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Teens' Sugar Drinks: A Hidden Source of Weight Gain

Did you know that sugary drinks are a major contributor to weight gain in teens? Learn more about this issue and why it's important to be aware of what you're drinking. This story highlights the impact of consuming sugary beverages and the need for healthier choices.

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Teens' Sugar Drinks: A Hidden Source of Weight Gain

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  1. Sugar Drinks a Source of Weight Gain for Teens ___ / 10 pts. LA__8__Ch04–-/08-c Directions: First, edit the footer (View => Header and Footer). Click on the F5 key and click on the yellow arrow to find the audio for this story. Take notes; listen at least twice. Then, click on the Esc key so that you can type your brief, clear, and complete sentences in the highlighted boxes, using your own words. Use the F7 key to check spelling. Finally, save your file and print a copy. • 1. What is the general idea of the story? (2 pts.) • State two facts used in the story. (1 pt. each) • 2. (Fact A) • 3. (Fact B) • 4. Use one of the facts above to make a supporting statement about the story. (2 pts.) • 5. Was the story newsworthy? Give a clear reason why you agree or disagree (4 pts) Type your brief, clear, and complete sentences here to describe the general idea of the story. Type a fact used in the story. Make your answer brief, clear, and complete. Type another fact used in the story. Make your answer brief, clear, and complete. Use of the facts (Fact A or Fact B) to make brief, clear, and complete sentences that support an important idea you heard in the story. This is called “writing a supporting statement”. In your opinion, was this story important? Type your brief, clear, and complete sentences here. Give a reason or reasons why you think the way you do. Make sure it is clear whether your agree or disagree. CORS-678, Sugar Drinks, FirstName LastName; FirstName LastName, ThisSemester ThisYear

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