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סוכות. Names. סוכות. חג האסיף. זמן שמחתינו. L aws os Sukkos. Building the Sukka. Walls. A tefech is 8cm, 6 tefochim in a amo. The smallest a sukka may be is 7 Tefochim wide, by 7 tefochim long, by 10 tefochim high.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. סוכות

  2. Names

  3. סוכות

  4. חג האסיף

  5. זמן שמחתינו

  6. Laws os Sukkos

  7. Building the Sukka

  8. Walls

  9. A tefech is 8cm, 6 tefochim in a amo

  10. The smallest a sukka may be is 7 Tefochim wide, by 7 tefochim long, by 10 tefochim high.

  11. If the total area is larger then 7X7, but one direction in less then 7 amos, it is not kosher

  12. The only limitation to size, it may not be more then 20 amos high.

  13. Ideally a sukkah should have 4 complete walls

  14. It must have at least 2 and a bit of a third wall.

  15. The walls must start within 3 tefochim of the ground

  16. S’chach

  17. Conditions for kosher s’chach

  18. Must grow from the ground

  19. Are not connected to the ground

  20. Can not become tomei

  21. If it was capable of becoming tomei (eg broom handle) but is not capable of becoming tomei (the handle is broken off from the broom) it can still not be used for s’chach.

  22. S’chach that has an unpleselt smell should not be used for s;chach, if it was used it is kosher.

  23. Planks more then 4 amos wide may not be used for s’chach,

  24. one must be carefull with beams that rain can still come thorugh.

  25. The schach can be supported by the walls of the sukka.

  26. The s’chach should not be supported by something that can become tomei.

  27. Don’t use things that can become tomei to hold the s’chach down, (if it was used, it is kosher)

  28. The s’chach should be spread in such a way that there is more shade then sunlight, if the is more sunlight it is not kosher.

  29. Minhag chabad is to place the s’chach very thikly, the stars must be able to be seen from at least one area.

  30. If the s’chach is so thick that rain wont come into the sukka, it is not kosher.

  31. We may not use stolen material for the sukka or s’chach.

  32. Don’t have empty gaps in the schach of more then 4 tefochim.

  33. A empy gap that is 3 tefochim wide and runs the whole length of the sukka, may make the sukkah posul

  34. Decorations, within 4 amaos of the s’chach, we may eat under them.

  35. If there is a concern that the lights may cause a fire, they may be hang more then 4 amos below the s’chach.

  36. Living in the sukka

  37. בסוכות תשבו שבעה ימים

  38. The suka should be our main home

  39. Pots and other things considered distastful, should be removed from the suka after use.

  40. Buckets, containers of flour, mixing bowls should ne be brought into the sukka

  41. We should not do menial activities in the sukka • Wash dishes • (we may wash drinking cups)

  42. Leaving in the suka • Eat • Drink • Walk • Conversations.

  43. – in the suka • Davening at home • Learn Torah

  44. Eating • We must eat at least a

  45. Sleeping • If it is cold, and a bother to bring to the suka, he need not sleep in the suka. • (some distressed by sleeping in the suka, is פוטר) • MinhagChabad, is not to sleep in the suka

  46. Rain • Besides for the first night, we may eat indoors if the rain is strong enough to spoil the food. • MinhagChabad is to eat in the rain

  47. Woman • Although not obligated to eat in the suka, may still say the broch of לישב בסוכה.

  48. Young boys • Boys 5 or 6 should be educated to eat in the suka.

  49. Coverings • If the s’chach is covered, the sukka I s not kosher.

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