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R.C.I.A. Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace April 21 st Melissa Hendrick. Prayer Rock.
R.C.I.A. Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace April 21st Melissa Hendrick
Prayer Rock I’m your little prayer rock and this is what I’ll do. Just put me on your pillow till the day is through. Then turn back the covers and climb into bed, and whack! Your little prayer rock will hit you in the head. Then you will remember as the day is through, to kneel and say your prayers as you wanted to.
Then when you are finished just dump me on the floor. I’ll stay the night to give you help once more. And when you get up the next morning…Clunk! I’ll stub your toe. So you will remember your morning prayers right before you go. Put me back upon your pillow when your bed is made and your clever little prayer rock will continue your aid. Because your heavenly Father cares and loves you so, He wants you to remember to talk to Him you know.
Jesus is “in love with us” • How does it make you feel to know that someone of a higher being with power so great such as Jesus is “in love with you?” • Knowing what you know about those who are in love with others what does that say about how is going to treat you, take care of you, and handle your needs?
Daily Reflections Reflections Link Reflect on how this may impact your daily life.
Sacraments of Initiation • “This is the Lamb of God,” proclaims the priest, as the holds up the consecrated host. “Lord I am not worthy, “ responds the congregation, as they prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. • A notable feature of Catholicism is our belief in sacraments, physical signs in which point to spiritual realities. Jesus taught that God touches us through created things. Faith opens our eyes to see Christ and to meet him in the sacraments and liturgy of the Church.
God the Father, God the Son… • God the father is the source of all blessings granted in the liturgy. These include everything God has said and done for us, from creation, through the Old Testament, to the salvation granted in Christ. • God the Son, is not limited by time or space, nor is the paschal mystery of his passion. He speaks through scripture and acts through the sacraments.
…God the Holy Spirit • God enables us to receive Christ’s life in the liturgy in four special ways. First, the spirit prepares us to receive Christ by recalling the attitudes of those who waited for the Savior. • Second, the Spirit calls to mind what Christ has done for us. • Third, the Spirit empowers us to participate in Christ’s paschal mystery. • Fourth, the Spirit unites us to Christ and to one another.
The Seven Sacraments • The Church calls us to recognize seven sacraments instituted by Christ: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. • Christ sent his apostles to evangelize so that people might be baptized and receive the sacraments. Christ acts through the sacraments so they can confer the grace they signify.
Baptism • Baptism is our entry into Christian life. Baptism comes form the Greek word baptisein, meaning “to immerse” or “to plunge” into water. It symbolizes our participation in Christ’s death and Resurrection. Being immersed or washed in water signifies the removal (the “death”) of sin. Rising from the water symbolizes our rising to the new life of grace. Baptism is foreshadowed in the Old Testament.
Foreshadowing of Baptism • Noah’s ark saved humanity and brought a new beginning, as does Baptism. The Exodus and crossing of the Red Sea liberated the Israelites from slavery, as Baptism liberates us from sin. The crossing of the Jordan symbolizes our entry through Baptism into the Promised Land of heaven. • The water and blood flowing from His side as He died on the cross are signs of Baptism and the Eucharist.
Baptism Link • Think about those Baptism’s you may have witnessed in your lifetime. • What made it special? • Why are there so many rituals when it comes to celebrating a sacrament?
Confirmation • “When two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.” • Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and when he was baptized by John, the Spirit descended upon him. • Christ gave the Holy Spirit to his followers on Easter and at Pentecost.
Anointing with Chrism • Anointing with chrism at Confirmation signifies consecration to the mission of Christ and the Spirit’s strength given for this mission. Confirmation is a seal that marks us as belonging to Christ as he belonged to the Father. • Confirmation brings the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as at Pentecost. It increases baptismal grace, joins us more closely to God and the Church, augments the gifts of the Spirit, and strengthens us to spread and defend the faith.
Eucharist • The Eucharist completes Christian initiation and is the source and summit of Christian life, for the sacrament is Christ. • In the Eucharist, bread and wine become Christ’s body and blood. • The Church sees the Eucharist prefigured in Melchizedek’s offering of bread and wine. (Genesis 14:18)
Old Covenant Foreshadowing's • Sacrificial offerings of bread and wine • Manna in the desert • Passover meal’s unleavened bread and cup of blessing • Jesus prefigured the Eucharist when he multiplied food for hungry crowds and announced it at Capernaum
Thanksgiving and Praise • The Eucharist is Thanksgiving and Praise • The Eucharist is a sacrificial memorial. At mass we remember and proclaim Christ’s sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection. • We worship the Eucharistic Christ in many ways: genuflecting and bowing, adoring Jesus at mass and outside Mass, exposing the host for veneration, and carrying it in procession.
Eucharist Link • Please take a moment to reflect on the previous presentation on the Eucharist.
To Christ Our Only Teacher Thank you, Jesus, for bringing me this far. In your light I see the light of my life. Your teaching is brief and to the point: You persuade us to trust in our heavenly father; you command us to love one another. What is easier than to believe in God? What is sweeter than to love him? Your yoke is pleasant, your burden is light, you, the one and only Teacher! You promise everything to those who obey your teaching; you ask nothing too heard for a believer, nothing a lover can refuse. Your promises to your disciples are true, entirely true, nothing but the truth. Even more, you promise us yourself, the perfection of all that can be made perfect. Thank you, Jesus now and always. Amen.