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Status of APAN [Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium]

Status of APAN [Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium]. Kyushu-Korea Broardband Project Meeting 2001.8.31 Kilnam Chon, Yong-Jin Park. 1. What’s APAN. APAN is a non-profit international consortium for Advanced Networking in Asia-Pacific, established in June 1997.

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Status of APAN [Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium]

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  1. Status of APAN[Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium] Kyushu-Korea Broardband Project Meeting 2001.8.31 Kilnam Chon, Yong-Jin Park

  2. 1. What’s APAN • APAN is a non-profit international consortium for Advanced Networking in Asia-Pacific, established in June 1997.

  3. 2. Advanced Networks in Other Continents • USA: Internet2/Abilene/vBNS • Canada: CA*Net3/4 • Europe: TEN155/GEANT

  4. Network Evolution : Spiral Commercialization Privatization Commercial ISPs 21st Century Networking ANSnet [ARPAnet] [NSFnet] Optical Net Wireless [Gigabit Testbeds] [vBNS,Abilene,CA*Net] APAN R&D/Production R&D/Experimental

  5. 3. Objective • Research & Development for Advanced Applications and Services • Advanced Networking Environment for Research Community • Asia-Pacific Backbone • Intercontinental Links • Regional Cooperation • International Collaboration

  6. 4.NSF Grant • Submission to NSF HPIIS program on 1997.8 (KR,JP,AU,SG, Indiana Univ) HPIIS:High Performance International Internet Service • Award $10 M over 5 years to Indiana Univ, TransPAC, on 1998.9.

  7. Japan Europe Korea STAR TAP (USA) China Hong Kong • Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia • Sri Lanka Singapore Indonesia Current status 2001(plan) • Australia • 5. APAN Network Topology 2001.8.14

  8. APAN Link List 2001. 7. 10

  9. 2000. 1. 6 apan-sec 6. Members Primary Member Australia: ACSys China: APAN-CN Consortium CERNET, CSTNET Japan: APAN-JP Consortium APII/CRL, IMNet/JST, KDD, MAFFIN/MAFF RWCP/ETL, SINET/NII AI3/WIDE Korea: APAN-KR Consortium Malaysia TEMAN Singapore: SINGAREN USA: Indiana University/HPIIS Associate Member Thailand : (NECTEC) Liaison Member Canada: CANARIE Europe: DANTE Affiliate Member CIGRA

  10. 7. Activities Application Middle ware Network User Community Video, Archive, QoS, … Commodity Internet Advanced Internet (Int’l Link, Domestic Network, Campus Network)

  11. 7.1 High Speed Networking • High speed intercontinental connections and performance tuning • Intracontinental connections through connectivity programs such as APII, AI3,.. • Exchange Point(XP) Improvement and Interconnection

  12. 2001.3.20 7.2 Working Groups Technology Area IPv6 Measurement Multimedia Satellite Internet Digital TV QoS Network Storage & Content Dist. User Community Area Digital Library Education Grid Medical Informatics Global Design & Manufacturing Natural Resource Area Agriculture Earth Monitoring BioInformatics

  13. 7.3 Human Resource Development • Two Meetings Per Year • Workshop/ Conference • Working Group Meetings • Committee Meeting

  14. 2001. 8. 22 8. Schedule 1996. 3.28 Tsukuba Ad hoc Meeting(during APEC Symposium) 1996. 5-1997.5 Preliminary Meetings, Workshops & Visits 1997. 6.2-3 Tokyo First APAN Meetings 10.20-21 Singapore Second APAN Meetings 1998. 3.2-5 Tsukuba Third APAN Meetings 7.1-3 Seoul Fourth APAN Meetings 1999. 2.19-21 Osaka Fifth APAN Meetings 9.21-24 Canberra Sixth APAN Meetings 2000. 2.15-17 Tsukuba Seventh APAN Meetings 8.22-25 Beijing Eighth APAN Meetings 2001. 2.1- 2 Honolulu Ninth APAN Meetings 8.20-22 Penang 10th APAN Meetings 2002.1.23-25 Phuket 11th APAN Meetings 8.26-28 Shanghai 12th APAN Meetings 2003 1/2 Kyushu(?) 13th APAN Meetings

  15. Exchange 9. Global Advanced Research Networks CA*net 3, Abilene, vBNS (North America) APAN national networks (Asia) TEN155/GEANT national networks (Europe) National Networks (Latin America)

  16. Thank you! http://apan.net

  17. Appendix A: Bibliography AI3 www.ai3.net APAN www.apan.net CA*Net3 www.canarie.ca/c3 DANTE(TEN-155) www.dante.net Internet2 www.internet2.edu STAR TAP www.startap.net vBNS www.vbns.net Abilene www.ucaid.edu/abilene

  18. Appendix B: Committees and Centers APAN Member Committee Network Operation Center Tokyo XP Seoul XP Singapore XP Engineering Teams IPv6 Measurement Multicast QoS Resource Allocation Committee

  19. Appendix C: APAN Organization and People APAN Committee Chair Kilnam Chon (kr) Deputy Chair Shigeki Goto(jp) Deputy Chair Jianping Wu(cn) APAN Secretariat Director Yong Jin Park(kr) Network Operation Center Director Kazunori Konishi (jp) Deputy Chair Jaehwa Lee(kr) User Community Area Chair (Markus Buchhorn(au)) Natural Resource Area Chair Seishi Ninomiya(jp) Deputy Chair (Tan Hock Soon(sg)) Technology Area Chair (Shigeki Goto (jp)) Deputy Chair (Chul-Hee Kang (kr))

  20. Appendix D : Major R&E Networks in Asia-Pacific 2001. 8. 20 Australia AARNET2 : www.aarnet.edu.au/network China CERNET : www.edu.cn/cernet CSTNET : www.cstnet.net.cn Hong Kong HARNET : www.hku.hk/harnet India ERNET : www.doe.ernet.in Japan IMNET : www.imnet.ad.jpp JGN : www.jgn.tao.go.jp SINET : www.nacsis.ac.jp WIDE : www.wide.ad.jp Korea KOREN : www.koren21.net KREONET : www.kreonet.re.kr Malaysia TEMAN : www.tmi.net.my Philippines PHNET : www.ph.net Singapore SINGAREN : www.singaren.net.sg Taiwan TANET : www.ntu.edu.tw/TANet Thailand NECTEC : www.nectec.or.th Vietnam IOIT : www.ioit.ac.vn

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