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Why Educational Toys are so Important for Children

An educational toy is any toy that provides a child with an opportunity to learn u2013 it effectively stimulates learning. It can help develop a particular skill, or teach a child about a particular thing. It also, most importantly, provides fun. Find out why educational toys are so important for children.<br>

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Why Educational Toys are so Important for Children

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  2. WhatisPlay? DiscussionOverview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Enjoyable Spontaneous Voluntary Involvesactiveengagement Involvestheimagination Isnotextrinsicallygoal-oriented

  3. Whatare Educational Toys? Aneducationaltoyisanytoythat providesachildwithanopportunityto learn – iteffectivelystimulateslearning. Itcanhelpdevelopaparticularskill,or teachachildaboutaparticularthing.It also,mostimportantly,providesfun.

  4. TheBenefitsof ProvidingyourKids withEducationalToys

  5. Playisfun – anylearning throughplayisenjoyable; fromaninfantdiscoveringhis handsorsuckingonatoytoa school-agechildplayingwith abatandball.

  6. EducationalToyshelpin sensorydevelopment – from brightcolouredrattlesfora babytocraftactivitiesfor olderchildrenwhichhelp developfinemotorskills.

  7. Thesetoysteachvaluablelife lessons – includingcauseand effect; likeplayingwith blocks:buildingatowerthen knockingitdown.

  8. Theyretainachild’sinterest – thechildwillwanttoplay withthemoveragain.

  9. Educationaltoyscanhelp growachild’sIQ – through memoryretention,motor skillsdevelopment, coordination,andeven literacyandnumeracy.

  10. Educationaltoyscanbuild socialandemotional development – playingwith others,sharing,bonding, takingturns,leadershipand teamwork; allofthesebuild confidence.

  11. Conclusion Childrenlearnbyplaying,beingactive,beingwithothers,exploring anddiscovering,usingtheirimaginations,bybeingchallenged mentallyandphysically,andbybeingshownnewthings.Educational toysareveryhelpfulintheseendeavours.

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  13. THANKYOU!!

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