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Famous People and Terms of the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel.
Elie Wiesel Elie was raised in Sighet by his mom, Sarah, and his dad, Shlomo. He started going to school when he was 3. Elie wanted to study the cabala but his father declined and said he was to young. When his family was captured they were first sent to Auschwitz. His mom and younger sister were killed in a gas chamber there. Elie and his dad were sent to Buchenwald. His sisters were sent to another camp. His dad ended up dying at that camp. 3 months after his fathers death the camp was liberated and Elie was saved. He was 16 when his camp was liberated. Elie writes books so anything like the Holocaust will never happen again. In 1986 Elie won the Nobel Peace Prize. Elie Wiesel Info: Schuman Michael. ElieWiesel. New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, 1994. Print. Picture: http://www.bu.edu/religion/faculty/bios/wiesel/
Heinrich Himmler Heinrich’s dad was the tutor of a prince. The prince’s name was Prince Heinrich of Bulgaria. Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900 His dad was Gebhard and his mom was Anna. He had 2 brothers named Gebhard and Ernst. Heinrich was accepted into the University of Munich. He is related to the Holocaust because he was the head of the SS. Scientists say he died of suicide. Heinrich Himmler Info: Manvell, Roger. Heinrich Himmler. New York: Sky Horse, 1965. Print. Picture: http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Heinrich_Himmler%20.htm
270 × 193 - en.wikipedia.org Kristalnacht Kristalnacht literally translates to crystal night. Most people think of it as night of the broken glass. November 9th was the start of it all. A Jewish business’s windows were smashed and the contents were set on fire. The next day lots of synagogues were set aflame. Thousands of other Jewish shops windows were smashed and the contents set ablaze. All this was done out of Anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jews. Kristalnacht Info: Mara, Wil. Kristalnacht. New York: Marshal Cavendish, 2010. Print Picture: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/3416004/Kristallnacht-Still-an-unforgettable-70-years-on.html
Medical Experiments These experiments were done by medical doctors. 70 medical tests were done on 7,000 people between 1939 and 1945. The medical doctors also killed 90,000 mentally ill prisoners and sterilized 200,000 men and women. If you were age 2 or above, you were eligible to be worked on. Low risk experiments were only done on volunteers. There were 200 doctors in concentration camps. The chief medical officer was Dr. Ernst Grawitz. Some of the experiments included drinking large amounts of sea water and putting people in snow for 9-15 hours. They also put people in planes and sent them up to high altitudes. The categories they targeted most were battle injuries, gas attack and medicine testing. Medical Experiments Info: Cohen, Nava. MedicalExperiments. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. 1990. Print. Picture: isurvived.org
Raoul Wallenburg This man saved thousands of prisoners during the Holocaust. He saved them by bringing special passes called Schutz passes to let them safely pass over the border. If he didn’t have one for a prisoner, he would tell the guards that he lost theirs. He loved to save lots of prisoners. Raoul believed it was unfair to keep a certain race back. He was a hero of the Holocaust. Raoul died of an unknown cause at an unknown time. Raoul Wallenburg Info: McArthur, Debra. RaoulWallenburg. New Jersey: Enslow Publishing, 2005. Print Picture: jewishvirtuallibrary.org
Warsaw Ghetto Warsaw is located in Poland. It held both Christian and Jewish prisoners. The ghetto had a 10 foot wall surrounding it. On the top, it had broken glass and barbed wire that was supposed to stop anybody from trying to escape. The Christians could leave with a permit called a Schutz pass. The Jewish population was not allowed to leave at all. The ghetto was in the worst condition to live in. Most of that population died of disease and hunger. To make it all worse, the police and the Nazis didn’t remove the dead bodies. Warsaw Ghetto Info: Landau, Elaine. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: Maxwell Macmillion, 1992. Print. Picture: en.wikipedia.org