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Let the Information Find You. Presented by Pamela Newman and Mark Hoffman Bucks County Intermediate Unit Doylestown, PA December 10, 2008. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/adelie-penguin.html.
Let the Information Find You Presented by Pamela Newman and Mark Hoffman Bucks County Intermediate Unit Doylestown, PA December 10, 2008
What resources do you regularly access as a part of your professional learning? What resources do you regularly recommend to others for their professional learning?
Objectives • Define and compare Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 • Understand the concept of RSS and an aggregator • Identify and subscribe to an RSS feed on a website • Access RSS feeds on the aggregator • Identify ways this tool can be used in professional learning
KWLM • Complete K W • Share with group
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
Reign It In The Internet http://www.edutopia.org/tech-teacher-RSS
What is RSS? • Stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary
RSS- Really Simple Syndication http://www.edutopia.org/tech-teacher-RSS You choose the information, and it comes to you.
How does it work? • An RSS aggregator checks the feeds you subscribe to and it collects all the new content from those sites you are subscribed to. • Then, when you’re ready, you open up your aggregator to read the individual stories, file them for later use, click through the site itself, or delete them if they are not relevant. • In other words, you check one site instead of dozens of individual sites.
Sit back and Relax http://www.edutopia.org/tech-teacher-RSS
Step 1: What is a “feed?” • Computer Language- HTML • Blogs, podcasts, news sites, and an ever-growing number of other media sites generate a behind-the-scenes code in a language similar to HTML called XML. • This code, usually referred to as a “feed,” makes it possible for readers to “subscribe” to the content that is created on a particular website so they no longer have to visit the site itself to get it.
Step 2: What is an Aggregator? • An application, either desktop or web based, that allows us to collect the feeds (content) from many websites all in one spot. • Also called Readers • Examples • Google Reader • Bloglines.com, • Netvibes.com, • Pageflakes,com
KWLM • Review KW • Complete L • Share with group
Using RSS as a learning tool? • RSS has transformed the way that content is distributed, accessed, and processed. • 21st century learners are no longer faced with the challenge of “finding” enough information- rather, they are faced with an avalanche of information. • RSS is one way for learners to locate information more efficiently.
Professional Learning Communities • Educators are professionals who, by nature, are always learning. • Through RSS feed readers, educators create their own learning network and learn from others.
Using RSS as a learning tool? • It is also a way to leverage the talents of millions of individuals to identify truly useful information in the tidal wave of data the internet has become. • Mary Harrsch, “RSS: The Next Killer App for Education” • http://technologysource.org/article/rss/
NSDC’s purpose is… Ensuring that every educator engages in effective professional learning everyday so every student learns.
KWLM • Review KWL • Complete M • Share with group
Your challenge • Try to become a regular “Reader” over the next month • Find resources that are useful (you will find some that aren’t) • Reflect on how many new ideas and resources you have found • Pass along the knowledge
Contact Information Pamela Newman Instructional Technology Specialist pnewman@bucksiu.org Mark Hoffman Director of Instructional Materials & Technology hoffmanm@bucksiu.org