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A separation method for Gamma ray and Neutron in J-parc E-14 Koto Experiment using a Pulse Shape Discrimination ( PSD ) with CsI Crystal Scintillator. Jong-Kwan Woo (Dept. of Physics, Jeju Nat’l Univ.) 2011-10-24 Jeju N. Univ. Unipark (SeoGuiPo). Abstract.
A separation method for Gamma ray and Neutron in J-parc E-14 Koto Experiment using a Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) with CsI Crystal Scintillator. Jong-Kwan Woo (Dept. of Physics, Jeju Nat’l Univ.) 2011-10-24 Jeju N. Univ. Unipark (SeoGuiPo)
Abstract • A brief introduction of J-Parc E14 experiment will be presented in this talk. A branching ratio of KL->π0ννdecay, a flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) violating the CP conservation, provides the lowest error among the many physical quantities predicted by a Standard Model. People concentrate on this decay mode, because the theory is very simple. And it gives a clue to understand the relation between quarks' generation because this decay mode involves the three quarks interaction simultaneously. It is also ideal to decide the Cabibbo-Kobayashi- Maskawa(CKM) parameter η indicating the mixing amplitude in the frame of the Standard Model. We expect to find a new physics beyond the Standard Model with studying of KL->π0νν decay mode. A calculation of the amplitude of KL->π0νν is simple with the minimum error while it is not easy to measure the decay. The E391a, an experiment using a proton synchrotron in KEK, showed in 2004 the first possibility proving whether the branching ratio predicted in the Standard Model is true. We will measure the amplitude of KL->π0νν decay mode more precisely using J-parc E14 detector that is the extended and the advanced version of the E391a in KEK. We hope to accumulate the first data of J-Parc E14 in December 2011. • A major detection mechanism of KL->π0νν decay is to measure the gamma ray from π0->γγ decay. So, the separation of gamma ray from neutron, background induced in beam line plays the key role for J-parc E-14 experiment. • We will introduce a pulse shape discrimination (PSD) method for separation gamma ray (Minimum Ionization Particle (MIP)) from neutron (Heavy Ionization Particle (HIP)) using a CsI crystal scintillator. 총 33장 가운데
Motivation and Goal • In Experimental nuclear and particle physics, Identifying particles, especially γ-ray, neutron, and charged particles, • Is fundamental. • Ex) Dark Matter (WIMP), a Neutral kaon experiment at J-Parc E-14, Neutrino experiment… • Pulse shape discrimination(PSD; 파형모양판별법): An elastic collision between incident particle and scintillator signal detection with PhotoMultiplier Tube(PMT) identification incident particle. • PSD with Liquid Scintillator: higher efficiency, difficult to handle • PSD with Crystal Scintillator: lower efficiency, easy handling. • Goal for our study: to improve PSD method with Crystal scintillator 총 33장 가운데
1A Particle Physics Experiment using Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) Dark Matter (WIMP) • Galaxies 에 있는 물질을 직접 관측함으로써 dark Matter의 존재를 알 수 있다. • Vobj2 = GM/R • M >> Mvisible • 90~99% of Universe Mass is Not observed (hidden mass), yet. • We call it Dark Matter . • currently ¼. • Assume: Most of Dark matter stays in galactic halo. 총 33장 가운데
