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13 Years in Knowledge Management A Baker's Dozen Insights. Stan Garfield KMWorld 2009 November 2009. Contents. Collect content; connect people 5 Try things out; improve and iterate 6 Lead by example; model behaviors 7 Set goals; recognize and reward 8
13 Years in Knowledge Management A Baker's Dozen Insights Stan Garfield KMWorld 2009 November 2009
Contents Collect content; connect people 5 Try things out; improve and iterate 6 Lead by example; model behaviors 7 Set goals; recognize and reward 8 Tell your stories; get others to tell theirs 9 Use the right tool for the job; build good examples 10 Enable innovation; support integration 11 Include openly; span boundaries 12 Prime the pump; ask and answer questions 13
Contents Network; pay it forward 14 Let go of control; encourage and monitor 15 Just say yes; be responsive 16 Meet less; deliver more 17 13 things you can try right now 18 Steve Denning’s 13 Key Elements of KM 19 13 Reasons Why People Don’t Share Their Knowledge 20 13 Recommended Blogs 21 13 Blogs & Microblogs by Deloitte People 22
Contents 13 Recommended Sites 23 13 Recommended Communities 24 13 Recommended Conferences 25 13 Recommended Periodicals 26 For additional information 27
Collect content; connect people Link to repositories within discussions Collect basic details in repositories, and connect for more Enable search for content, discussions, and people, using formal taxonomy, social tags, and best bets Patrick Lambe 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Try things out; improve and iterate Implement sooner, not later Solicit feedback Make improvements, repeat the cycle Tom Davenport 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Lead by example; model behaviors Practice what you preach Blog, microblog, start threads, and edit wiki pages Use a KM CoP to show how to lead a community Carla O’Dell 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Set goals; recognize and reward Set 3 goals: simple, fundamental, measurable Consistently communicate and leverage the 3 goals Recognize and reward those who achieve the goals Nancy Dixon 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Tell your stories; get others to tell theirs Engage listeners Provide real examples Demonstrate value Steve Denning 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Use the right tool for the job; build good examples Recommend uses for each tool Enable use of tools Create prototypes, mockups, and initial examples Tom Stewart 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Enable innovation; support integration Don’t require a single platform Encourage innovation, not redundancy Use APIs, RSS, search, and web parts to integrate tools Verna Allee 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Include openly; span boundaries Set the tone for a community The wider and more open, the better Don’t exclude people (except pontificators, spammers, trolls) Larry Prusak 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Prime the pump; ask and answer questions Post questions on behalf of others Redirect one-to-one messages to one-to-many Pose questions to stimulate discussion SIKM Leaders Community Etienne Wenger 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Network; pay it forward Meet in person whenever possible Share relentlessly Ask others to reciprocate Hubert Saint-Onge 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Let go of control; encourage and monitor Set guidelines, rely on existing codes of conduct Communicate, encourage, trust Monitor, garden, allow network to police itself Clay Shirky 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Just say yes; be responsive Ask users what they want Don’t argue Deliver quickly Chris Collison 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Meet less; deliver more Smaller teams are more effective Spend time doing, not meeting Communicate concisely and meaningfully in flexible formats Seth Godin 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 things you can try right now Post to a threaded discussion with a link to a repository. Implement an idea you have been thinking about trying. Create a Twitter account and tweet about your idea. Send a thank you note to a contributor of content you used. Solicit stories of how reusing content resulted in a business benefit. Create a wiki page with a table of tool recommendations. Connect two groups working on the same topic. Invite people from three different places or groups to join a CoP. Take a question sent to you and post it to a threaded discussion. Ask someone outside your organization to present on a call. Write a blog post encouraging others to use a new tool. Solicit suggested enhancements and implement one quickly. Publish a newsletter which is exactly one page long. 13 Years in Knowledge Management
Steve Denning’s 13 Key Elements of KM Communities of Practice Place (online presence) Help Desk Yellow Pages (expertise location) Primer (FAQ) Knowledge Artifacts Bulletin Board (threaded discussions) Doorway (external access) Demand (enhance using narrative) Imagination (for transformational innovation) Risk Management Values (conducive to sharing) Social Media (blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, etc.) 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Reasons Why People Don’t Share Their Knowledge (adapted from Ferdinand Fournies) They don't know why they should do it. They don't know how to do it. They don't know what they are supposed to do. They think the recommended way will not work. They think their way is better. They think something else is more important. There is no positive consequence to them for doing it. They think they are doing it. They are rewarded for not doing it. They are punished for doing it. They anticipate a negative consequence for doing it. There is no negative consequence to them for not doing it. There are obstacles beyond their control. 