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Demand for Net Monetary Base With Moment Ratio-based Standard Errors J. Huston McCulloch Ohio State University. US Monetary Base and Net Base = Base – interest-bearing XS Reserves.
Demand for Net Monetary Base With Moment Ratio-based Standard Errors J. Huston McCulloch Ohio State University
US Monetary Base and Net Base = Base – interest-bearing XS Reserves If XS reserves pay market interest rate, they represent financial intermediation and have no inflationary wealth effect.
A simple net base demand function log mt = c + a log yt+ b Rt + t. mt = Real Net Base yt = Real GDP Rt = 3-mo T-Bill rate Data via St. Louis Fed FRED data base Nominal net base deflated with GDP deflator All variables normalized to 0 in last quarter so that c measures excess D for m in last quarter (2011Q1).
Data: 3-Mo T-Bill Rate Near 0 since 2009. Markets distorted 1980Q1 by Carter Credit Controls – T-bill rates shot down to 8%, Prime rate up to 20%+.
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) Standard errors small, t-stats huge!
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) Standard errors small, t-stats huge! But – DW = 0.154, p = 9.4e-92! So OLS standard errors invalid
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) Low-Tech solution: ignore problem Standard errors small, t-stats huge!
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) High-Tech solution: Use Newey-West HAC standard errors HAC se’s bigger, but t-stats still plenty big! Now “standard” correction for serial correlation. Easy radio button in EViews etc.
Actual vs Predicted real Net Base Long runs of +, - errors indicate positive serial correlation
Residuals persistent but appear to be stationary But regression residuals typically less persistent, have smaller variance than true errors.
OLS Regression with non-spherical stationary errors X exogenous, includes const. C depends on all autocovariances j unbiased only if
Residuals and Sample Autocorrelations j-th order trace:
Newey-West HAC standard errors HAC = Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Now routinely used as “correction” for serial corr. , • Consistent because m, n/m as n . • But biased downwards with n < for 3 reasons: • Uses only first m-1 autocovariances • Downweights those by Bartlett factor • Uses e’s as if they were ’s -- MM in place of
= .9 Eg AR(1) process • Higher order autocovariances just noise, so ignore • Lower order autocovariances reflect AR(1) process • but start off too small, • decay too fast. • NW is a step in wrong direction (m = 5 illustrated)
AR(p) Standard Errors AR(1) may be too restrictive. Instead, assume errors AR(p): Yule-Walker eqn’s determine R, G = /2 as a fn. of 1, ... p and vice-versa. Standard Method of Moments estimates i by ri. so as to use same lags as NW without truncation or down-weighting.
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) AR(4) SEs bigger, t-stats smaller But AR(4) SE’s still downward biased
True MM vs. in AR(1) model Residuals much less persistent than errors themselves. MM (trendline) MM (constant only)
Monte Carlo Distribution of r1 in AR(1) model Bias becomes acute as approaches 1! Bias similar for total persistence in AR(p) model
Moment Ratio Estimator in AR(1) case • r1 = s1/s0 is ratio of 2 sample moments • Moment Ratio Function: • is ratio of population moments consistently est. by s1, s0.
Moment Ratio function Monte Carlo median MR Estimator approximately median unbiased without costly simulation of Andrews (1993).
MR(p) Estimator so define then numerically solve
Constrained Nelder-Mead sol’n of MR eq’ns: N = 100, p = 4, tol = .001: 107 iterations, 0.4 sec on ordinary laptop. Circles = AR(p) starting point, boxes = MR(p) sol’n.
Unit Root does not imply spurious regression! but requires reformulating problem. ADF / Andrews & Chen (94) persistence form w/ = 1: Yule-Walker gives
Monte Carlo bias, size distortion of MR(p) trendline regression, n = 100, p = 4, AR(1) DGP, 10,000 reps Median squared SE of slope coefficient / true variance: MR(p) dominates AR(p), HAC, OLS i.t.o. median bias Unless very near 0
Coverage of 95% CI for slope (detail of previous slide) MR(p) outperforms others. Use Student t with reduced DOF?
MR vs MM AR(4) coefficient estimates: MR raises persistence, but still short of unit root.
OLS regression results 1959Q1 – 2011Q1 (n = 209) MR(4) se’s bigger than AR(4), but a, b still significant! However, c, although large, is insignificant.
Issues for future work: • Implement Unit Root test, • Find rule for when to impose unit root • Properties with Long Memory errors? • Regressor-Conditional Heteroskedasticity • White / NW-type modification?