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Mineral Stability/Equilibrium. Phase Stability is defined by the state (solid, liquid, gas) and internal structure of a compositionally homogeneous substance under particular external conditions of pressure and temperatureA Mineral of constant composition is considered a solid phaseMineral stabili
1. Part 1 - Thermodynamics We will begin with a brief review of the Thermodynamics and Phase Diagram construction.
We discussed these topics in Mineralogy
2. Mineral Stability/Equilibrium Phase Stability is defined by the state (solid, liquid, gas) and internal structure of a compositionally homogeneous substance under particular external conditions of pressure and temperature
A Mineral of constant composition is considered a solid phase
Mineral stability is commonly portrayed on a Phase Diagram
4. Stability of a phase (or mineral) is related to its internal energy, which strives to be as low as possible under the external conditions.
Metastability exists in a phase when its energy is higher than P-T conditions indicate it should be. (1)
Activation Energy is the energy necessary to push a phase from its metastable state to its stable state. (2-1)
Equilibrium exists when the phase is at its lowest energy level for the current P-T conditions. (3) (Two minerals that are reactive with one another, may be found to be in equilibrium at particular P-T conditions which on phase diagrams are recognized as phase boundaries)
Note: most metamorphic and igneous minerals at the earths surface are now metastable, but often were in equilibrium when formed
5. Energy States Unstable: falling or rolling
6. Components and Phases Components are the chemical entities necessary to define all the potential phases in a system of interest
8. Degrees of Freedom f by Examples If T and P can change without changing the mineral assemblage, the system has two degrees of freedom f = 2
If neither T or P can change without changing the mineral assemblage, the system has zero degrees of freedom f = 0
If T and P must change together to maintain the same mineral, the system has one degree of freedom f = 1
9. The Phase Rule The number of minerals that may stably coexist is limited by the number of chemical components
p + f = c + 2
where P is the number of mineral phases, c the number of chemical components, and f is the number of degrees of freedom.
10. Basic Thermodynamics The theoretical basis of phase equilibrium
Three Laws of Thermodynamics
1. First Law: Change in Internal Energy dE = dQ dW
Q heat energy
W work = F * distance (notice distance is a length)
Pressure has units Force/Area = (F/dist2)
so F* dist = P * area * dist = P * V
At constant pressure the change in work dW = PdV
So if Pressure is constant:
(1) dE = dQ PdV where dV is thermal expansion or contraction
11. Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics 2. All substances move to the greatest state of disorder (highest Entropy S) for a particular T and P.
(2) dQ/T = dS so dQ =TdS
The state of greatest order [lowest S] is at the lowest temperature. With increasing temperature, disorder becomes more prevalent.
Minerals with simple atomic structure and simple chemistry have lower entropy.
(1) dE = dQ PdV = TdS PdV first law rewritten
3. At absolute zero (0K), Entropy is zero
Does this suggest how to measure S?
Can we measure changes in S by keeping track of temperature as we add heat to a system?
The entropy of a pure crystalline substance can therefore be obtained directly from heat-capacity measurements by assuming that S0 (at 0o K) is zero Wood and Fraser (1978) p38
12. Gibbs Free Energy Define G the energy of a system in excess of its internal energy E. This is the energy necessary for a reaction to proceed
For a single phase define G = E + PV TS
Differentiating dG = dE +PdV +VdP -TdS SdT (product rule)
Also dE = dQ - PdV = TdS PdV (1) first law rewritten so
dG = TdS PdV + PdV + VdP -TdS SdT = VdP SdT
This is equation (3) dG = VdP SdT
Stable changes have negative DG.
If T = constant dT = 0, then dG = VdP, if V decreases, P can increase without increasing G
(2) at constant T (dG/dP)T = V (dense (low V) phases are favored at high P)
If P = constant dP = 0, then dG = -SdT, if T increases then S can increase without increasing G
(3) at constant P (dG/dT)P = -S (disordered phases (high S) are favored at high T)
13. Enthalpy Earlier we saw G(T,p) = E + pV - TS
But the Enthalpy H(S,p) = E + pV
DH can be measured in the laboratory with a calorimeter. So can DS.
You measured DH in chemistry lab.
14. Gibbs Free Energy Gibbs free energy is a measure of chemical energy
15. Thermodynamics
17. Constructing Phase Diagrams with for systems with reactions DG = DH TDS
DG for a reaction of the type:
2 A + 3 B = C + 4 D
DG = S (n G)products - S(n G)reactants
= GC + 4GD - 2GA - 3GB
18. To get an equilibrium curve for a phase diagram, could use dDG = DVdP - DSdT
and G, S, V values for albite, jadeite and quartz to calculate the conditions for which DG of the reaction:
Ab = Jd + Q
is equal to 0
19. NaAlSi3O8 = NaAlSi2O6 + SiO2 Albite = Jadeite + Quartz P - T phase diagram of the equilibrium curve
How do you know which side has which phases?