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Recommended Blogs Mary Abraham - Above and Beyond KM http://aboveandbeyondkm.blogspot.com/ Shawn Callahan - Anecdote http://www.anecdote.com.au/ Ross Dawson - Trends in the Living Networks http://www.rossdawsonblog.com/ Andrew Gent - Incredibly Dull http://incrediblydull.blogspot.com/ Bill Ives - Portals and KM http://billives.typepad.com/portals_and_km/ Valdis Krebs - TNT: The Network Thinker http://www.thenetworkthinker.com/ Matt Moore - Innotecturehttp://innotecture.wordpress.com/ Euan Semple - The Obvious? http://www.euansemple.com/theobvious/ Luis Suarez - E L S U A ~ A KM Blog http://www.elsua.net/ John Tropea - Library clips http://libraryclips.blogsome.com/ Jack Vinson - Knowledge Jolt with Jack http://blog.jackvinson.com/ Kaye Vivian - Dove Lane http://dove-lane.com/ Nancy White - Full Circle http://www.fullcirc.com/wp/ (The names of all people pictured in the previous slides are linked to their blogs.) 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Blogs & Microblogs by Deloitte People Bill Barrett http://twitter.com/wjbarrett Curtis Conley - Discussions on KM and Collaboration http://curtisconley.com/ Lang Davison - The Big Shift http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/bigshift/ Brian Drake - The Green Dotted Line http://briandrake.wordpress.com/ Justin Franks - Social Consulting http://socialconsulting.wordpress.com/ John Hagel - Edge Perspectives http://www.edgeperspectives.typepad.com/ Jay Hariani and Nate Nash - e2.oh http://www.e2oh.com/ Douglas Mazanec http://twitter.com/infoman Lucas McDonnell - Knowledge Connects People http://www.lucasmcdonnell.com/ Lee Romero - On Content, Collaboration and Findability http://blog.leeromero.org/ Ray Sims http://raymondsims.com/ Suzy Tonini http://twitter.com/Infosourcer Jeff Zwier http://twitter.com/jzwier 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Recommended Sites APQC http://www.apqc.org/portal/apqc/site Boris Jaeger http://www.knowledge-management-jaeger.com/ The Bucket http://knowledgebucket.wik.is/ Curtis Conley http://www.curtisconley.com/?page_id=74 50 essential knowledge management sites and blogs http://www.lucasmcdonnell.com/essential-knowledge-management-sites-and-blogs/ Graham Durant-Law's Knowledge Matters http://www.durantlaw.info/ Gurteen Knowledge Website http://www.gurteen.com/gurteen/gurteen.nsf/ Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management http://www.kikm.org/ KM Cyberary http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com/cyberary.html KnowledgeBoard http://www.knowledgeboard.com/index.html NHS Knowledge Management Specialist Library http://www.library.nhs.uk/knowledgemanagement/ KNOW Network http://www.knowledgebusiness.com/ Stan Garfield's KM Site http://stangarfield.googlepages.com 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Recommended Communities actKM Discussion List http://actkm.org/mailman/listinfo/actkm_actkm.org Communities of Practice http://groups.yahoo.com/group/com-prac/ Gurteen Knowledge Group http://groups.google.com/group/gurteen Interdepartmental Knowledge Management Forum (IKMF) http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/ikmf_figs/ KM4Dev (international development practitioners) http://www.km4dev.org/ KM.gov http://wiki.nasa.gov/cm/wiki/?id=1926 KnowledgeBoard http://www.knowledgeboard.com/ Organizational Network Analysis http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/ona-prac/ Search Community of Practice http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/SearchCoP/ Special Libraries Association (SLA) Knowledge Management Division http://wiki.sla.org/display/SLAKM/ Systems Integration KM Leaders http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/sikmleaders/ Taxonomy Community of Practice http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TaxoCoP/ CPsquare http://www.cpsquare.org/ 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Recommended Conferences ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) http://www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/conference/cikm2009/ actKM Conference http://www.actkm.org/conferences.php APQC Annual Knowledge Management Conference http://www.apqc.org/promos/marketing/km/KM_09_Overview.html Babson College Working Knowledge Conference http://www3.babson.edu/Newsroom/Releases/working-knowledge.cfm Braintrust International KM Summit http://www.iirusa.com/braintrust/ Government Knowledge Management Conference http://1105govinfoevents.com/EventOverview.aspx?Event=KM09 Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=787313 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/ International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (ICICKM) http://www.academic-conferences.org/icickm/icickm-home.htm International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW) http://i-know.tugraz.at/ KMWorld & Intranets http://www.kmworld.com/kmw09/ Knowledge Leadership Forum (KLF) http://www.leadershipforuminc.com/forums/klf.htm Midwest KM Symposium http://sites.google.com/site/midwestkmcommunity/ 13 Years in Knowledge Management
13 Recommended Periodicals Anecdote http://www.anecdote.com.au/subscribe.php Ark Group - Inside Knowledge http://www.ikmagazine.com/currentissue.asp Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management http://www.ejkm.com/index.htm Gurteen Knowledge-Letter http://www.gurteen.com/gurteen/gurteen.nsf/id/knowledge-letter International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) http://www.igi-pub.com/journals/details.asp?id=4288 Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/jkm/jkm.jsp Journal of Knowledge Management Practice http://www.tlainc.com/jkmp.htm KMPro Journal http://kmpro.org/static.php?file=journal.htm KMWorld http://www.kmworld.com/ Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) http://www.palgrave-journals.com/kmrp/index.html K Street Directions http://www.knowledgestreet.com/About_Us/Directions/directions.html Melcrum - KM Review http://www.melcrum.com/products/journals/kmr.shtml Step Two Designs - KM Column http://www.steptwo.com.au/subscribe 13 Years in Knowledge Management
For additional information Visit my web site and follow me on Twitter @stangarfield Read my book and my blog archives Join the SIKM Leaders CoP and the Midwest KM CoP Stan Garfield 13 Years in Knowledge Management
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