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Explore the purpose and potential of the New Birth in John 3 through a monologue and dialogue structure, focusing on Divine Intention, Human Realities, and Contrasting Judgment vs. Salvation. Dive deep into the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus to uncover the nuances of belief, salvation, and eternal life.
The Sending of the Son: Purpose and Potential (Monologue) The New Birth: Nature and Necessity (Dialogue) John 3 Logic/Structure 3:1 15 3:16 21 The Affirmation (3:16) The Exposition (3:17-21) 1. Divine Intention-(3:17) not condemn vs. save 2. Human Realities- (3:18-21) Contrasting potential Judgment vs. Salvation CONVERSATION S E T T I N G Assertion-Nicodemus (v.2) Response-Jesus (v.3) Question-Nicodemus (v.4) Answer-Jesus (v.5-8) Question-Nicodemus (v.9) Answer-Jesus (vv.18-15) Recurring Q & A 3:1-2a 3:2b 15
Logic/Structure #1 RECURRENCE OF Question/Answer Text-Driven Questions: 1. What is the meaning of the progression of this dialogue? How does an understanding of the movement (with its causal and interrogative elements) illumine the meaning of this dialogue? 2. Why did the dialogue progress in precisely this way? Why did John emphasize this movement, with its interrogative elements? 3. Implications?
Jesus vs. Nicodemus Structure #2 - RECUR OF CONTRAST 1. Contrast of Persons (3:1-15, passim) 2. Contrast of Ideas a. Spiritual Birth Earthly Birth (3: 5-8) (3:4-6) b. Heavenly Things Earthly Things (3:12-13) c. Belief Unbelief (3:12-18) d. Light Darkness (3:19-21) e. Salvation/Eternal Life Condemnation/ (3:16-21) Destruction
Text-Driven Questions: 1. What are the major differences in each case, and what is the meaning of each of these major differences? How do these sets of contrast relate to, and illumine, one another? How, specifically and precisely, do spiritual birth, heavenly things, belief and light lead to salvation/eternal life? How do earthly birth (only), and earthly things, unbelief, and darkness lead to condemnation/destruction? 2. Why did John wish to emphasize these these differences? Why did he wish to emphasize these causal connections? Why,acc. to John’s story, do spiritual birth, etc. lead to salvation, and earthly things, etc. lead to condemnation? 3. Implications?
Structure #3 - Cause and Effect The Nature and The Purpose and necessity of the potential of the New Birth (Effect) Sending of the Son (3:1-15) (3:16-21) (End) SUBSTANTIATION INSTRUMENTATION *Reasons why the new birth is of this character, and why it is necessary (Cause) *The means by which the new birth is experienced: Belief in the Son who has been sent (Means)
Text-Driven Questions 1) How, precisely and specifically, does 3:16-21 provide the reasons or the basis for the discussion of the new birth in 3:1-15? How does this substantiation illumine the new birth? What is the meaning of belief in the Son in 3:16-21, and how does such belief lead to the experience of new birth and illumine the new birth? 2) Why did John choose to support the claims and demands of the new birth by this description of the sending of the Son? Why, acc. to John’s story, is being a necessary means to the new birth? Why did John emphasize this means? 3) Implications?