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Geodesy and Geodynamics Lab (GGL) Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry ETH Zurich. Markus Rothacher PACMAN Kick-Off Meeting, 20.11.2013, at CERN. Navigation. Mathematical & Physical Geodesy. Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry (IGP).
GeodesyandGeodynamics Lab (GGL)Institute ofGeodesyandPhotogrammetryETH Zurich Markus Rothacher PACMAN Kick-Off Meeting, 20.11.2013, at CERN PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting
Navigation Mathematical & Physical Geodesy Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry (IGP) IGP - Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Admin. & Tech. Staff Geosensors& Engineering Geodesy 20.11.2013 PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting Intitute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 2
The GGL Team 2 professors 2 seniorscientist 3 postdocs 1 assistent 10 Ph.D. students 2 administration Total: 20 persons PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting
Major Research Topics atGGL Atmosphere Early Warning / Monitoring GNSS Seismology APUNCH: Hydrological Extremes / WaterVapor GANUWE: GPS Water VaporTomography HAZVAL: HazardsValais GNSS Reprocessing SOLUSAR:Solar / lunar Spectrometer X-sense: Alpine Mass M. Real-Time Refer. Frames Reference Systems Navigation GNSS Sat. Clocks (ESA) NanoGEM: Sat. Mission Earth Rotation Determ. COGEAR: Alpine Geohazards NAGRA Swiss Geoid DIADEM: DeflectionoftheVertical GEOHALO: Gravity Field Det. GEODEM: Greece Geodynamics SWISS-4D: Crustal Deformation CLIC: Compact Linear Collider Geodynamics Gravity Field PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting
CLIC: Geoid (Equipotential Profiles) • Geoid simulations and modeling(e .g. Seiches in Lake of Geneva (1st order longitudinal mode) • Geoiddeterminationwithdeflections of the vertical and gravimetry Ph.D. Sebastien Guillaume Extreme Case (1 m Amplitude) PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting 5
Astro-Gravimetric Geoid Determination New CCD system CODIAC to measure the deflection of the vertical PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting 6 6
Automatic Microtriangulationwith QDaedalus:Total station and CCD sensor (few μm precision) PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting Ph.D. Guillaume Stern
Synchronous 3D Kinematic MeasurementsBridge measurements with two QDaedalus systems 3D triangulation CIRCLE MATCHING CENTER OF MASS PACMAN, Kick-Off Meeting