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Advance networking for researchers in Europe an IST perspective

ISOC 2002 Israel, 18th February 2002. Advance networking for researchers in Europe an IST perspective. Mário Campolargo Deputy-Head of Unit, DG INFSO, EC mario.campolargo@cec.eu.int.

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Advance networking for researchers in Europe an IST perspective

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  1. ISOC 2002 Israel, 18th February 2002 Advance networking for researchers in Europe an IST perspective Mário Campolargo Deputy-Head of Unit, DG INFSO, EC mario.campolargo@cec.eu.int "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"

  2. Information Society in Europe • eEurope and IST - Research Networks • GÉANT and the global perspective • Piloting GRIDs platforms • Piloting the new protocol IPv6 • Conclusions Contents

  3. An ambitious strategic goal for EU in the next decade “…to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world…” (Lisbon Summit 2000)

  4. Investing in people and skills Stimulate the use of the internet A cheaper, faster, secure internet Specific measures: eEurope Action Plan • Launched by the European Commission to meet the new challenge

  5. REGULATORY MEASURES TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION • R&D • Research Networks • IPv6 testbeds • GRIDs …. • Unbundling of local loop • Spectrum allocation • Promote interoperability • …. eEurope Action Plan: The political context Networks: Encourage and Innovate

  6. eEUROPE POLICIES R&D IST Program 3,6 Beuro Networks for research Research on networks Research Networks: Linking EU policies with R&D RESEARCH NETWORKS

  7. Deployment of a world class network matching the aggregated needs of Europe’s Academic & Industrial Research • Use of advanced tesbeds for integration & validation of next generation coms, networking, applications & services • Ensure synergies Research Networks: The complementary objectives

  8. Research Networks: The projects/initiatives • GÉANTGlobal connectivity -EUMEDIS, TEIN, ALIS SERENATE strategic study • GRIDS for scientific applicationsIPv6 large scale testbedsOptical routing, QoS, Digital Libraries, ...

  9. Research Networks: The funding from EU • GÉANT 80 MEuroGlobal connectivity 20 MEuroSERENATE strategic study 1 MEuro • GRIDS 37 MEuroIPv6 24 MEuroOther 8 MEuro

  10. Tesbeds use GÉANT infrastructure Scientific/application areas GÉANT profits from technological innovation GRIDs IPv6 International dimension GÉANT network Research Networks: The model

  11. GÉANT - creating the pan-European network infrastructure to explore developments in telecommunications technology. • Network Services for National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) • Platform for testing - GRIDs, IPv6, ... GÉANT as the “flagship” of networking activities in Europe

  12. Requiring new levels of cooperation Global EU+ NRENs European GÉANT National NRENs Campus Universities GÉANT: The model Other funds EU funds National funds

  13. GÉANT: The European research backbone • Pan-European coverage (and beyond) • Interconnecting 32 NRENs (… Israel...) • Linking more than 3000 Universities, I.e. virtually all the researchers in Europe in all disciplines • 9 international circuits operating at 10Gbps while 11 other run at 2,5Gbps Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (80 Meuro from EU)

  14. EE LV LT 34 45 155 UK SE PL 155 SE - PoP for Nordunet IE LU NL 155 155 155 BE FR DE CZ ES SK PT 622 34 CH IT AT HU RO 622 155 34 HR SI BG 622 34 622 34 10 Gbps GR CY IL 2.5 Gbps 45 GÉANT: The connectivity at 10 Gbps Going soon to 155Mbps

  15. HU CH IT SE FR DE GR NL CZ BE GEANT AT 2.5 G 1.2 G GEANT UK PT 622M ES 310 M SI PL IE 155 M 34 M 45 M HR LU EE RO SK LV BG IL CY LT GÉANT: Access of NRENs to GÉANT SE - PoP for Nordunet

  16. 5 4 3 Gigabits per sec 2 622Mbps 1 0 DK FIN S B D E F I NL UK A EL IRL L P GÉANT: The most advanced research backbone NRENs* Access Capacity to the GEANT Backbone (June and December 2001)

  17. Abilene GÉANT GÉANT + NRENs Trunk Capacity 35 GB/s 120 GB/s No of Main Access Points 36 27 No of Core Nodes 13 12 Accessible Institutions 200 aprox. > 3000

  18. EUMEDIS 155Mbps 5Gbps 2Mbps TEIN ALIS GÉANT international dimension: a world of opportunities

  19. GÉANT: Future challenges • Consolidate outreaching • Address the Terabits per second • Enhance “inclusiveness” (educational networks, libraries,...) • Strengthen links with industry • Anticipate “full” liberalization in telecommunications

  20. Technology Disruptive emerging Experimental Advanced All research disciplines Very demanding communities Research on networking GÉANT: One element of a strategy IPv6, Optical,... next generation Internet GRIDS GÉANT

  21. GRIDs: A new dimension in networking The GRID aims to create unprecedented computing and information power by linking individual machines over high-speed networks using advanced middleware.

