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Question of the Day pt. I. Why do ‘we’ (people) repeatedly do the same actions? . Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein. Question part II. If what we (as a society) do is knowingly wrong, why do we do it?.
Question of the Day pt. I • Why do ‘we’ (people) repeatedly do the same actions?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein
Question part II • If what we (as a society) do is knowingly wrong, why do we do it?
Deviance • Deviance = violation of social norms • Breaking laws • Wearing nail polish • Defined by society, groups
Types of Deviance • Negative deviance • Doesn’t meet the expected norms • Happens because people ignore, misinterpret, or don’t know the norms • Stereotypical deviance
Types of Deviance (cont.) • Positive deviance • Overconformity to norms • Perfectionism (based on norms) • Act out the ideal norms • Deviant • Person who breaks HIGHLY VALUED norms
Come up with a list of deviant activities • Which ones are agreed upon by all parties? • Which ones would SOME people disagree with? • Positive deviance • Negative deviance
Dealing with deviance • Social control = promoting conformity to the norms • Internal control (internalization) • Individualized, happens during socialization • Morals, know right and wrong • External control • Social sanctions: rewards/punishments used to encourage desired behavior
Controlling deviance with… • Formal sanctions • Attempts to change/control behavior (de-socialization/re-socialization) • Prisons, military service • Official recognition/awards • Informal sanctions • Peer pressure, gossip, smiles • Ignorance • “Boys will be boys”
Question of the Day • What is now normal/typical behavior that as a child you considered deviant?What would you consider as deviant behavior when you are an adult that you think is fine now?
Negative Aspects of Deviance • No more trust • Society cannot function sans trust • Deviance leads to more deviance • Waste of resources
Positive Effects of Deviance • Clarifies norms • Relieves some pressure • Minor deviance keeps from eruptions • Increases unity within groups • Gives reminders of what societies value • Social change
Strain Theory • Anomie • Social instability due to lack of norms • Strain theory • Deviance caused by a gap between goals and ways to achieve those goals • Why is there animosity between rich and poor?
How would the pursuit of the “American Dream” cause deviance?
Strain & Deviancy • Innovation (robbery, crime) • Accept goal of success, use illegal ways to obtain it • Ritualism (just go through the motions) • Rejects goal of success, use legal ways • Retreatism (homelessness, drug addicts) • Reject success & use illegal ways • Rebellion (US Confederacy) • Retreatism AND create a new set of goals & means
Control Theory • Conforming depends on strong bonds • Travis Hirschi • Humans are selfish • Decisions based on biggest benefit to individual • Good for describing youth delinquency, not adult • Social bonds control the behavior
Elements of social bonds • Attachment • Commitment • Involvement • Belief
Homework • P. 212, questions 1-4
Why are some people in society allowed to break the rules without punishment? Why does society allow this to happen?
Differential Association theory • Individuals learn deviance based on how many deviant acts they see • Knowing more deviant people than non-deviant people leads to more deviance • More likely to be deviant if significant others participate in deviant acts • Younger children learn deviant acts quicker than older children
Labeling Theory • Society creates deviance by labeling/identifying people as deviant • Not all deviants are treated as deviant • Societal standards • Public eye • Status
Levels of Deviance • Primary deviance • Initial act of deviance • Occasionally breaking norms • Individuals do not internalize behavior • Not part of one’s master status • Secondary deviance • Deviance as a lifestyle • Labeled by others and yourself as deviant
Consequences of labels • Cause discomfort, suffering • Can direct their future lifestyle • Stigma • Undesirable label used to keep deviants from being accepted fully into society
Homework • Create a collage of images, people, scenes • “label” each image based on your own ideas/thoughts • Indicate each any image if it is a primary or secondary deviance
Classwork • Give a description of 5 people • Give each a label • Give an example of primary or secondary deviance they might partake in • Is there a stereotype for this person? What is it and where does it come from?
Question of the Day • How do you “escape” from the barrage of modern technology?
Ted Kaczynski • Unabomer • Domestic terrorist • Incredibly intelligent • Graduated Harvard at 16 • PhD • Professor @ 26 • Recluse • Unabomer Manifesto • NOT insane
Discussion Question of the Day • Which is more detrimental to society, someone who steals millions of dollars or someone who steals a car?
Deviance in INDUSTRIAL societies • Most powerful members of society determine WHO is deviant • Determine HOW they should be punished • Problems occur because of POWER struggles
Those criticized by those in charge • Critics of industrial society • Those who do not work • Threaten private property • Agitators • Accepted: violence in sports
Race, ethnicity, & crime • Minorities get unequal treatment • In the US, more African-Americans and Latinos are convicted and serve more time than whites for the same crime • Blacks more likely to get death penalty for killing a white, but whites likely to get life in prison if they kill blacks