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Speaker: Blaž Primožič. Hock GmbH & Co. KG – The Company. 1996 The cultivation of hemp varieties with a low THC level is allowed again in Germany Product idea by Carmen Hock-Heyl 1997 Development of Thermo-Hanf ® 1998 Thermo-Hanf ® gains the technical approval
Hock GmbH & Co. KG – The Company 1996 The cultivationofhempvarietieswith a low THC levelisallowedagain in Germany Productideaby Carmen Hock-Heyl 1997 Development ofThermo-Hanf® 1998Thermo-Hanf®gainsthetechnicalapproval Hock GmbH iscreated in Stutensee andconsistsof 3 employees Thermo-Hanf®isproducedexternally, accordingtothespecificationsof Carmen Hock-Heyl 1999 Phase ofintroduction on themarket, participation on numerousfairsandtrainingofretailers, craftsmen, architectsand end consumers 2003 Renate Künast and Carmen Hock-Heyl initiate an end consumersubventionforinsulationmadeof “renewablerawmaterials“ Acquisitionoftheproductionfacility in Nördlingen 2004 Extension ofthedistributionnetworkanddevelopmentofforeignmarkets 2005Relocationofthecompletedistributionto Nördlingen
Hock GmbH & Co. KG – The Company 2006 R+D projectwith Hock, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German federalenvironmentfoundation) and Fraunhofer Institute forthedevelopmentof a completelybiogenousinsulation Extension ofthesalesteam 2007 Start-upofourownimpregnationline, toimpregnatehempfibreswithsodaforfireprotection AcquisitionoftheHeraflaxproductionline Begin ofdismantling in Simbach andreconstruction in Nördlingen Expiryofthe end consumersubvention 2008Triplicationoftheproductioncapacity SignificantpricedecreaseforThermo-Hanf® Market launchoftheProCrea®claypanelsfromourownproduction in Lippetal 2009 Market launchoftheProCrea®clayplastersfromourownproduction in Nördlingen 2010 Market launchofThermo-Hanf® Plus 2011 Hock employsmorethan 60 people Market launchofThermo-Hanf®Xtra 2012Market launchof Thermo-Hanf® Block and Thermo-Hanf® Fill
AbouttheHistoryofHemp On the U.S.S. Constitutiontherewereat least 50 tonsofhemp: Banners, sails, rigging, sealingcompound, flags, seacharts, bibles, logbooks, clothing, uniforms, paper ...
Hempmeanstothe Environment • Protection of the non-renewable resources • Enrichment of the biodiversity in the cultural landscape • Cultivation without chemical pest management • Binding and storage of CO2 • A very good field for bees and insects • during the bloom • Hemp products can be manufactured witha low energy input • Short transportationdistancesthroughcultivation in Germany
Protect the climate with Thermo-Hanf®! Comparedtothe total energyinput, thereis so muchstorage potential per onecubicmeter Thermo-Hanf® Plus that a buildingowner, whooptsfor Thermo-Hanf® Plus, alreadyreducestheamountof CO2 in theatmospherebyapproximately 14.4 kg per cubicmeter. Example: A typicalsinglefamilyhousewithapproximately 100m² floorspaceand an insulationneedofappr. 35m³ istobeinsulatedwithThermo-Hanf® Plus. Ifthefamilyinsulatesitshousewith Thermo-Hanf® Plus they will achieve, alreadywheninstallingtheinsulation, a CO2reductionofappr. 500 kg.
CO2 balance of a passive house in regards to the insulation used and the energy for its production Specifications: Living space: 150 m² Insulation: 150 m³ Energy consumption: 150 x 15 kWh = 2250 kWh ------------------------------------------------------------- CO2 emission for the production of one KWh In the energy mix in Germany: 0.645 kg/kWh Climate Change Report 08/2008 Case 1: Mineral wool insulation Average energy for the production of 1 m³ mineral wool: 500 kWh Average energy for the production of 150 m³ mineral wool: 75.000 kWh CO2 emission for the production through its energy consumption: 75.000 x 0,645 = 48,38 t CO2 storage in the product: 0,00 t -------------------------- Sum of the CO2 emission for the production 48,38 t A car with a CO2 emission of 175 g/km has released the same amount of CO2 after 276.457 km
CO2 balance of a passive house in regards to the insulation used and the energy for its production Specifications: Living space: 150 m² Insulation: 150 m³ Energy consumption: 150 x 15 kWh = 2250 kWh ------------------------------------------------------------- CO2 emission for the production of one KWh In the energy mix in Germany: 0.645 kg/kWh Climate Change Report 08/2008 Case 2: Wood fibre insulation Average energy for the production of 1 m³ wood fibre: 1500 kWh Average energy for the production of 150 m³ wood fibre: 225.000 kWh CO2 emission for the production through its energy consumption: 225.000 x 0,645 = 145,13 t CO2 storage in the product: 140 kg/m³ x 150 m³ x 1.500 kg31,50 t -------------------------- Sum of CO2 emission for the production 113,63 t A car with a CO2 emission of 175 g/km has released the same amount of CO2 after 649.314 km
CO2 balance of a passive house in regards to the insulation used and the energy for its production Specifications: Living space: 150 m² Insulation: 150 m³ Energyconsumption: 150 x 15 kWh = 2250 kWh ------------------------------------------------------------- CO2 emission for the production of one KWh In the energy mix in Germany: 0.645 kg/kWh Climate Change Report 08/2008 Case 3: Thermo-Hanf®, hemp fibre insulation Average energy for the production of 1 m³ Thermo-Hanf®: 65 kWh Average energy for the production of 150 m³ Thermo-Hanf®: 9750 kWh CO2 emission for the production through its energy consumption: 9.750 x 0,645 = 6,29 t CO2 storage in the product : 38 kg/m³ x 150 m³ x 1.500 kg 8,55 t ------------------------ Sum of CO2 emission for the production - 2,26 t The owners of this house can drive 12.914 km with their car and they will still be CO2 neutral regarding the insulation
Thermo-Hanf®isproduced in Nördlingen, Bavaria, andguaranteesa high degreeofflexibilityand dependabilityaswellas a reliabledeliveryperiod. Quality from Germany Our own quality control at the factory as well as external quality control by the F.I.W. (Research Institute for Heat Protection) ensure a constant product quality. We continuously carry out research and development work in our own laboratory.
