizational Setup Unique Attributes Good education is based upon a balanced mix of knowledge, values and character OMA concept is designed to provide a balanced mix of theoretical and applied learning in close interaction with societal needs - rooted in core values of responsible leadership, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking.
Entrepreneurial attitudes Reflexivity Critical thinking Problem-solving Core Values Value-based leadership Tolerance and trust Multi-cultural dialogue and practice Knowledge for societal transformations
Interactive Problem based Self-assessed and self-directed Multi- and inter-disciplinary Approach to Learning OMA students will be challenged to work and cooperate in groups to seek innovative solutions to identified real-life problems and situations While focusing on each specialization, all students will learn, and gain experience about the relevant elements of social, technical, economic, political, legal, medical, and natural science disciplines.
Partners and Alliances Success of OMA’s educational model is dependant on having strong ties with private sector organizations, local and international institutions. The current concept of OMA has been developed in collaboration with several world-renowned universities that will provide leading edge knowledge and expertise. OMA aims cooperate with other academic institutions based in Jordan and NGOs such as the United Nations University, the Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and the Council for Assisting Refugee Academics, which currently has 39 universities as members of its network. • University of Cambridge • Lund University • Royal Technical Institute • Delft Technical University • Wageningen University • University of Paris 1- Sorbonne • Central European University • Al-Azhar University
Organizational Setup OMA will be an independent, not-for-profit organization, with its own academic accreditation , campus and physical infrastructure. OMA will ensure that its program are accessible to people from all income levels in the region through scholarships and grants. To ensure long-term financial sustainability, OMA will have two endowments. One to cover operations and one for scholarships. Not-for-Profit Organization Independent Accreditation Scholarships granted to 50% of the student body Sustainable financing through an endowment fund
Degree Programs Environment MS in Sustainable Energy Systems MS in Sustainable Water Systems MS in Environmental Leadership Education MM in Leadership in Learning Products & Services MS in Sustainable Food Systems MM in Sustainable Tourism MS in Sustainable Product & Service Design Health MS in Public Health & Prevention OMA degree programs allows for specialization in one of four broad areas driving sustainable development: environment, education, health and design of products & services.
MS in Sustainable Energy Systems MS in Sustainable Energy Systems is provided in partnership with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) of Sweden. This degree program provides state-of-the-art education in the field of sustainable energy systems and technologies with a concentration on power generation, solar energy, and energy utilization. In addition, participants in this program will acquire skills in management, communication, and implementation of policies related to driving energy related development. Graduates of this program will be well positioned for career paths in a variety of settings including working for governmental agencies, energy companies, financial and consulting firms or international organizations.
MS in Sustainable Water Systems MS in Sustainable Management of Water Systems is provided in partnership with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. This program is designed to prepare candidates for leadership positions that possess the necessary skills to drive positive change in the water sector. After completion of this program, participants will have acquired a cross-disciplinary understanding of the water situation at varying spatial levels as well as acquired competencies in different policies, measures and tools for effective valuation and governance of water systems. • Graduates of this program will be well positioned to: • Work in organizations and consortia driving water infrastructure projects of various scales. • Improve water use efficiency in industrial, domestic and agricultural sectors. • Assist water policy development and implementation in regional, national and international organizations.
MS in Environmental Leadership MS in Environmental Leadership is provided in partnership with Lund University of Sweden. A two years degree program providing multi-disciplinary education on the linkages between society-environment-economy with emphasis on preventative environmental approaches applicable to businesses and development planning. Graduates of this degree program will be well positioned to work in the public policy domain as policy makers, researchers and environmental analysts, or in the business sector as environmental strategists, entrepreneurs or consultants.
MM in Leadership for Learning MM in Leadership for learning is provided in partnership with the University of Cambridge, UK. The degree program offers emergent perspectives on the process of learning and change management. Participants will acquire skills on effective leadership for driving change and progress in learning communities being in schools, universities, companies and/or public organizations. Graduates of this program will be well positioned as change management specialists that will be able to lead effective learning processes in education, business or any learning community.
MS in Sustainable Food Systems MS in Sustainable Food Production and Rural Development is provided in partnership with Wageningen University in the Netherlands. The program is designed to provide candidates with knowledge and skills for the analysis, exploration, design and management of food production systems at scales ranging from a single farm to international supply chains integrated within a sustainable development perspective. The program qualifies candidates for career options in the agri-food supply chain or for working with development agencies in rural development programs. Graduates with entrepreneurial inclinations will be able to develop supply chains for niche markets.
MM in Tourism Development MM in Sustainable Tourism Development is provided in partnership with University Paris 1 – Pantheon- Sorbonne. Participants in this program are provided with a multi disciplinary learning on the design and management of tourism development with a focus on the preservation and enhancement of cultural and environmental assets. The program also provides a foundation in impact assessment and integrated evaluation of tourism activities as well as legal and market steering instruments. The program prepares graduates for senior positions in governmental and international agencies concerned with tourism development. Graduates of this program will also be well positioned for careers in the private sector as strategists / advisors in the fast growing international tourism industry.
MS in Sustainable Industrial Design MS in Design of Sustainable Products and Services is provided in partnership with Delft University School of Industrial Design in the Netherlands. The two year degree program offers training on systematic approaches to the design of new products and services in addition to performing complex design activities with modern methods of design technology. A holistic perspective on design is built into the program through integrating social, business, and ecological aspects in planning, executing and managing complex product development processes. Graduates of this program will be well positioned to drive new business start-ups or work as specialists for large firms in the field of sustainable product and service innovation and commercialization.
