Malachı My Messenger
Background Informatıon The word Malachi is generally means "my messenger. Malachi is a minor prophet in the times of Nehemiah. The Book of Malachi was written around 432 B.C. to 425 B.C. He has 2 brothers, which are Nathaniel and Josiah. Malachi’s main message is faithfulness to the lord.
Explanation about him being a prophet. The Prophet Malachi is the prophet of God at the time of Nehemiah. Prophet Malachi used the question/ answer method to examine deeply into Israel’s crisis of dishonesty, unfaithfulness, divorce, false worship and self-important. Around the 450 BCs, prophet Malachi predicted that Elijah will come back to prepare the way for the resurrection of the Son of God, which is Jesus Christ. According to Malachi’s prediction, Elijah had to come before the Messiah. If Elijah did not come first, anyone who says he is the Messiah, is a wrong prophet. He did come through the figure of John the Baptist. He persuaded the population to believe in angels, reincarnation and transformation.
Opinion I think the Prophet Malachi is one of the most least recognized prophets because there is very little information about him. His book is in the last of the old testament. I had trouble finding information about him.
Conclusion Prophet Malachi ıs the prophet of God durıng Nehemıah’s Time. There is little known about his life. He used the question or answer method to examine deeply into Israel’s crisis of dishonesty, unfaithfulness, divorce, false worship and self-importance.
Reflection I learnt about Prophet Malachi. The Prophet Malachi has very scarce information. I also learnt that he used the question or answer method to examine deeply into Israel’s crisis of dishonesty, unfaithfulness, divorce, false worship and self-importance.
Thank You and GBU! By Raymond 7.2