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Solano Coalition for Better Health Children’s Oral Healthcare Access Program

Solano Coalition for Better Health Children’s Oral Healthcare Access Program. Kristine Lalic Project Specialist Solano Coalition for Better Health Suisun City, CA . Widenmann School-Based Health Center. Successful Integration Efforts.

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Solano Coalition for Better Health Children’s Oral Healthcare Access Program

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  1. Solano Coalition for Better HealthChildren’s Oral Healthcare Access Program Kristine Lalic Project Specialist Solano Coalition for Better Health Suisun City, CA

  2. WidenmannSchool-BasedHealth Center

  3. Successful Integration Efforts • Establishing HL7 bridge betweenelectronic dental record and electronicmedical record. • Implemented clinic-wide no-show policy. • Patient referrals between medical and dental team. • Sharedresponsibilitiesbetweenmedical and dental assistants. • Bilingual staff withsamedesignation (i.e., MA). • Medical and dental represented at quarterly SBHC, project team, and CQI committee meetings. • Communityrepresentation via parent participation. • Promotion of all clinicservices at school and communityevents.

  4. Challenges to Integration • Additionalcostsfor HL7 interface set up and clinic staff training. • BecomingMedi-Cal/Denti-Cal provider (SBHC non-FQHC status; application process). • Staffing (DDS, FNP, receptionist).

  5. Strategies Used to Address Challenges • Appropriate budget allocation towardsDentrix/PrognoCIS HL7 interface. • ContactingcurrentMedi-Cal/Denti-Cal providers and representatives for assistance, attendingwebinar and seminar,usingintegrationworksheet’ssustainability as a roadmap. • Referralprotocol for restorative care, workingwith new FNP, seeking full-time receptionistwithbillingexperience.

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