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IL ASAP Retreat. March 21 & 22, 2012 Statehouse Inn Springfield, IL. Agenda Wednesday, March 21. 1:30pm: Lunch 2:00pm: Speakout , tell your story, about IL ASAP 3:00pm: Break 3:15pm: 2012 issues – Federal, State 4:00pm: Tell your story, practice, getting around the Capitol
IL ASAP Retreat March 21 & 22, 2012 Statehouse Inn Springfield, IL
AgendaWednesday, March 21 • 1:30pm: Lunch • 2:00pm:Speakout, tell your story, about IL ASAP • 3:00pm: Break • 3:15pm: 2012 issues – Federal, State • 4:00pm: Tell your story, practice, getting around the Capitol • 4:30pm: Adjourn • 5:30pm: IL Health Matters Legislator Reception • 7:30pm: Dinner
IL ASAP The mission of IL ASAP is to develop and support effective HIV policy and to nurture and support HIV advocacy leaders throughout Illinois.
Why Create IL ASAP? • Build advocacy leadership and contacts in each part of the state • Coordinate advocacy efforts and bolster participation of constituents outside of Chicago • Create working relationships between different regions • In short, form an all-star team to push for fair HIV/AIDS Policy!
Why Create IL ASAP? Con’t • A mutually-beneficial relationship where AFC and the participants could communicate and learn more about the unique needs of each region of the state • A structure where AFC can provide technical assistance to other areas of the state on a more consistent basis • A network where AFC can streamline large, grassroots advocacy efforts and target public officials anywhere in the state at the drop of a hat
Expectations • To advocate for the HIV/AIDS community of Illinois and IL ASAP concerns at the local, state and national levels, while supporting the mission statement of IL ASAP. • Attendance and participation at all required IL ASAP events, meetings and retreats. • Participation on all IL ASAP mandated calls unless excused. • Provide input, if applicable, in the selection of new IL ASAP members. • Maintenance of a professional appearance and conduct at all public and political events and meetings. • To notify the IL ASAP Co-chairs regarding any barriers or issues that may impede or prevent their ability to comply with the minimum expectations of IL ASAP members. • Maintain confidentiality of all information per the AFC Confidentiality Agreement. • Maintain and support a positive environment in which all IL ASAP members may excel and grow, with more experienced members being mentors and examples to the newer members.
Failure to Meet or Maintain Minimum Expectations • The IL ASAP Co-chairs should be notified as soon as an issue is identified. • The IL ASAP Co-chairs engage the member(s) in question • In the event of repeated occurrences, the IL ASAP Co-chairs will engage the member(s) in question in a formal discussion, • If we cannot reach a satisfactory resolution, the matter will be referred to AFC leadership • Elected IL ASAP members who grossly or regularly fail to meet or maintain the minimum expectations may be: • Removal from a leadership or elected IL ASAP position. • Possible dismissal from IL ASAP. • Other actions deemed appropriate by AFC leadership.
IL ASAP Confidentiality Statement AIDS Foundation of Chicago and IL Alliance for Sound AIDS Policy (IL ASAP) members are expected to maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding AFC’s internal documents and personal information of other IL ASAP members. All AFC staff, IL ASAP members, interns, and volunteers are expressly prohibited from discussing client information (including but not limited to: HIV status or other medical information; personal information such as Social Security numbers, addresses, phone numbers and other related data; other demographic information) with anyone whose job responsibilities do not require them to have access to such information. Staff and IL ASAP members shall also not disclose any other confidential information encountered during their work with AFC. Other confidential information may include, but is not limited to: AFC budgetary or contractual information, AFC donor information, and AFC proprietary information. When in doubt as to whether information being released is considered confidential, members should consult with an AFC staff member. Unauthorized release of client or other confidential information and/or failure to comply with the above policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership. By signing below, I verify that I will observe strict confidentiality of any confidential information I may obtain from any source. This notice is in compliance with the IL AIDS Confidentiality Act and the Confidentiality Policies of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago’s (AFC’s) Personnel Policies and Procedures. By signing I further verify that I have received information about confidentiality and understand the confidentiality policies of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Golden Rules of the OAB • Take the OAB fact sheet to every meeting you attend • Include a mention of the OAB in every presentation you give • Respond to the OAB when you get it in your mailbox • Forward the OAB to your e-mail networks • Post the OAB on your Facebook • If your friends and colleagues are slow to take action, bribe them – candy works wonders • Follow up with your legislators, let them know you care about the issue and are paying attention • Follow up with your friends and colleagues, let them know you care about the issue and are paying attention
2012 Illinois General Assembly Legislative Update HIV/AIDS Issues AIDS Foundation of Chicago March 21 , 2011 www.aidschicago.org
State budget and HIV Funding • FY12 state HIV funding: $30.88 million • Quinn proposed an 11% or $3.5 million cut. • Final amount: $29.39 million (5% or $1.5 million cut) • Budget consolidate four HIV funding accounts into one • HIV & Corrections ($1.9 m), • Minority HIV/AIDS Prevention ($3.1 m), • HIV/AIDS Hotline ($355,000), • ADAP & other HIV programs ($25.4 m) • FY13 state HIV funding: $25.4 million • Quinn proposed an 14% or 4 million cut. • HIV Lump sum amount again. • ADAP flat funded from FY12 • Entire $4 million funding cut would come out of community-based HIV prevention, housing, corrections, minority health-promotion and harm reduction programs– resulting in a 50% cuts in these programs.