MS in Public Health & Prevention MS in Preventative Approaches to Public Health is provided in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine, Division of Social Medicine and Global Health, at Lund University. The program is designed to provide competencies and training to effectively deal with identified and pressing public-health challenges. After completion of this program, candidates will have gained a deep understanding of how social influences, economics, regulation and legislation, and facilities could be mobilized to improving and sustaining individuals and population health. Graduates of this program will be well-positioned to work with public and private providers of health services as well as national and international bodies responsible for designing and implementing health programs – either as consultants or as senior advisors.
. Training Programs Public Policy & Governance Educational Reform & Pedagogy Entrepreneurship & Business Development Public Health and Prevention Environment and Natural Resources Development Through the network of its partner universities, OMA will make available high quality and affordable professional training and capacity building programs targeted to decisions makers in government, and business and community organizations in the fields of education, environment and health.
People & Organizations Dr.. Ismail Serageldin and Prof. Anders Flodström in the first planning workshop for OMA concept, Alexandria Library, April 2007
The OMA initiative is pioneered and driven by Peder Wallenberg’s passion and interest in modern learning methods and the changing role of academic institutions in society. An architect by profession, Peder Wallenberg has been on the board of many large Swedish companies, such as Astra, Swedish Match and Providentia, and is currently chairman of the board of Lingfield AB, a private equity investment firm. He is the the settler of the Peder Sager Wallenberg Charitable Trust, providing donations to various foundations and projects. Peder is also the founder of Carpe Vitam Foundation which supports research and projects within the fields of education and culture. Founder - Peder Wallenberg
Development Team The following individuals have participated in OMA concept development: Mr. Peder Wallenberg – Founder, Carpe Vitam Dr. Ismail Serageldin – Director, Library of Alexandria Prof. Anders Flodström – Chancellor, Swedish Universities Prof. Pierre Yves Hénin – Vice Chancellor of Paris 1 Sorbonne Prof. Pierre Beckouche – University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne Prof. Emiratus Jan Hjärpe – Lund University Prof. Abdel Rahman Nusear – Vice President, Al-Azhar University Prof. John MacBeth – Cambridge University Dr. Marcel Crul – Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology Ass. Prof. Jan Carel Diehl – Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology Mr. Tareq Emtairah – IIIEE, Lund University Dr. Murat Mirata – IIIEE, Lund University Ms. Karma Shawa – Carpe Vitam Foundation
Seed Funding Seed funding for the development of the OMA project is provided by Carpe Vitam Foundation. Carpe Vitam was founded by Peder Wallenberg to support cultural and education projects in partnership with UNESCO that aims at bridging cultural difference and preparing the next generation to become active citizens in our complex globalised world. Carpe Vitam Related projects of Carpe Vitam include: • Project Zero for the development of new learning methods in collaboration with Harvard and Cambridge Universities. • The Limshaga Academy: a school adopted to using Project Zero Learning Methods • The Open Minds Global Initiative for leadership development in cooperation with the World Guide and Scout Movements. • Learning Development Center in Quesir, Cairo.
Strategy Plan Prof. Anders Flodström, OMA Concept Development, Alexandria 2007
Education Focus Strategy Objectives: 1.Offer the first OMA masters degree program by year 2010 in four different specializations. The program will expand to 8 specializations by the year 2016. 2. Offer on continuous basis customized leadership training / capacity building programs for professionals working in public policy, business and community organizations. Masters Degree Program Professionals Training Program
Students Strategy Objectives: OMA will target students from the countries of Middle East and Africa. OMA will also attract a smaller fraction of the student body from outside the region and from partner universities. Inthe first three years, OMA will accept 16 students per year for each specialisation. This number will be raised to 24 after three years. OMA will grant 50% of its student body full or partial scholarships. Composition/Target Students Projected Number Scholarships
Faculty • Strategy Objectives: • Faculty from partner universities will gradually transfer their responsibilities to OMA faculty: • By 2013, programme responsibilities will be equally shared between local faculty and faculty from partner universities. • In 2018, local faculty will assume full responsibility for the educational programmes. OMA will depend on the faculty members of its partner universities in the first few years.
Infrastructure & Campus life Strategy Objectives: OMA will offer modern and inspiring facilities both for curricular and non curricular activities. The built infrastructure will reflect the ethos and values of OMA through: • Open and inviting spaces for interaction. • A Knowledge Village for students and faculty to live and interact with local communities. • A built environment that adheres to principles of ‘green’ and ‘sustainable buildings’. OMA Knowledge Village will be a showcase of a world class learning community
Governance & Management Strategy Objectives: OMA seeks to attain a governance structure that is diverse in nature encompassing representatives in the filed of academia, and figures within the business community and public sector that is international and includes representatives from the Arab region. OMA will also ensure a gender balance within its governance organs. OMA management and governance will be based on the principles of good governance, accountability, effectiveness, and transparency.
Jordan – an ideal location OMA has selected Jordan as an ideal location due to its central geographic location and political stability – making it an attractive destination for potential candidates in neighboring countries. We also think that the government may be committed to reform in the educational sector thus proving a welcoming environment for the OMA concept. Regional Gateway Stable political environment Growing young population Promising skill base
Spillover Effects Generating employment for: Catering Staff - Education - Administration Construction/Infrastructure Services - Manufacture - Marketing - Transport Attracting foreign capital. Developing surrounding villages and communities with the presence of foreign and local student and faculty residing in OMA campus. Positioning Jordan as a pioneer in providing cutting edge education and excellence in the region. Strengthening Jordan’s educational ties with world-renowned academic institutions. Creating a pool of competent leaders that possess the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude capable of contributing towards sustainable development.