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Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur

Leonardo Cecchini Institut for Æstetik & Kommunikation. Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur . Litteratur fra Italien. Buffalmacco , Trionfo della morte, part.1336-41, Camposanto Pisa. Drømmeren: Italo Calvino (1923-1985). Postmodernisme Eksistentiel-filosofisk Lege, lethed

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Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur

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  1. Leonardo Cecchini Institut for Æstetik & Kommunikation Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur Litteratur fra Italien Buffalmacco, Trionfo della morte, part.1336-41, Camposanto Pisa

  2. Drømmeren: ItaloCalvino (1923-1985) • Postmodernisme • Eksistentiel-filosofisk • Lege, lethed • Ironi, parodi • ”double coding”

  3. Arven fra Calvino

  4. Kætteren: Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) • Engagement (Impegno )og parrhesìa(diskurs hvor man anklager magtfule personer offentlig med modig og sandfærdig ord) • Letteraturaimpura : hybriditet(flere sproglige registerog genre) • Multikunstner (flere medier og kommunikationsformer: litteratur, film, tv, teater)

  5. ArvenfraPasolini On the left, just past the entrance, there was an empty flowerbed. I went over to that square of earth, in the middle of which were two small, white marble slabs. I saw his tomb. ’Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975). I feel less alone. I began to mumble my rage, fists clenched so tight that my fingernails pierced my palms. I began to articulate my own “I know,” the “I know” of my day. (Roberto Saviano: Gomorra 2006)

  6. I know[ ….] I know […] I know […] I know. But I do not have the proof. I don’t even have clues. I know because I am a writer and an intellectual who tries to follow what goes on, to imagine what is known and what is kept quiet, who pieces together the disorganised fragments of a whole and coherent political picture, who restores logic where arbitrariness, mystery and madness seem to prevail (Pasolini, Checos’èquestogolpe1974 my translation). I know and I can prove it. I know how economies originate and where they get their odour. The odour of success and victory. I know what sweats of profit. I know […] The proofs are irrefutable because they are partial, recorded with my eyes, recounted with words, and tempered with emotions […]. I see, hear, look, talk, and in this way I testify, […]. I know and I can prove it. And so I tell. About these truths. (SavianoGomorra 2006).

  7. Roberto Saviano Unidentified narrative objects (UNO): Tekster der ikke falder under nogen foruddefineret litterær genre; der udvider grænserne for det litterær og producerer 'forstyrrende' effekter med det formål at få os reagere voldsomt på et emne ved hjælp af fiktive/litterære tricks.

  8. Wu Ming: Memorandum New ItalianEpic (2008) • Refusal of the detached and "coldly ironic tone" that predominates in the postmodern novel; • Ethical and political commitment to writing and storytelling; • Narrative complexity and ‘epic’ plotting AND / IN popular literature (noir, thrillers, crime novels, spy stories, historical fiction); • Oblique gaze’ or ‘unforeseeable point of view’. Experimentation with unusual and unexpected looks; • Dissimulated linguistic experimentation aimed at subverting ‘from within’ the register of the prose; • Narratives of alternative histories and ‘potential uchronias’; • Unidentifiednarrative objects (UNO).A new way of blending fiction and non-fiction; • Transmediality and net activism:Creation of spin-offs by authors and fan communities involving various media (films, telefilms, television series, comics, video games, musical compositions, websites).

  9. Collettivo Wu Ming Webzine Carmilla

  10. Erindringslitteratur : «I misteri d’Italia» “Works that try to account for the missing pieces of our recent history and to keep memory of certain events alive“ (PierpaoloAntonello)

  11. Italiens kolonier: en fortræng fortid «forensic» element (EyalWeizman):- a shift in contemporary literature on memory from the witness as the dominant mediator between past and present towards objects, traces, documents and forensic science

  12. Migrant litteratur Acts of «talking back» : claim a space for topics, themes, characters and identities that have been ignored or suppressed. (G. Parati) IgiabaScebo 1974 Både ‘Postcolonial’ og migrant aspekt

  13. Goliarda Sapienza (1924-1996) Simonetta Agnello Hornby 1945

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