FY 13 state HIV funding concerns Based on public health evidence of average HIV treatment costs and anticipated HIV infections that result from those with undiagnosed HIV infection, we estimate that this reduction will increase costs to Illinois by $6.9 million in FY 13 because more people will need HIV treatment, and others will be re-incarcerated after re-entry programs are de-funded. In addition, the state will face an additional $40 million in lifetime health care costs for people newly infected with HIV because of the proposed funding cuts. • 108 additional people will be newly infected with HIV • 54 are likely to be African American, 17 Latino, and 37 white, based on the racial/ethnic distribution of HIV new cases in Illinois • 38 infants will be born with preventable HIV-infection because 150 HIV-positive pregnant women won't get intensive case management • 38 additional people will be newly infected because 6,467 fewer HIV tests and other services will be offered • 32 people will be newly infected because 1,262 drug users won’t get counseling & supplies • 563 people with HIV will lose life-supporting services • 563 low-income people with HIV will lose access to food, dental, primary physician care, medical case management, transportation, mental health and substance abuse treatment, likely worsening health outcomes and increasing health care costs • 114 people with HIV will lose housing • 114 highly vulnerable people with HIV will lose access to housing, resulting in homelessness and less adherence to medications. They will face worse health outcomes and higher health care costs. • 255 people with HIV will be re-incarcerated at a cost of $5.6 million • 255 people with HIV who left prison or jail will be re-incarcerated at a cost of $5.6 million per year (23% recidivism rate for participants vs. 51% general IDOC recidivism rate) because of funding cuts to a reentry program for people with HIV • 150 people with HIV released from prison or jail will not receive case management, housing, primary medical care, and mental health services, making them less likely to access HIV treatment
Additional funding cuts Quinn also proposed spending cuts in several areas of concern for people with HIV: • Addiction Treatment for Medicaid Populations (-$5 million or 10 percent cut) • Mental Health Grants (-$58 million or 42 percent cut) • Emergency and Transitional Housing (-$4.4 million or 52 percent cut)
Cuts to Medicaid The Illinois Medicaid program provides life-saving health coverage to nearly 2.7 million low-income children, parents, people with disabilities, and seniors. However, the program faces a $2.7 billion deficit this year, and legislators are exploring a range of solutions.
Status: House on 3rd reading. • HIV rates are 2-3 times higher among inmates than the general population. • This bill would codify current practices and improve partner notification in correctional settings, requiring IDPH and IDOC to improve the system of partner notification. • Partner notification is voluntary and confidential. Improving Community & Prison Partner Notification (HB 4453-Smith/Lightford)
Status: Passed Senate, awaits House floor vote. • If a public school in Illinois offers sex ed, it must be medically accurate, developmentally and age appropriate& must include the benefits of delaying or abstaining from sexual activity. • Parents can opt out. • Schools would be required to use evidence-based curriculums approved by the state. Parents can review the curriculum. • Funding is available from the feds to implement. Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools (HB 3027 – Steans/Lilly)
Status: Senate on 3rd reading. • Would extend the expiration date on the “Quality of Life (Red Ribbon Lottery” until 2017. • Proceeds from the lottery fund HIV/AIDS prevention and care services for populations disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. • Fund raised $1.4 million for prevention and care last year. Red Ribbon Lottery (SB 2971 J. Collins/Yarbrough)
Status: House amendment 3 on 2nd reading in Education committee. • In 2010, the General Assembly passed the School Prevention Act to define bullying and create a taskforce to look at ways to stop bullying. • This bill implements recommendations of the of the task force. • Adds physical appearance, socioeconomic status, academic status, pregnancy, parenting status and homelessness to protected classes from bullying. • Defines “policy on bullying” to give schools guidance to comply with the law. Implementing effective anti-bullying measures (HB 5290 - Cassidy)
Visit www.aidschicago.org Register for AFC Lobby Day Wednesday, April 18th CONTACT: Ramon Gardenhire, rgardenhire@aidschicago.org 312-334-0928. www.aidschicago.org STAY TUNED!