* Baryonic Dark Matter MACHO: (10-7 M⊙<MBD<10 M⊙) -brown dwarfs:( MBD<0.08 M⊙) -Jupiters : (~0.001 M⊙) Neutral Hydrogen and molecular clouds * Non-Baryonic Dark Matter Hot type: (V ≥ c/100) -light neutrino Cold Type:(V ≤ c/100) -WIMP: (10GeV ~ few TeV) -axion (10-5eV) Dark Matter Candidates9*10-72M⊙(10-5eV, Axion) < MDM < 104M⊙ (Black hole) 총 33장 가운데
Neutralino (candidate for WIMP) • MSSM predicts the neutralino that is consisted of supersymmetric partners of photons, Z bosons and Higgs. • Neutralios (WIMP) are localized in the galactic scale. . 총 33장 가운데
2A Particle Physics Experiment applying Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) • The meeting of Matter and Anti-matterannihilates each other with radiating photon. Matter - Anti matter Annihilation Anti-matter matter • Evidently, however, matterwon against antimatter. • Just a tiny deviation from perfect symmetry seems to have been enough – (particles of matter: particles of antimatter = 1010+1 : 1010) This excess of matter was the seed of our whole universe, which filled with galaxies, stars and planets – and eventually life. But what lies behind this symmetry violation in the cosmos is still a major mystery and an active field of research. 총 33장 가운데
Through the looking glass Natural laws should be perfectlysymmetrical and absolute. But not always. • Three Symmetries in Elementary Particle Physics • P (Parity) x -x • C (Charge) Cmatter=-Canti-matter • T (Time) t -t : motion should be independent whether forwards or backwards in time. Symmetries in Physics should be conserved. Ex) Energy conservation before and after event Energy is symmetrical in time. Ex) Charge conservation symmetry in electromagnetic theory 총 33장 가운데
Solving the mystery of the broken symmetry • Maybe, Sakharov’s conditions (incorporated) SM of physics. Then the surplus of matter created at the birth of the universe. Fitch and Cronin found doubly broken symmetry. • Why a considerably smaller broken symmetry exist in kaons decay. (SM couldn’t explained). • 1972, Makoto Kobayashiand Toshihide Maskawa(University of Kyoto), who were well acquainted with quantum physics calculations, found the solution in a 3 x 3 matrix. • SU(3)quarkSU(3) color 총 33장 가운데
노벨상 위원회의 2008 년 노벨 물리학상 공식 발표 symmetry broken (대칭 깨짐)이 수상 동기 총 33장 가운데
KOTO Experiment, KEK, J-PARCE-14 KL 0experiment 60 members/16 institutes/6 countries Korean Participants 우종관, 김용주, 고재우, 임계엽1, 김은주2, 박인규3, 정명신3, 강서곤3, 김유상3, 안정근4, 이효상4, 백광윤4 (제주국립대학교1KEK 2전북대학교 3서울시립대학교 4부산대학교) = K0 at Tokai K0TO 총 33장 가운데
Neutral Kaon Decay KL 0 BR (=2.8±0.4ⅹ10-11 by SM) 측정 determination Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) parameter η (측정오차가 가장 큼) CKM: Matter-Anti Matter symmetry breaking comes from mixing with quarks in 3 generations. Reason and Amplitude=? Experiment will give the Answer. • KL 0 BR 계산 (이론) 매우 간결하나 측정(실험) 매우 까다로움 • KL 0measurement by using measurement 0e+e- • Problem: BR<1% • 0 (BR=99%): Kinematical Constraint • 실험 제안 1989 • 2004 KEK-PS e391a 실험의 가능성을 보여줌 • 2008 J-Parc E-14 실험 제안 proved (건설 및 빔 테스트 완료 2010) • 2011년 4월 실험 예정 총 33장 가운데
Flavor Changing neutral Current (FCNC) KL 0 (sd FCNC process) Interaction with Lepton-current of (intermediated by t). 붕괴 진폭은 약상호작용 만의 미지의 파라미터에 의해서 결정됨 (K→eπʋ과 비교해서 알 수 있음). J. Ellis 총 33장 가운데
KOTO at hadron hallin KEK J-Parc 총 33장 가운데