Hock – The Assortment Insulations: Thermo-Hanf®Premium Thermo-Hanf Block® Thermo-Hanf®Plus Thermo-Hanf Fill® Thermo-Hanf®XtraOpti-Plan® Thermo-Hanf®WoolCuttingtools Thermo-Hanf®Stepfor Thermo-Hanf ® Air and Wind Seals:Air sealsWind sealsFasteners ProCrea® Clay Products:Clay panels Clay finishingplasterClay blocks Clay paintingplasterClay bricks Clay paintsClay plasters & mortarPrimers & Reed products
Classic:Thermo-Hanf® Premium Formorethan a decade, thisproducthasbeenthemarketleader in qualityandquantitywithinthenaturalfibreinsulations in Europe. Thermo-Hanf® Premium hasbeenassessed “thebestinsulation material madeofrenewablerawmaterials“ by Stiftung Warentest. As supportingfibre, weuse a bi-componentfibre on polyesterbasis. Components: 83-87% Hempfibres 10-12% Polyester bi-componentfibres 3-5% Soda asfireprotection Thermo-Hanf® Premium isavailableasmatsandrolls.
Innovation:Thermo-Hanf® Plus Thermo-Hanf® Plus was developedat Hock in Nördlingen within a projectfundedbythe German Environment Foundation. This insulationistheconsequentproductadvancementwithinthecompanystrategyforsustainability. The supportingfibreused in Thermo-Hanf® Plus ismadeofcornstarch. Components: 83-87% Hempfibres 10-12% Cornstarch bi-componentfibres 3-5% Soda asfireprotection Thermo-Hanf® Plus isonlyavailableasmats.
The FaçadeInsulation System:Thermo-Hanf®Xtra • PerfectInsulation. • PerfectFaçade. • PerfectClimateProtection. • Thermo-Hanf®Xtraisthe alternative to traditional systemsandoffersnumerousadvantages: • Possibletoconstructevery type offaçade • Constructionupto 320mm possible • Installation almostwithoutcoldbridges • Use in newbuildingsandrenovation • Fixing possible on all surfaces • Irregularitiescaneasilybeevened • Free staticsanalysisby Hock • Free installation plan by Hock • Climateprotectionthrough positive CO²balancealreadywheninstallingtheinsulation
Customised Manufacturing WithoutSurcharge Itisconvenientto fit insulationmatsquickly withouttheannoying and time consuming cutting. YoumayobtainThermo-Hanf®even in smallquantitiescutexactlytoyourspecifications – andyou do not havetopay extra forthisservice. = Quick and easy installation withoutitchingandscratching
Best insulation made of renewable raw materials for insulation between the rafters. The life cycle of the product has been tested in regards to environment, health and function. Full declaration of all materials used. Full declaration of the resources used in Thermo-Hanf®: fossil (red), mineral (yellow), renewable (green). Certificates Assessed “good“ for heat insulation and material composition. Total evaluation “very good“. . Tested in regards to health, low emissions, positive effect on the indoor climate and comfort, improvement of the air quality and further building biological criteria.
Advantages forthe Customer andtheCraftsmen Thermo-Hanf® • enables easy and quick installationwithoutitchingandscratching • guaranteesprotectionagainstthecold in thewinteraswellasheat in thesummer • creates an agreeableindoorclimate– throughgooddiffusioncapacity– throughmoistureregulatingeffect • ismanufacturedalready in smallquantitiestoyourspecifications - without a surcharge • ismanufacturedandprocessedwith a lowenergyinput • isrecyclable • convincesby a goodprice-performanceratioanda high long-termfunctionality • hasthe European Technical Approvalandmanycertificates
Thermo-Hanf®in Slovenia • Proformd.o.o. hasbeen an authorizeddealerforThermo-Hanf®andother Hockproductsin Sloveniasince 2007 • The aimistoincreasetherecognisabilityoftheproducts • Anothergoalistosetup a distributionnetworkacrossthecountrytoincreasetheaccessto Thermo-Hanf®andother Hock productsforarchitects, constructioncompaniesand end consumers