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Reasonable Assurance Workgroup Findings and Options. Principals’ Staff Committee Meeting Washington, DC September 22, 2008. Hello, Neighbor!. Sec. Bryant Motion.
Reasonable Assurance Workgroup Findings and Options Principals’ Staff Committee Meeting Washington, DC September 22, 2008
Sec. Bryant Motion • At the direction of the Chesapeake Bay Program Principals’ Staff Committee, the chair will appoint a ‘Reasonable Assurance’ Group who will work to develop recommendations for how the partners will address reasonable assurance within the Bay TMDL. The group will report its recommendations back at the Principals’ Staff Committee meeting in September.
Workgroup Composition • Frank Dawson, Co-Chair, Maryland Department of Natural Resources • Jeff Corbin, Co-Chair, Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources • Rich Batiuk, U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office • Jim Curtin, U.S. EPA Office of General Counsel • Bill Duncanson, Richmond County, Virginia • Rich Eskin, Maryland Department of the Environment • Carlton Haywood , Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin • Roy Hoagland, Chesapeake Bay Foundation • Bob Koroncai, U.S. EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division • Rick Parrish, Southern Environmental Law Institute • Ann Swanson, Chesapeake Bay Commission • Bob Yowell, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Today’s presentation • Background on Reasonable Assurance • EPA’s Reasonable Assurance expectations for the Bay TMDL • Options for the Bay Program Partners
PSC Decision Points • Do you support the reasonable assurance framework? • Executive Council Action? • Commit to develop a fundamentally different TMDL? • Commitment to fill “gaps”? • Adopt restoration end date and intermediate milestones? • Self-imposed contingencies? • Task PSC and Workgroup to gather additional information and make decisions at a later date?
Background on Reasonable Assurance • Clean Water Act and EPA regulations do not define “reasonable assurance” • EPA’s TMDL regulations at 40 C.F.R 130.2(i) - Definition of TMDL - EPA states, “If Best Management Practices (BMPs) or other nonpoint source pollution controls make more stringent load allocations practicable, then wasteload allocations [in the TMDL] can be made less stringent.”
Background (Cont.) • EPA guidance (1991) – Does define when reasonable assurance must be demonstrated, but not really what it is: • Wasteload allocation for point source(s) is greater than zero; and • Nonpoint source pollution reductions necessary to meet load allocations • Specific Language… • “In addition, before approving a TMDL in which some of the load reductions are allocated to nonpoint sources in lieu of additional load reductions allocated to point sources, there must be specific assurances that the nonpoint source reductions will in fact occur.”
Broad spectrum of acceptable reasonable assurance demonstrations in 30,000 TMDLs approved by EPA
This Ain’t Your Grandpa’s TMDL Welsh Letter to Griffin, 9/11/08 • Unprecedented amount of work in the Bay • Ever-increasing scientific understanding • Significant past investments • Public/Political support for restoration • Heightened expectations • “Expectations for the Bay TMDL are not applicable to the TMDL program in general.”
Again… Given that this TMDL is different than most others…are there actions that the PSC or EC should take in regards to, or in tandem with, the development of the TMDL?
Sec. Griffin Letter to J. Capacasa8/22/08 In order for the CBP and the State partners to fully understand the TMDL and what constitutes "reasonable assurance", we request that EPA address the following questions posed by the Workgroup • What jurisdictions will be within the formal TMDL, and which will be outside of the TMDL? • What does it mean for jurisdictions to be outside the TMDL? Specifically, what are the requirements of states that are outside of the TMDL? • What is EPA's definition of "reasonable assurance", both for TMDLs in general and its specific expectations for "reasonable assurance" provisions in the Bay TMDL? • Noting that the PSC has stated for the record that it wants the Bay TMDL to be a model for TMDLs nationwide, what are EPA's expectations for reasonable assurance in the Bay TMDL? • What are the ramifications of failing to provide adequate reasonable assurance?