KL 0 measurement at KEK e391a • Measurement KL 0 using 0 • New method: 1) reduce missing with photon detector covering 4. 2) Get rid of transverse momentum of KL Pt=0 for . need the smallest KL beam cross section. (optimized by GEANT4 simulation) • Major back ground (Neutron making 0 easily : n+An+A+0 ) Currently unique Sol.; High Vacuum (10−5 Pa) reduce collision n & A. 총 33장 가운데
KL 0 e391a Signal region BG by material BG by CO2 총 33장 가운데
Direct Detection Mechanism usingPSD method with a Liquid Scintillator 총 33장 가운데
Nucl.Inst. & Meth. 196 101 (1982) Nucl.Inst. & Meth. 3 207 (1982) P.R. B20 3486 (1979) P.R. B21 2632 (1979) J.Luminescence 18/19 487 (1979) J. Chem Phys. 50 3143 (1969) J. Chem Phys. 42 4250 (1965) 총 33장 가운데
Singlet and Triplet states of ExcimerX2* • Meta-stable target molecule X2* same as 2-body analysis • Two nuclei can have 4 spin states. • |X1,X2> =|↑,↑> • |X1,X2> =|↑,↓> + |↓,↑> • |X1,X2> =|↑,↓> - |↓,↑> • |X1,X2> =|↓,↓> • Total spin s =1ℏ or 0 target nucleus’ spin 1/2ℏ . s=1: sz=mℏ, m = 1, 0, -1 (triplet state) s=0: sz=mℏ, m = 0 (singlet state) • Τtriple =(27 ns) << Tsingle(2.2 s) • 입사입자에 따라서 핵자의 단일항 (singlet) 상태와 삼중항 (triplet) 상태에서 방출하는 광자의 세기와 방출시간의 비율이 다름. 총 33장 가운데
Direct Detection Mechanism usingPSD method with a Liquid Scintillator 총 33장 가운데
Amplification Processes JKPS 50-2 (2007) p524,JKPS 49-1 (2006) p266 총 33장 가운데
(NS/NT)MIIP> (NS/NT)HIP Previous Studies NT: Amplitude of Fast signal from Triplet state. • NS: Amplitude of Slow signal from Singlet state. Heavy Ionization Particle (HIP), Minimum Ionization Particle (MIP) Neutron, Proton, MuonHIP, Gamma RayMIP 총 33장 가운데
Experimental Setup • MC-50 proton cyclotron at KIRAMS(원자력의학원) produces p (50 MeV). • p collides Be Target. produce. n or . 총 33장 가운데
Beam Specification and Beam Current:40 μA Average proton Energy:35 MeV Neutron Production rate: 2.75*1011/hr/cm2 Spreading 120 cm belowcollimator N-Beam scanning Area: 54X54 cm Square region. Place CsI crystal (7.5*7.5*20 cm) Scintillator at 10, 27, and 50 cm from center of N-beam. 총 33장 가운데
Typical Signals • X : time [s] Y: amp [v] • left) signals form neutronbeam, right) signals form cosmicray. 총 33장 가운데
Pulse Shape Analyzing • integrating Pulse • Finding Break point after 3-dim fitting(right) • Calculating the ratio of areas the tail to Body 총 33장 가운데
Slowsignal VS Fast signal • X: amp of slow signal (tail) • Y: amp of fast signal (head) • 중성자가 많은(rich) 실험일수록 fastsignal (Y)의 비율이 커짐 • Cosmic 그림에서 두 개의 묶음에서 위쪽(좌측)의 묶음이 중성자 • Slope약 18인 (y=18x+5)선을 기준으로 나뉨 총 33장 가운데
Histogram of Slowsignal VS Fast signal • x: ratio of (amp of Fast/amp of slow)/5 • Deeps Slope 18 (at previous page) 총 33장 가운데
Comparison Liquid and Crystal Scintillator after applying my PSD method CsI Crystal Scintillator Xe Liquid scintillator 총 33장 가운데
Comparison signals between CsI crystal withmyPSDand Liquid Scintillator with classical PSD CsI crystal Scintillator (cosmic ray) BC501A Liquid Scintillator (artificial source) 총 33장 가운데
Comparison signals between CsI crystal withmy PSDandLiquid Scintillator with classical PSD(Exposured by Cosmic Ray) CsI crystal Scintillator Xe Liquid Scintillator [APH 28 132 (2007)] Detail analysis will be published soon. 총 33장 가운데
Summary • We established a Pulse shape discrimination (PSD) method with CsI crystalScintillator. • We found the possibility of PSD method using CsI crystal scintillatorto separate the neutron signal from gamma ray signal. • Recommend this PSD method for the rare event experiment. NextStep • We need the additional and more detail experiments. • And, more precise analysis tool. 총 33장 가운데