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Elk River Basin

Elk River Basin. Fernie, BC September 7 – 12, 2010. Where in the ?#!! is Fernie?. Elk River Valley. Capt. Joe. Capt. “Elbows” Larry. A Limerick for “Elbows”.

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Elk River Basin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elk River Basin Fernie, BC September 7 – 12, 2010

  2. Where in the ?#!! is Fernie?

  3. Elk River Valley

  4. Capt. Joe Capt. “Elbows” Larry

  5. A Limerick for “Elbows” There was a young lass from Fernie,Whose bouncy demeanor was comely,Said Larry to she, in a moment of glee,It’s your elbows that make me so happy

  6. Michel Creek

  7. SE B.C. Hatch Chart

  8. Bill Wilcox’s Dry Fly Box

  9. Bill’s Bull Trout Box

  10. Day at the Wigwam R

  11. Off-Season condo with lots of space Let Joe cook! Lodging and Meals

  12. Lounging in the Living Room

  13. Trip Costs • Lodging: $175 • Food: $50 • Gas: $100 • Misc: $100 • License: $130 • B.C. 8-day Basic $50 • Classified Waters $20/day (Class II)

  14. Nice Fish!

  15. Imagine Yourself in 2011

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