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2. What is the Relational Model?. Relation = TableNote: Overloading of the word "relation". Here we DO NOT mean relationships from an ER diagram!Relations have a schema which states:the names of the columns of the relationRelations also have namesAn instance of a relation is a set of tuples (ro
1. 1 SQL Structured Query Language
(Simple Query Language)
Lecture slides by Dr. Sara Cohen
Update by: Haggai Roitman – Winter 2007/8
2. 2 What is the Relational Model? Relation = Table
Note: Overloading of the word "relation". Here we DO NOT mean relationships from an ER diagram!
Relations have a schema which states:
the names of the columns of the relation
Relations also have names
An instance of a relation is a set of tuples (rows)
Can be empty!
No duplicates!
3. 3 Query Components A query can contain the following clauses
Only SELECT and FROM are mandatory
Order of clauses is always as above
4. 4 Basic SQL Query
5. 5 Basic SQL Query
6. 6 Cartesian Product Cartesian product is a binary operation – it gets 2 relations as input
The result of a Cartesian product of two relations is a new relation that contains a tuple for each pair of tuples from the two input relation (concatenated).
The number of tuples in the results is always the product of the number of tuples in each input relation
Denoted with: x
7. 7 Example Relations
8. 8
9. 9 Basic SQL Query
10. 10 Query Without WHERE
11. 11 Query Without Projection
12. 12 Query Without Projection, Without WHERE
13. 13 Example Tables Used
14. 14 What Are You Asking?
15. 15 And What Now?
16. 16 Range Variables
17. 17 A Few SELECT Options Select all columns:
FROM Sailors S;
Rename selected columns:
SELECT S.sname AS Sailors_Name
FROM Sailors S;
Applying functions (e.g., Mathematical manipulations)
SELECT (age-5)*2
FROM Sailors S;
18. 18 The WHERE Clause Numerical and string comparison:
!=,<>,=, <, >, >=, <=, between(between val1 AND val2)
String comparison is according to the alphabetical order!
Logical components: AND, OR, NOT
Null verification: IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
SELECT sname
FROM Sailors
WHERE age>=40 AND rating IS NOT NULL ;
19. 19 The LIKE Operator A pattern matching operator
Basic format: colname LIKE pattern
_ is a single character
% is 0 or more characters
20. 20 What is this?
21. 21 Are any of these the same?
22. 22 Example Suppose we have the following table instances:
23. 23 Example (cont.)
24. 24 Sailors who’ve reserved two different boats
25. 25 Names of sailors that reserved red boats
26. 26 Color of boats reserved by Bob
27. 27 Order Of the Result The ORDER BY clause can be used to sort results by one or more columns
The default sorting of the columns in the ORDER BY clause is in ascending order
Can specify ASC or DESC
28. 28 Example
29. 29 Names of sailors that reserved either red or green boats
30. 30 Other Relational Algebra Operators So far, we have seen selection, projection and Cartesian product
How do we do operators UNION and MINUS?
UNION (A, B) – union of all the elements from the two sets.
MINUS(A, B) – all the elements of group A minus elements that also exist in the set B.