EPA’s Position on the Bay TMDL • Scope: 6 states and District of Columbia in TMDL • Expectations apply to Bay TMDL, not all TMDLs • Given past Bay Program efforts, reasonable assurance provisions are on more comprehensive end of spectrum • Acceleration of Bay restoration does not rely only on TMDL reasonable assurance provisions • Broader “reasonable assurance and implementation framework” with components within and accompanying TMDL
EPA’s Position on the Bay TMDL • 6 components of reasonable assurance and implementation framework: • Revise tributary strategies to identify controls needed to meet TMDL allocations* • Evaluate existing programmatic, funding, and technical capacity to fully implement tributary strategy* • Identify gaps in current programs and local capacity to achieve the needed controls* • Commit to systematically fill gaps/build program capacity – agree to meet specific, iterative, short-term (1-2 year) milestones – demonstrate increased implementation and/or pollutant reductions • Commit to track/monitor/assess progress at set times – adaptive management • Accept contingency requirements if milestones are not met * Similar to previous tributary strategy efforts
Possible Contingencies • EPA - Emphasis on fulfilling commitments, but contingencies for failure could include: • redoing TMDL • tighter effluent limits (traditional pt. sources, MS4s, CAFOs) • EPA 1991 TMDL Guidance “Where there are not reasonable assurances, under the CWA, the entire load reduction must be assigned to point sources.”
Additional “Nuclear” Contingency Options(CBF proposal NOT EPA) • Moratorium on issuance of NPDES permits • EPA exercises CWA §504 emergency powers – additional regs on pollution • EPA assumes authority of state water programs • More stringent state regs on NPS under existing state/fed law (CAFOs, SW, land use, etc.) • New state regs on NPS (buffer ordinances, ag certification programs, etc.) • Increase enforcement penalties (construction, wetlands, etc.) put $ back into implementation • Increase permit fees (NPDES, wetlands, construction, etc.) put $ back into implementation
EPA’s Position on the Bay TMDL • Schedule: • Legal deadline under Virginia Consent Decree – May 1, 2011 • PSC deadline – December 31, 2010 • Revised schedule to meet PSC deadline, but will revert to legal deadline if necessary rather than issue insufficient TMDL • Scale of allocations within the TMDL: • Tidal states (Maryland, Virginia, Delaware) and District of Columbia • Individual WLAs for point sources • Separate LAs by nonpoint source sector, with possible finer scale allocation to counties or sub-basins • Will work with each jurisdiction to set appropriate scale • Non-tidal jurisdictions (Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York) • Gross WLA and LA to major basin in each jurisdiction if supported by tributary strategy with sufficient detail • EPA can assign WLAs to individual point sources if necessary
Options for Bay Program Partners • Commit to fundamentally different TMDL (Uber-TMDL) • Commit to delist all impaired segments by 20?? (or nutrient reductions) and set interim milestones to measure progress • Create regional compact with contingencies for failed commitments (ex. Marine Fisheries Commissions approach) • Commit to fulfill x% of programmatic, funding, and technical assistance gaps within x years • Potential contingencies: moratorium on new or expanded permits, apply regulations to nonpoint sources, etc. • Commit to implementation framework to accompany TMDL • Defer any actions for 6 months while PSC and Workgroup gather additional information
Proposed PSC/EC Recommendation for Discussion • Adopt EPA’s TMDL/Reasonable Assurance Framework • All 6 States and DC are “In” the TMDL • Differing Scale of Allocations for Tidal vs. Non-Tidal • Revise Trib Strats • ID Existing Capacity • ID Gaps • Commit to Gap Filling • Develop Short-Term Milestones • Track/Monitor/Assess progress at set times • Accept Contingency Requirements • Set New Clean-Up Deadline at 2020 • 2020 deadline based on modeling info • More distant deadline based on monitoring info • Set Milestones at 2-Year Intervals • Meshes with budget cycles and 303(d) list cycle • Agree to Need for Contingency Requirements • Refine specific contingency requirements by 2009 EC • Contingency requirements could vary by jurisdiction