Calculate DG for products and reactant for pairs of P and T, spontaneous reaction direction at that T P will have negative DG
When DG < 0 the product is stable
Where on this diagram is Albite stable? Jadeite?
In what direction would be the Ab + Qtz = Ne reaction? Why?Where on this diagram is Albite stable? Jadeite?
In what direction would be the Ab + Qtz = Ne reaction? Why?
20. Clausius -Clapeyron Equation Defines the state of equilibrium between reactants and products in terms of S and V
From Eqn.3, if dG =0,
dP/dT = ?S / ?V (eqn.4)
The slope of the equilibrium curve will be positive if S and V both decrease or increase with increased T and P
21. To get the slope, at a boundary DG is 0
dDG = 0 = DVdP - DSdT
22. Return to dG = VdP SdT. For an isothermal process dT is zero, so:
23. Ideal Gas
As P increases V decreases
PV=nRT Ideal Gas Law
P = pressure
V = volume
T = temperature
n = # of moles of gas
R = gas constant
= 8.3144 J mol-1 K-1 Gas Pressure-Volume Relationships
24. Gas Pressure-Volume Relationships Since
we can substitute RT/P for V (for a single mole of gas), thus:
and, since R and T are certainly independent of P:
25. Gas Pressure-Volume Relationships And since
GP2 - GP1 = RT (ln P2 - ln P1) = RT ln (P2/P1)
Thus the free energy of a gas phase at a specific P and T, when referenced to a standard state of 0.1 MPa becomes:
GP, T - GT = RT ln (P/Po)
G of a gas at some P and T is equal to G in the reference state (same T and 0.1 MPa) + a pressure term
26. Gas Pressure-Volume Relationships The form of this equation is very useful
GP, T - GT = RT ln (P/Po)
For a non-ideal gas (more geologically appropriate) the same form is used, but we substitute fugacity ( f ) for P
where f = gP g is the fugacity coefficient
Tables of fugacity coefficients for common gases are available
At low pressures most gases are ideal, but at high P they are not
27. Dehydration Reactions Ms + Qtz = Kspar + Sillimanite + H2O
We can treat the solids and gases separately
GP, T - GT = DVsolids (P - 0.1) + RT ln (P/0.1) (isothermal)
The treatment is then quite similar to solid-solid reactions, but you have to solve for the equilibrium P by iteration.
iterative methods are those which are used to produce approximate numerical solutions to problems. Newton's method is an example of an iterative method.
28. Dehydration Reactions
29. Solid Solutions: T-X relationships Ab = Jd + Q was calculated for pure phases
When solid solution results in impure phases the activity of each phase is reduced
Use the same form as for gases (RT ln P or ln f)
Instead of fugacity f, we use activity a
Ideal solution: ai = Xi y = # of crystallographic sites in
which mixing takes place
Non-ideal: ai = gi Xi
where gamma gi is the activity coefficient
30. Solutions: T-X relationships Example: orthopyroxenes (Fe, Mg)SiO3
Real vs. Ideal Solution Models, activity vs composition
31. Solutions: T-X relationships Back to our reaction:
Simplify for now by ignoring dP and dT
For a reaction such as:
aA + bB = cC + dD
At a constant P and T:
0 =
32. Compositional variations Effect of adding Ca to albite = jadeite + quartz
plagioclase = Al-rich Cpx + Q
DGT, P = DGoT, P + RTl n K
Lets say DGoT, P was the value that we calculated for equilibrium in the pure Na-system (= 0 at some P and T)
DGoT, P = DG298, 0.1 + DV (P - 0.1) - DS (T-298) = 0
By adding Ca we will shift the equilibrium by RTl n K
We could assume ideal solution and
33. Compositional variations So now we have:
DGT, P = DGoT, P + RTln since Q is pure
X quartz = 1
DGoT, P = 0 as calculated for the pure system at P and T
DGT, P is the shifted DG due to the Ca added (no longer 0)
Thus we could calculate a DV(P-Peq) that would bring DGT, P back to 0, solving for the new Peq
34. Effect of adding Ca to albite = jadeite + quartz
DGP, T = DGoP, T + RTln K Compositional variations
35. The Payoff Our experiments and calculations allow us to construct the 3-D plot in (a), and to project the mineral with the lowest free energy at each PT onto the graph in (b).