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Fun Activities for Balance

Fun Activities for Balance. HH 382 Spring 2004 Group Project Jaime Gannon, Catherine Bohling, Ria Tingin. Energizing Breathing Technique.

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Fun Activities for Balance

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  1. Fun Activities for Balance HH 382 Spring 2004 Group Project Jaime Gannon, Catherine Bohling, Ria Tingin

  2. Energizing Breathing Technique • Sit comfortably on the floor in a cross-legged posture, keeping the spine straight. If you are not comfortable in this position, sit upright on the front edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. • Close the right nostril with your right thumb, and inhale through the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril. Inhale into the belly, not into the chest. • After inhaling, hold your breath for just a moment. • Exhale through your right nostril while closing the left with the ring and little finger of your right hand. • Repeat steps 1 to 3, but this time start by inhaling through the right nostril while you close the left nostril with your ring and little finger From The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Vasant Lad, M.A. Sc. Three Rivers Press, NY NY 1998

  3. “The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.”-John Milton

  4. GLIDE • Community • Faith • Love • Support • Entertainment • Involvement • Physical Interactions • Volunteer Work

  5. Investing in Friends Even if we have a lot of money in the bank, we can die very easily from our suffering. So, investing in a friend, making a friend into a real friend, building a community of friends, is a much better source of security. We will have someone to lean on, to come to, during our difficult moments…. … If we have a good community of friends, we are very fortunate. From: Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Thich Nhat Hahn.

  6. A non-profit program designed to teach language and literacy to children in low income communities. Provides a chance to be involved with your school and the San Francisco preschools. Americorps provides stipends, grants and other financial funding towards college education. Jumpstart!

  7. Inner Child Play • Playgrounds • Bubble Baths • Coloring • Bicycling • Running in the rain • Hanging out with kids • Picking Flowers • Games

  8. Reflection “When your inner eyes open, you can find immense beauty hidden within the inconsequential details of life. When your inner ears open, you can hear the subtle, loving music of the universe everywhere you go.” –Timothy Ray Miller

  9. Tips for Finding Activities you can Participate in: • Ask friends and family what THEY do on the weekends or free time for fun. Chances are you have the same interests, or are more apt to look into their suggestions. • Check boards around campus, laundry mats, and other community interest spots you frequent. Some of these events are really fun to go to, and some of the campus ones can be applied to your credits. • Attend bay area events such as the Bay to Breakers, Run to the Farside, Aids Run and the various cancer runs and marathons. These events have great fundraisers and sponsors that have tons of information, for volunteer opportunities and future events. • Look at the church and school bulletins in your neighborhood. • Pick up your favorite SF Weekly, Bay Area Insider and other free papers for calendar of events. • Look up your favorite radio station’s website, this is up to the date ongoing information for you!

  10. Activities for Balance • Sailing • Singing • Volunteer Work • Art- painting, drawing, coloring • Dog walking • Base Ball Games

  11. Activities for Balance • Gardening • Crafts/Card Making • Volunteer Work • Hiking • Watching Sunsets • Exploring Tide Pools • Baseball/Hockey Games Lassen National Volcanic Park 2002

  12. Class Survey What are the major factors/reasons that keep you from following through with something? • More urgent things to attend to, or a task so unwanted that I do other things instead that is more interesting. • Fear of failure or mistakes, not knowing where to start • No time, over committed, tired • Laziness, distractions, thinking I could always do it tomorrow... • Obligations to friends, work, school

  13. Please list some of the activities that you have always wanted to do in the city/bay area but have never gotten around to doing. • National Parks, wine tasting, SF walk to uncover hidden treasures • Exploratorium • Tango lessons, Teatro Zinzanni, SF Ballet • Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz • Volunteering and hiking

  14. Do you yoga or have interest in yoga? If so, what are the benefits you get from it, or if you haven’t tried, why not? • Yes, when I have time and energy. I do it with pilates and I feel healthier, stronger and more flexible. • No. • Yes, good stretch, get more toned and fit • No, no interest. I get more benefit from the gym. • Yes, I really liked it. It relieves my body from stress physically and mentally. It’s too expensive and videos weren’t the same.

  15. Have you ever volunteered, if so where? • No • Putting food gift baskets together for needy families • Garage sales for charity, Usher at dance shows • Connecting Point: Places homeless families in shelters/permanent housing. Also provides food and other valuable basic services. • Candy striper at a hospital and at a teen hotline • Metropolitan Community Church with food service, open to all that come.

  16. Do you have a faith practice (Buddhism, Christianity, etc.) that allows you to put yourself in balance? If so, what are they and how often do you practice them? Are you open to it? • Raised non-denominational Christian, but open to teachings of other faiths. Don’t believe that there is only one way for all people. Practice a variety of teachings daily, depends on what kind of moment I’m having that I need divine strength, guidance or peace. • No. • Yes, not often enough. I have been exploring new things. • I am Catholic and attend mass on Sundays, pray daily • I have no belief system in an organized religion, however I do pick the brains of anyone I know so I can broaden my knowledge in case I do decided to follow one.

  17. What types of activities do you practice in that allows you to connect with your inner child? Do these activities help in balancing your life? • Walk in parks, thru the water at the beach, coloring books, play with friend’s baby, toy stores with friends. • Making music, this definitely helps. • Cartooning, journaling, improvisational dance • Play with my niece and nephew a lot, great childhood games from the past are exciting again, London Bridge! • Dancing • Drawing, playing games, and singing and dancing with my son and nephews and nieces, basically any little or big kid that wants to play. Reading books too!

  18. Favorite Links for Fun Activities www.ci.ssf.ca.us/depts/rcs/default.asp   SSF Recreation and community service, calendar of events, summer camps, etc. www.ci.pacifica.ca.us/  Pacifica Welcome website sanfrancisco.parenthood.com  Just a great resource for all that life as a parent or life with kids in your life has to offer in the area you live in www.radioalice.com/  Great source of entertainment, games, concerts, local events fundraising, news and shopping www.ymcasf.org/ YMCA of SF, great classes and activities to partake in www.lassen.volcanic.national-park.com/  Where we went camping two years ago, fabulous place! www.sfsu.edu/cgi-bin/cals/webevent. SFSU General Interest Calendar www.glide.org A great community and place to worship! http://www.sfstation.com/city_events/danceweek03.htm Great info on free events, like “National Dance Week” early this May!

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