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Leonardo Cecchini Institut for Æstetik & Kommunikation. Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur . Litteratur fra Italien. Buffalmacco , Trionfo della morte, part.1336-41, Camposanto Pisa. Drømmeren: Italo Calvino (1923-1985). Postmodernisme Eksistentiel-filosofisk Lege, lethed
Leonardo Cecchini Institut for Æstetik & Kommunikation Tendenser i nyere italiensk litteratur Litteratur fra Italien Buffalmacco, Trionfo della morte, part.1336-41, Camposanto Pisa
Drømmeren: ItaloCalvino (1923-1985) • Postmodernisme • Eksistentiel-filosofisk • Lege, lethed • Ironi, parodi • ”double coding”
Kætteren: Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) • Engagement (Impegno )og parrhesìa(diskurs hvor man anklager magtfule personer offentlig med modig og sandfærdig ord) • Letteraturaimpura : hybriditet(flere sproglige registerog genre) • Multikunstner (flere medier og kommunikationsformer: litteratur, film, tv, teater)
ArvenfraPasolini On the left, just past the entrance, there was an empty flowerbed. I went over to that square of earth, in the middle of which were two small, white marble slabs. I saw his tomb. ’Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975). I feel less alone. I began to mumble my rage, fists clenched so tight that my fingernails pierced my palms. I began to articulate my own “I know,” the “I know” of my day. (Roberto Saviano: Gomorra 2006)
I know[ ….] I know […] I know […] I know. But I do not have the proof. I don’t even have clues. I know because I am a writer and an intellectual who tries to follow what goes on, to imagine what is known and what is kept quiet, who pieces together the disorganised fragments of a whole and coherent political picture, who restores logic where arbitrariness, mystery and madness seem to prevail (Pasolini, Checos’èquestogolpe1974 my translation). I know and I can prove it. I know how economies originate and where they get their odour. The odour of success and victory. I know what sweats of profit. I know […] The proofs are irrefutable because they are partial, recorded with my eyes, recounted with words, and tempered with emotions […]. I see, hear, look, talk, and in this way I testify, […]. I know and I can prove it. And so I tell. About these truths. (SavianoGomorra 2006).
Roberto Saviano Unidentified narrative objects (UNO): Tekster der ikke falder under nogen foruddefineret litterær genre; der udvider grænserne for det litterær og producerer 'forstyrrende' effekter med det formål at få os reagere voldsomt på et emne ved hjælp af fiktive/litterære tricks.
Wu Ming: Memorandum New ItalianEpic (2008) • Refusal of the detached and "coldly ironic tone" that predominates in the postmodern novel; • Ethical and political commitment to writing and storytelling; • Narrative complexity and ‘epic’ plotting AND / IN popular literature (noir, thrillers, crime novels, spy stories, historical fiction); • Oblique gaze’ or ‘unforeseeable point of view’. Experimentation with unusual and unexpected looks; • Dissimulated linguistic experimentation aimed at subverting ‘from within’ the register of the prose; • Narratives of alternative histories and ‘potential uchronias’; • Unidentifiednarrative objects (UNO).A new way of blending fiction and non-fiction; • Transmediality and net activism:Creation of spin-offs by authors and fan communities involving various media (films, telefilms, television series, comics, video games, musical compositions, websites).
Collettivo Wu Ming Webzine Carmilla
Erindringslitteratur : «I misteri d’Italia» “Works that try to account for the missing pieces of our recent history and to keep memory of certain events alive“ (PierpaoloAntonello)
Italiens kolonier: en fortræng fortid «forensic» element (EyalWeizman):- a shift in contemporary literature on memory from the witness as the dominant mediator between past and present towards objects, traces, documents and forensic science
Migrant litteratur Acts of «talking back» : claim a space for topics, themes, characters and identities that have been ignored or suppressed. (G. Parati) IgiabaScebo 1974 Både ‘Postcolonial’ og migrant aspekt
Goliarda Sapienza (1924-1996) Simonetta Agnello Hornby 1945