YOU know HIV/AIDS issues • YOU are an expert on how HIV impacts your life • As a person living with HIV • As a person providing services to people living with HIV • Your personal experiences provide perspective and impact beyond statistics • Lawmakers need the human story and face to understand importance of policies
Introductions: • Give your name • Where you are from • Relevant background information about yourself • Talk about the expertise you bring: • As a person living with HIV • Someone working in the field • As a concerned community member
Talk about: • The issues and programs that matter to you and why • (ADAP, health care reform implementation, case management, housing assistance, mental health, substance use counseling and treatment, food and nutrition, prevention, etc.) • How those programs help/ed you • What would happen to you and others people living with HIV without these programs or if new programs were developed
Consult the fact sheets in your packets • Think about how the policy asks relate to your life and experiences • Use the testimony worksheet to help organize your thoughts
This is not the place to complain, but to offer viable solutions to problems and challenges • These are the policy and funding asks • Talk about what is working • Talk about where policies and programs can be improved
You may have only a few minutes • Make sure you and your group are well organized so you can deliver your message and ask clearly and concisely. Don’t use acronyms! • Stay on your issue • If conversation veers, bring it back!
Directly ask if you can count on the member’s support for: • Will you vote against a $4 million cut to HIV funding? • Will you vote against a $2 billion cut to Medicaid? • Wait and listen for a response
The Introduction: • My name is Jonathon Smith. • I am a lifelong resident of the district. • I am 29 years old and have lived with HIV for five years. My whole family lives in the area. I live alone and work for a small company that does not offer health insurance.
The Issue: • I am here to talk to you about the Illinois Personal Responsibility Education Program, which would require Illinois schools to teach age-appropriate, medically-accurate sexual health education programs.
The Personal Story: • When I was younger, I went to a school that taught that I should abstain from sex until I got married. I didn’t learn anything about how to use a condom or how HIV was transmitted. • My parents didn’t talk with me about sex either. I was forced to learn from TV and my friends. • The sex ed program set the tone that sex was a shameful act that I shouldn’t engage in. When I started to have sex, I felt I couldn’t ask anyone about how to prevent HIV or STDs. That’s just not right.
The Concern: • Illinois youth are not getting the facts they need to make responsible decisions about their health and future. The Consequences: • Providing medically-accurate and age-appropriate sexual health education programs must be one strategy to reduce HIV cases, unplanned pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases among youth.
The Solution: • The Illinois PREP Act requires schools that teach sex ed programs to provide medically-accurate and age-appropriate sex ed programs, using approved curriculums. • Schools won’t be required to offer sex ed; that remains optional. • Federal funding is available to help implement the programs in schools. • Any parent can remove their child from a sex ed class for any reason.
The Ask • Will you co-sponsor the Illinois PREP Act? • If the Senator answers no: “Will you vote yes on the bill?”
Make sure they give you a clear answer! • Ask politely: will you support or not? • If no, ask why. NOTE THEIR ANSWER AND REPORT IT BACK TO US. • Don’t argue—thank them and walk away.
The Illinois General Assembly Your quest…
59 Senate Districts: 2 House Districts for Each Senate District Senators serve 4-year terms 118 House Members: Representatives serve 2-year terms The Illinois General Assembly
Illinois State Capital Building—where lawmakers debate and vote Stratton Building is where most state representatives have their offices All state senators have their office in the Capitol Lobbying at the State Capital
Finding your senators: Go with other advocates with the same legislators. Your group leader can help you out. See if they are in their offices; ask their assistants where they are (be super-nice!) If needed, go to the committee room and wait patiently…(good place to rest!) As they walk out, ask if they have a minute. Finding your new BFF – your Senator