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Module D – Les Vacances. 1.3 Compréhension Auditive. Juliette How did Juliette feel about going on holidays with her family? Ans : She thought she would get bored ( elle pensait qu’elle allait s’ennuyer ) “je pensais que j’allais m’ennuyer ”. 1.3 Compréhension Auditive. Juliette:
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Juliette • How did Juliette feel about going on holidays with her family? Ans: She thought she would get bored (ellepensaitqu’elleallaits’ennuyer) “je pensaisquej’allaism’ennuyer”.
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Juliette: • What did she enjoy about her holidays? Ans: She met plenty of friendly people and discovered a beautiful country (elle a rencontréplein de gens sympas et découvert un pays magnifique).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Juliette: 3. Name one thing she used to do in the evening and one that she did during the day. Ans In the evenings, she used to go out to a night club and dance until 3 a.m. During the day, she would sleep on the beach and swim in the sea. (le soirellesortaitsouvent en boîte et dansaitjus’qu à troisheures.
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Juliette: 3. L’après-midi c’était le siestesur la plage et nagerdans la mer. Karim: 4. When was Karim’s best holiday? Ans: His best holiday was the Easter weekend he spent at the seaside with his friends.
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Karim: (Sesmeilleuresvacances: le week-end de Pâques passé à la mer avec unedizaine des copains).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Karim: 5. Where did he stay with his friends? Ans: He camped quite near the beach. (On campait pas très loin de la plage.)
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Karim: 6. What was his plans for the Summer? Ans: He is going to travel across Spain with some friends. / He will also do some hill walking in the mountains / sunbathing by the sea. (2 points) 1(ilva traverser l’Espagne avec des amis.
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Karim: 2 Il va faire quelquesrandonnées en montagne et aussi 3. Il vaaller au bord de la mer pour se faire bronzer).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Sarah: 7: What comment does Sarah make about the weather in Brittany? Ans: It rained for two weeks non-stop.(Il a plu tout le temps pendant deuxsemaines et ilfaisait super froid).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive 8: Name two ways she passed the time Ans: She played cards, and she visited a few museums and churches. (ellejouait aux cartes et ellevisitaitquelquesmusées et églises).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive 9: How did the family get on together? Her two brothers fought all the time.(Mesdeuxfrères ne s’arrêtaient pas de se disputer.)
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Pascal: 10 What was Pascal’s worst holiday? Ans: Alanguage course in England ( Mes plus mauvais souvenir: Un séjour de langues en Angleterre).
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Pascal: 11: Give details of where he stayed (2 points) Ans: in Manchester / He stayed with a family and had to share a bedroom with a Spanish boy. (2 points) 1 Il estresté avec unefamilleà Manchester. 2. Il devaitpartagersachambre avec un Espagnole.
1.3 CompréhensionAuditive Pascal: 12: What comment does he make about the food? Ans: He says that the food was atrocious and that English people have strange tastes – for example, they eat peas with mint. (les anglaisontvraiment des goûtsbizarres: les petitspois à la menthe.