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Valentine Poems. VALENTINE There's nothing like a valentine, To make a smile appear, A heart-shaped card filled with kind words, Sent from someone who's dear. A friend or even a relative, Who takes the time to say, I like you just because you're you. That's what is done this day.
VALENTINEThere's nothing like a valentine,To make a smile appear,A heart-shaped card filled with kind words,Sent from someone who's dear.A friend or even a relative,Who takes the time to say,I like you just because you're you.That's what is done this day.
RECIPE FOR VALENTINE'S JOY1/2 cup Hugs4 tsp Kisses4 cups Love1 cup Special Holiday Cheer1/2 cup sweetheart hugs3 tsp cinnamon hearts2 cups Love and Kindness1 bag of Valentines1 medium-size bag of great big red hearts(the regular kind won't do!)Blend all and sprinkle with lots of love!
THE LEGEND OF THE VALENTINE... The legend says St. ValentineWas in a prison cellThinking of his little flockHe had always loved so wellAnd wanting to assure themOf his friendship and his loveHe picked a bunch of violetsAnd sent them by a dove.
And on the violets' leavesHe pierced these lines divineThat simply said, "I Love You"And "I'm your Valentine"So through the years that followedFrom that day unto thisFolks still send messages of loveAnd seal them with a kiss.
Because a Saint in prisonReached through prison bars one dayAnd picked a bunch of violetsAnd sent them out to sayThat faith and love can triumphNo matter where you areFor faith and love are greaterThan the strongest prison bar.
DEAR VALENTINEDear Valentine, I send my lovewithin these words I write;I send devotion, tender thoughts,and moments of delight,expressing all the warmth and joy,each loving sweet caress,with hopes and dreams that you shall findalong with happiness.
Dear Valentine, I send my heart,affection, dear and true,because this heart that is my ownbelongs to only you.I cannot tell in words alonejust all you mean to me,and yet I send my fondest thoughtsthat surely you shall see.
Love finds a way to touch a heart,to set a world aglow;'tis ever bright and beautiful;I feel that you must knowhow very special you've becomewithin this life of mine.Once more today I send my loveto you - dear Valentine.
VALENTINE FLOWERSA rose can say I love you,Orchids can enthrall,But a weed bouquet in a chubby fist,Oh my, that says it all!
IS MY VALENTINE AT THE ZOO Valentine, valentine, who will you be?A yawning sloth that hangs from a tree, or aLong-legged giraffe with big brown eyes,Elusive elephant of enormous size,Nattering parrot or yackety yak,Thirsty camel with a hump on his back,Itching monkey, bumbling old bear,Nosy narwhale, or panda rare,Earnest emu who cannot fly,'Smallest chickadee in the sky, or Dandy kangaroo who bounds so high?All of these animals in the zooYearn to be mine...but I'd rather have you!
MY TWO VALENTINES I have two lovely valentineseach day of every year - a smiling lass, a smiling ladwhom I hold very dear.Their little hearts hold so much loveand sing with joy untold;and I am richer than a kingwith love worth more than gold.They kiss me and they hug meand climb upon my knee;it's good to just be livingin their happy company.
We share so many hoursof fun and secrets, too;it isn't any wonderthat I love them like I do.Their laughter and their smiles,the twinkle in their eyesmake every day I share with thema wonderful surprise.Candy, cards, or flowerscan make a person glad,but I am truly blessed, indeed,with my smiling lass and lad.
STEADY LIKE A ROCKLove so steady, love so fine,Be my Valentine and I'll be thine.If we love each other, rain or shine,We'll be rockin' hand in handAt a hundred and ninety-nine.
A MIRACLE CALLED LOVE. A miracle called love dwells within the heart,You don't know how it happens,Or when it gets it's start. But the happiness it brings youAlways give a joyful lift,You realize that love,Is God's most precious gift...
SPEAK OF LOVE. When someone speaks of love,They have a smile on their face. When someone speaks of love,They think of a very special place. When someone speaks of love,It is done with fondness. When someone speaks of love,It is done in kindness. When someone speaks of love,It is not with dismay. Won't you! speak of love,and Brighten someones day.
VALENTINE FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Cabbage always has a heart;Green beans string along.You're such a cute tomato,Will you peas to me belong?You've been the apple of my eye,You know how much I care;So lettuce get together,We'd make a perfect pear.
Now, something's sure to turnipto prove you can't be beet;So, if you carrot all for melet's let our tulips meet.Don't squash my hopes and dreams now,Bee my honey, dear;Or tears will fill potato's eyes,While sweet corn lends an ear.
I'll cauliflower shop and say,Your dreams are parsley mine.I'll work and share my celery,So be my valentine.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAYFebruary is the monthwhen hearts go on display;in every card shop windowthere's a fanciful array.Painted hearts and lacy hearts,some with darts and cupid's bow,and on each card endearing words,that say, "I love you so."
I'd like to fill the mailman's packup to the very brimwith valentine's to bless each homeand all who dwell within.I'd like to make a mother smileand brighten Grandma's eyes,and give a dad who feels left outa shiny bright surprise.
I'd like to give to every childa valentine to treasure;one that says "Without a doubtyou're loved beyond all measure!"For all the lonely hearts I'd adda special line or two,letting them know that they are lovedeach day the whole year through!
A super giant valentineto the world I'd send;I'd ask all nations to join heartsand truly be good friends.I'd fill each mailman's pack sky-highwith loving hearts entwined,until the whole wide world becamea great big valentine!
VALENTINE'S GIFT TO THE WORLDI'd like to hang a valentineUpon the world's front door,with hearts of love and peace entwinedTo last forevermore.With love to guide our daily path,There'd be no one in need;God's blessings would be shared by allOf every race and creed
Peace would come to all the worldAs nations great and smallWould put aside their selfish aimsTo work for the good of all.If I could have my wish today,I'd wish for nothing moreThan to hang a great big valentineUpon our world's front door.
VALENTINE GLOWThere is a day in FebruaryWhen hearts are so aglowLittle thoughts of springtimeReach out to melt the snow."Tis love for one another thatThrough cold and gray can shine:Tis the love for one anotherThat makes a Valentine!
VALENTINE'S DAY SMILES Q: What did the boy octopus sayto the girl octopus on Valentine's Day?A: I want to hold your hand, hand,hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.
Q: What did the valentine card say to the stamp?A: Stick with me and we'll go places!
I found it today in a box put awaywith letters faded and brown;with a fan and a bow from the long agoa flower and a blue silken gown. Not a treasure of art.Just a wreath with a heart,and a verse on a rose-bordered page.A bit of the past that went by too fast.A valentine yellowed with age.
With a sigh and a smile, I held it awhilefrom the dark of its scented retreat.Those days were fair - those hours so rare.The first love of youth is so sweet. I found it today. Put it gently away,and remembered the day that it came.I bent lightly to press one more caresswhere my love had written his name.
I'd like to hang a ValentineUpon the world's front doorWith hearts of love and peace entwinedTo last forevermore. With love to guide our daily path,There would be no one in need;God's blessings would be shared by allOf every race and creed.
Peace would come to all the worldAs nations great and smallWould put aside their selfish aimsTo work for the good of all If I could have my wish today,I'd wish for nothing moreThan to hang a great big ValentineUpon our world's front door!