31. 31 Sailors who’ve reserved red or green boat
32. 32 Sailors who’ve reserved red and green boat
33. 33 Nested Queries
34. 34 Nested Queries
35. 35 Rewrite the Previous Query Using MINUS
36. 36 Set-Comparison Queries
37. 37 Commands used during the laboratory part of the SQL lecture
38. 38 MySQL – Creating and using a database mysql>CREATE DATABASE Temp;
This command creates a new DB in MySQL
mysql>USE Temp;
To select DB named “Temp” for further working with it
39. 39 MySQL – Tables Creating mysql>SHOW TABLES;
Shows the list of all the existing tables in the current DB
mysql>CREATE TABLE Sailors(
>sname VARCHAR(10),
>rating INTEGER,
>birthday DATE);
40. 40 MySQL – Tables Creating –cont. mysql>CREATE TABLE Boats(
>color VARCHAR(10));
41. 41 MySQL – Tables Creating –cont. mysql>CREATE TABLE Reserves(
>day DATE,
>PRIMARY KEY(sid, bid, day),
>FOREIGN KEY(sid) REFERENCES Sailors(sid),
42. 42 MySQL – Looking into the Tables Schema mysql>DESCRIBE Sailors;
Describes the table Sailors (returns its schema)
43. 43 MySQL – drop vs. delete mysql>DROP TABLE Boats;
Removes the whole table Boats (with its schema)
mysql>DELETE FROM Boats WHERE color = ‘green’;
Will remove all the records that satisfy the condition “color=‘green’”
44. 44 MySQL – Updating a Table Records We can update rows in a table
General format:
SET Field1=value1,,,FieldN=valueN
Now we can increase the city’s population:
UPDATE Sailors SET sname = “Bob Johnson”
WHERE sid = 12;
45. 45 MySQL – Inserting single records into the table There are two formats used to insert data into table:
mysql>INSERT INTO table_name SET
-> columnName1 = value1,
-> columnName2 = value2,
-> ...
mysql>INSERT INTO table_name
-> (columnName1, columnName2, ...)
-> VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
1st Option may not be working in this version
46. 46 Loading data from a text file into the table Loading a large set of records at once
per line (values separated by tabs)
* Use \N for a null value
Inserting the File Data Set
mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/file.dat' INTO TABLE Table_Name;
47. 47 References Reference Manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/
In the book of Ramakrishnan, chapter 5
For further reading only: chapters 3 (creating tables from ERD) and 4 (the mathematical background of SQL – relational algebra)
48. 48 Asignment #4 (optional!!!) Given the following tables, fill the SQL queries in the next slides:
49. 49 Lab Task I Create DB named TEMP1
Select this DB
Create the three Tables from the previous slide and see the schema of the tables
Write text files named “suppliers.dat”, “parts.dat”, “catalog.dat” and save them in some directory, the files should include the appropriate test data for the tables
Load the data to the tables from the files
Try your homework SQL queries and see if you get the correct results, try to fix the queries
Now let’s see the correct queries, try to run the queries if they are different from yours
50. 50 The commands:
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> USE Temp;
Database changed
mysql> SHOW Tables;
Empty set (0.07 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE Suppliers(
-> sname VARCHAR(10),
-> email VARCHAR(12));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE Parts(
-> pname VARCHAR(10),
-> color VARCHAR(3) CHECK(color ="RED" or color = "GREEN" or color = "BLUE")
-> );
51. 51 Commands – cont. mysql> CREATE Table Catalog(
-> sid INTEGER,
-> pid INTEGER,
-> cost INTEGER,
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.52 sec)
52. 52 Creating the data files (in Wordpad) Suppliers.dat:
1 Moshe mmm@tx
2 Tehila teh@gmail
3 SONY sony@com
Ericson eric@t2
10 Table RED
11 Book GREEN
12 IPhone GREEN
Laptop RED
53. 53 Loading the Data to DB: mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:/Documents and Settings/lera/Desktop/suppliers.dat' INTO TABLE Suppliers;
Then insert data into Parts and finally into Catalog
Start trying your SQL queries!?
54. 54 Query 1 Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part.
55. 55 Query 2 Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers
56. 56 Query 3 Find the pids of the most expensive parts supplied by suppliers named Sony
57. 57 Query 1 Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part.
58. 58 Query 2 Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers
59. 59 Query 3 Find the pids of the most expensive parts supplied by suppliers named Sony
60. 60 Web Development(General Idea) Communication Protocol (HTTP)
HTML Language
61. 61 How Does It all Work?
62. 62 HTML(HyperText Markup Language) Web pages are written in HTML, which defines the style in which the page should be displayed.
