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Coddle [ k od -l]. Definition: (verb) to treat with excessive care or kindness. The teachers coddle their students when they allow them to constantly turn their work in late. . Zealous [ zel-uhs ]. Definition: (adj.) ardently active, devoted or diligent .
Coddle[kod-l] Definition: (verb) to treat with excessive care or kindness. The teachers coddletheir students when they allow them to constantly turn their work in late.
Zealous[zel-uhs] Definition: (adj.) ardently active, devoted or diligent The teacher was overly zealous when teaching Macbeth; she decorated the room like Burnham Woods.
Salacious[suh-ley-shuhs] Definition: (adjective) lustful; lecherous. His salacious grin made me wholly uncomfortable. I immediately stopped talking to him.
Sycophant[sik-uh-fant] Definition: (noun) a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite. He's such a sycophant! He is always sucking up to the boss.
Svelte[svelt, sfelt] Definition: (adjective) slender, especially gracefully slender in figure. David Beckham’s sveltephysique is not the only reason he is a good footballer; he also practices a lot!
Controversial[kon-truh-vur-shall] Definition: (adjective) in relation to a prolonged public dispute, debate. Whether or not "illegal“ immigrants should be allowed free health care is a very controversial issue.
Steadfast[sted-fast] Definition: (adjective) fixed in direction; firm in purpose, resolution, faith, attachment. Her steadfast friendship for over 20 years was the best gift she could have ever given; nothing is better than a loyal and faithful friend!
Quirk[kwurk] Definition: (noun) a peculiarity of behaviour, action, or personality. Humming loudly while walking is only one of his quirks.
Quiescent[kwee-es-uhnt] Definition: (adjective) marked by inactivity; tranquilly at rest. After eating a large meal, the quiescent lions looked harmless, but the trainer still approached with caution.
Misanthrope[mis-uhn-throhp] Definition: (noun) one who hates or mistrusts mankind. The way he walks around speaking negatively about everyone, you would swear he is a misanthrope!
Pragmatic[prag-mat-ik] Definition: (adjective) of or pertaining to a practical point of view. The most pragmatic approach to retaining information you learned in class is to look over your notes every night, ask questions about things that are unclear, and try to apply the information to as many situations as possible.
Methodical[meh-thod-i-kuhl] Definition: (adjective) performed, disposed, or acting in a systematic way; systematic. Classroom routines can become so methodical that students don't seem to even think about what they have to do. They just do it!
Zeitgeist[zahyt-guyst] Definition: (noun) the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time. The scenes depicted in the “The Social Network” reflect the zeitgeist of this generation. “Social networking" on your iPad/iPhone while you're sitting right next to people in a Starbucks!
Relative[rel-uh-tiv] Definition: (noun) considered in relation to something else; comparative; correspondent; proportionate. The relative isolation of life in the country starkly contrasts with the hustle and bustle of the city where people are seemingly crawling all over each other.
Discredit[dis-kred-it] Definition: (verb) harm the good reputation of someone or something. Cheating on an exam is one of the quickest ways to discredit your academic record.
Disseminate[dih-sem-uh-neyt] Definition: (verb) to broadcast; to spread about; to disperse throughout. The quickest way to disseminate information is through internet.
Cupidity[kyou-pid-i-tee] Definition: (noun) inordinate desire for wealth . Many "voyages of exploration" were fuelled by cupidity, not curiosity.
Inscrutable[in-skroo-tuh-buhl] Definition: (adjective) impossible to understand or interpret. Her expression was consistently inscrutable; no one could ever tell if she was happy or sad.
Discombobulate[dis-kuhm-bob-yuh-leyt] Definition: (verb) to throw into confusion; cause to lose one's composure. "To be or not to be." This quote discombobulates many people.
Besmirch[bee-smurch] Definition: (verb) to soil; tarnish; discolour; to detract from the honour or lustre of. The author has besmirchedhis reputation by stealing someone else's story.
Fastidious[fa-stid-ee-uhs] Definition: (adj.) excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please. The architect was extremely fastidious when it came to his blueprints. One line out of place and the whole project had to be thrown in the bin!
Elation[ih-ley-shuhn] Definition: (noun) afeelingorstate of great joy orpride;exultantgladness;highspirits. The boy felt great elation when he won the tennis match.
Justice[juhs-tis] Definition: (noun) the quality of being just or fair. In the interest of justice, the judge ordered Rob to clean all of his graffiti from the walls.
Imitation[im-i-tey-shuhn] Definition: (noun) acounterfeit or copy. Steve thought he had got a bargain when he bought a Rolex watch online. The only problem was it was fake, an imitation!
Ambition[am-bish-uhn] Definition: (noun) a desire for some type of achievement or power, honour, fame, orwealth. She had high ambition, her plan was to become a lawyer.
Leadership[lee-der-ship] Definition: (noun) The positionof a leader, a person who guides or directs a group. The ability tolead. As early as year 7 she displayed remarkable leadership potential.
Schooling[skoo-ling] Definition: (noun) theprocessofbeing taught in a school. When I was a child I enjoyed my schooling but that’s because I had fantastic teachers.
Knowledge[nol-ij] Definition: (noun) The state of knowing information. Jamie had good knowledge of the book.
Achievement[uh-cheev-muhnt] Definition: (noun) Something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, greatcourage,etc. His remarkable achievement in art led to Damien receiving a special award.
Wisdom[wiz-duhm] Definition: (noun) thequalityorstateofbeing wise. Respect your elders, they have great wisdom.
Character[kar-ik-ter] Definition: (noun) One suchfeatureortrait;characteristic. John was a man of fine, honourable character.
Persist[per-sist] Definition: (verb) To continuesteadfastly or firmlyinsomestate, purpose, course of action. Martin’s aim in life was to persist in working for world peace.
Community[kuh-myoo-ni-tee] Definition: (noun) agroup ofanysizewhose members live in a specificplace and often have a common cultural and historicalheritage. Emma was a valued member of her community, she could always be found volunteering at the day centre.
Difference[dif-er-uhns] Definition: (noun) The stateorrelationofbeingdifferent;dissimilarity. There is a great difference between the two.
Aspirations[as-puh-rey-shuhn] Definition: (noun) Agoal ordesired objective. Many young American boys have aspirations of becoming the president.
Responsibility[ri-spon-suh-bil-i-tee] Definition: (noun) aninstanceofbeing responsible. The responsibility for this mess is yours!
Erring[ur-ing] Definition: (adj.) goingastray;in error; wrong. He's erring on the side of caution, but the food was not that bad.
Understanding[kyou-pid-i-tee] Definition: (noun) mentalprocessofapersonwhocomprehends;comprehension; personal interpretation. My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
Resilience[ri-zil-ee-uhns] Definition: (noun) abilitytorecoverreadily from illness, adversity, or the like. Sophie had been told she was very ill but her resilience made her fight back. Now she is fit and healthy.
Contemplation[kon-tuhm-pley-shuhn] Definition: (noun) full or deepconsideration;reflection. The total amount of suffering per year in the world is beyond all contemplation.
Possible[pos-uh-bil] Definition: (adj.) That may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which onehasnoknowledgeto the contrary. It is possible that he has already gone.
Resolute[fa-stid-ee-uhs] Definition: (adj.) firmly determined; set in purpose or opinion. Jodie was resolute in clearing her parents' name after they were charged for a crime they did not commit.