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Õ(Congestion + Dilation) Hot-Potato Routing on Leveled Networks Costas Busch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Õ(Congestion + Dilation) Hot-Potato Routing on Leveled Networks Costas Busch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Talk Outline. Leveled Networks Congestion + Dilation Hot-Potato Routing Our Algorithm Future Work. Leveled Networks. Level:. 0. 1. 2. 3. L-1. L.

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Õ(Congestion + Dilation) Hot-Potato Routing on Leveled Networks Costas Busch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Õ(Congestion + Dilation) Hot-Potato Routing on Leveled NetworksCostas BuschRensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  2. Talk Outline • Leveled Networks • Congestion + Dilation • Hot-Potato Routing • Our Algorithm • Future Work

  3. Leveled Networks Level: 0 1 2 3 L-1 L

  4. Examples of Leveled Networks 0 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 Butterfly Mesh

  5. Network Model • Synchronous network • One packet per link direction • One time step per link traversal • Bi-directional links

  6. Talk Outline • Leveled Networks • Congestion + Dilation • Hot-Potato Routing • Our Algorithm • Future Work

  7. Congestion + Dilation Each packet has a pre-selected path source destination

  8. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  9. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  10. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  11. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  12. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  13. The packet follows the pre-selected path source destination

  14. The packet follows the pre-selected path absorbed

  15. There are packets Each packet has its own path

  16. Dilation D: The maximum length of any path Routing time:

  17. CongestionC: The maximum number of packets traversing any edge Routing time:

  18. Lower bound on routing time: There could be paths with length Lower bound:

  19. Networks with buffers

  20. Networks with buffers Leveled networks: • Leighton, Maggs, Ranade, Rao: J. Algorithms 1992 Arbitrary networks: • Leighton, Maggs, Rao: Combinatorica 1994 • Leighton, Maggs, Richa: Combinatorica 1999 • Meyer auf der Heide, Sheideler: J. Algorithms 1999 • Ostrovsky, Rabani: STOC 1997 • Rabani, Tardos: STOC 1996

  21. What about buffer-less networks?

  22. Talk Outline • Leveled Networks • Congestion + Dilation • Hot-Potato Routing • Our Algorithm • Future Work

  23. Hot-Potato Routing Nodes are buffer-less:

  24. Nodes are buffer-less:

  25. Nodes are buffer-less: Time 0

  26. Nodes are buffer-less: conflict Time 1

  27. Nodes are buffer-less: deflected deflected Time 2

  28. Nodes are buffer-less: conflict Time 3

  29. Nodes are buffer-less: deflected Time 4

  30. Nodes are buffer-less: Time 5

  31. Nodes are buffer-less: Time 6

  32. Path lengths may grow arbitrarily large original pre-selected path

  33. Path lengths may grow arbitrarily large actual path followed original pre-selected path

  34. Hot-potato routing is interesting: • Optical networks • Simple hardware implementations • Work well in practice: Bartzis et al.: EUROPAR 2000 Maxemchuck: INFOCOM 1989

  35. Goal: Find a hot-potato algorithm with time close to optimal No previous work for leveled networks (and arbitrary networks) Only work known (but for different problem): Bhatt et al.: ESA 1993

  36. Our contribution: A new hot-potato routing algorithm with time With high probability:

  37. Talk Outline • Leveled Networks • Congestion + Dilation • Hot-Potato Routing • Our Algorithm • Future Work

  38. Our Algorithm • Online algorithm: routing decisions are taken at real time • Local algorithm: routing decisions at a node depend only on the node’s state

  39. packets

  40. Partition the packets randomly and uniformly into sets packets packets

  41. Partition the packets randomly and uniformly into sets congestion congestion

  42. We route each set in a separate frame

  43. We route each set in a separate frame

  44. We route each set in a separate frame

  45. Routing a packet pre-selected path

  46. Routing a packet Phase 1

  47. Routing a packet Phase 2

  48. Routing a packet Phase 3

  49. Routing a packet Phase 4

  50. Routing a packet Phase 5

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