63. 63
64. 64
65. 65
66. 66 HTTP
67. 67 Common Protocols In order for two remote machines to “understand” each other they should
‘‘speak the same language’’ and coordinate their ‘‘conversation’’
The solution is to use protocols, e.g.,
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
SMTP: Simple-Mail Transfer Protocol
NNTP: Network-News Transfer Protocol
HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
68. 68 The HTTP “Conversation" A Web Browser knows how to send an HTTP request for a resource
A Web Server is a program that listens for HTTP requests and knows how to send appropriate HTTP responses
There are 2 standard versions of HTTP: HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1
69. 69 Resources and URLs
70. 70 Resources A resource is a chunk of information that can be identified by a URL (Universal Resource Locator)
A resource can be
A file, e.g., html, text, image
A dynamically created page (more about this later on)
What we see on the browser can be a combination of some resources
When an html page is displayed with images we are actually seeing several resources at once
71. 71 Basic Syntax
72. 72 HTML
73. 73 What is HTML? It is a Markup Language
It is used to write web pages: specify the role of different parts of the page and the style that should be used when displaying the page
HTML gives authors the means to:
Publish online documents with text, images, etc.
Retrieve online information via hypertext links
Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc.
74. 74 A simple HTML page
75. 75 A simple HTML page HTML contains text, separated by tags
76. 76 Some General Rules HTML page is surrounded by the html tag
2 Basic parts:
Head: Consists of things that describe the document (e.g., title – shown on the browser bar)
Body: Consists of the content of the document
77. 77 More General Rules Tags are not case sensitive (<head>, <HEAD>, <Head> are the same)
Whitespace in an html document is ignored
HTML files should end with .htm or .html
In HTML, there is an exception to almost every rule!
78. 78 The <BODY> Headings: <h1>, …, <h6> where h1 is the largest one
Paragraphs: <p> (optional closing tag)
Line breaks: <br> (no closing tag)
Horizontal lines: <hr> (no closing tag)
Formatted text: bold <b>, italics <i>, underline <u>
Font colors and styles: <font color = “red” face=“Arial”>
79. 79 Another Example <html><head> <title>Example 2</title></head><!-- Here is a comment -->
<body> <h1>This is an example of an HTML page</h1> <p>Here is <b>emphasized</b> text and there is also <i>italic</i> text here.
<br> Here is a new line </p>
<p>Is this <font color=“blue” face=“Arial”>easy</font>? <p><hr>And some parting words... Good Bye
80. 80 Another Example
81. 81 Targil HTML Use the file HTML.zip that I sent to you by e-mail with this ppt
Unzip the file in any folder in the TEMP directory
Now let’s complete the file, so it will look like the website from the next slide
82. 82 Main Screen List
83. 83 Links Basic Link:
<a href="http://iestud.technion.ac.il">Visit IEStud!</a>
Marked Point (an anchor):
<a name=“point” href=“URL" >Visit URL!</a>
Going to a marked point:
<a href=“#point">GoTo point!</a>
84. 84 Frames With frames, you can display more than one HTML document in the same browser window. Each HTML document is called a frame, and each frame is independent of the others
<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame src="frame_a.htm">
<frame src="frame_b.htm">
85. 85 List Screen
86. 86 LIST Tags There are two basic kinds of list:
<OL> Ordered List </OL>
<UL> Unordered List </UL>
To add a List Item use the tag <LI>
<LI> First Item
Bullet Type is defined as below:
<UL type=“square”>
87. 87 Table Screen
88. 88 Tables
89. 89 Tables (2) Example:
<table border="1">
<th>Another Heading</th>
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>
90. 90 The Last Assignment Your Job is to build your homepage (you can use the HTML.zip file or make a completely new HTML file, without frames).
91. 91 The Last Assignment Your website should include: at least one list, at least few pictures ordered in a table, a list of favorite links and if you don’t use frames, then anchors with jumps to the middle and beginning of the page
Once you have a tx account, you could place your files in the public_html directory and have your website on tx