  22. The Large Hadron Collider Project CERN GRIDs: Why do we need them… CERN... Storage – Raw recording rate 0.1 – 1 Gbps Accumulating at 5-8 PetaBytes/year 10 PetaBytes of disk Processing – 200,000 of today’s fastest PCs

  23. Automotive industry... GRIDs: Why do we need them… Industry... Mercedes Benz crash simulations - one run uses 100 h CPU 1.5 GB memory Storage

  24. GRIDs: A new dimension in networking The concept of GRIDs addresses the situation in which the bandwidth of the network blurs the frontiers of the computer… GRIDs deploys technologies that give users a seamless, secure access to a variety of data and computing resources… GRIDs integrate and adds value to networking, computing, middleware, security, knowledge engineering, ...

  25. GRIDs: Building virtual communities GRIDs address the needs of virtual communities and fosters the efficient exploitation of the huge investments in research infrastructures: • High Energy Physics • Earth & Space Observation • Environment • Bio-sciences and Health • Industrial design/simulation/visualization • ASP

  26. GRIDs: The European efforts EU supported GRIDs work complements national Programmes: • UK - eScience Programme • Italy - INFN Grid • Netherlands - DutchGrid • Germany - Unicore plus • France - Grid funding approved • Ireland - Grid-Ireland • Poland, Czech Republic - seed funding

  27. EGSO Applications GRIA CROSSGRID EUROGRID GRIP DATAGRID Middleware& Tools GRIDLAB GRIDSTART DAMIEN DATATAG Underlying Infrastructures Industry / business Science GRIDs: An integrated approach

  28. GRIDs: The IST projects • 37Meuro of IST funding • Strong consensus formation and contribution to standards: GGF, IETF, W3C, MPI, etc • Most developments follow Open Architecture approach.

  29. Application requirements: • Real-time, Resource brokerage, Portals, Coupled applications • 6 European countries • Globus/Unicore interface GRIDs: Examples of large testbeds • EUROGRID, GRIP

  30. DATAGRID, CROSSGRID GEANT INFRASTRUCTURE • Application requirements: • Computing > 20 TFlops/s • Downloads > 0.5PBytes • Network speeds at 10 Gbps • 17 European countries • Collaboration of more than 2000 scientists GRIDs: Examples of large testbeds

  31. DATATAG (cross-Atlantic testbed) (2Gbps) Links with US projects (GriPhyN, PPDG, iVDGL,…) GRIDs: Examples of large testbeds

  32. Portals; Application interfaces (including coupled/interactive applications) • Techniques for data search, mass storage, data analysis • Dynamic resource discovery and scheduling; Resource brokerage. • Connectivity services (e.g .advanced network reservation, QoS, access greater range of end-user facilities) GRIDs: Creating a solid technology base

  33. Security, including support for end-to-end business processes. • Management, with emphasis on accounting, performance. • Monitoring, including advanced visualization techniques. • Interoperability (at various levels, including Globus-Unicore interface, Windows applications). GRIDs: Creating a solid technology base

  34. IPv6: A new protocol for the new Internet • Interconnecting a myriad of “personal” devices ... • Going mobile… • … and “always-on”… • Restoring the end-to-end model • Consumer electronic products IP enabled…

  35. IPv6: Business case • IPv6 is designed to improve upon IPv4's scalability, security, ease-of-configuration, and network management… • These issues are crucial to the competitiveness and performance of all types of network-dependent businesses.

  36. RIPE NCC ARIN APNIC IPv4 addresses allocation ARIN: 74% RIPE NCC: 17% APNIC: 9% IPv6: IPv4 address space • Risk of global IPv4 addresses becoming critically scarce by 2005 • Uneven distribution of the address space

  37. IPv6: A coordinated strategy • Technological components • Experimentation in large testbeds • Integration of fixed and mobile • Co-operation with IPv6 Forum • Launching of IPv6 Task Force • Communication to the Council and Parliament

  38. IPv6: Why testbeds • Considering the level of standardization, the availability of technology, the scale of current experimentation, the emergence of applications and the need to accelerate the uptake of this technology… Large scale testbeds, involving the right set of actors, emerge as an ideal way to structure, consolidate and integrate European efforts on IPv6.

  39. To Japan • 6NET To NorthAmerica • EURO6IX To Korea IPv6: Major testbeds • Native IPv6 at: 34 Mbps, 155 Mbps, 2,5 Gbps • Pan-European coverage

  40. FP6: Research networks related work • Establish a high capacity and high speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GEANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (GRIDs). • Create large-scale distributed systems & platforms, including Grid-based systems to solve complex problems in areas like the environment, energy, health, transport, industrial design. 300 MEuro

  41. Conclusions • EU is actively promoting Information Society in Europe • Networking for Research is a imp ortant priority for EU policy • With the support of the IST Programme and in the context of the eEurope action plan, a new generation backbone for research has been launched • In parallel, EU is investing in networking technologies such as GRIDS to support highly demanding user community

  42. Thanks for your attention

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