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ERs, IEPs, Behavior Plans, Chapter 14 and Data Collection!!. Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 August, 2011. WHY we are here ….
ERs, IEPs, Behavior Plans, Chapter 14and Data Collection!! Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 August, 2011
WHY we are here … Our Vision: “Every child by name reaching core academic proficiency in core academic disciplines regardless of zip code, economic status, race, ethnicity or disability.” Mission Statement - PDE
Today Our goal today is to work together to gain an understanding of the requirements for demonstrating excellence in our work and compliance with IDEA. Focus: • Evaluation Report, Reevalution Report • IEP • Behavior Support Plans • Progress Monitoring (data collection) Paperwork!
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA ’04) Special education law guarantees the following rights to all students with disabilities: • The right to an education • The right to a “free” education • The right to an “appropriate” education • The right to placement in the “least restrictive setting” • The right to due process
Free Public Education FAPE ← Appropriate
Defining Appropriate The courts define appropriate as “in accordance with the student’s IEP.” This means the IEP serves as THE single most important document for a student with a disability.
The Purpose of an IEP • Serves as a blueprint for the provision of special education services. • Puts into writing the district’s commitment to educating a student with a disability. • Describes the specialized services that are needed for the student to be successful.
The Importance of an IEP • The IEP is a firm, legally binding “commitment of resources” by the district. • When the IEP team specifies that a specialized service is needed, the district must provide it. Source: Bateman, B. (1995) Writing Individualized Education Programs for Success: Secondary Education and Beyond. Learning Disabilities Association.
All school staff working directly with the student are responsible for implementing the IEP. List may include: Administrators Special education teachers General education teachers Counselors Support staff/related services staff Paraprofessionals Persons Responsible for Implementation of an IEP
The Starting Place Referral for evaluation Multidisciplinary eval Determine eligibility Development of IEP
The Evaluation/Reevaluation Report • Provide detailed information on a student’s current level of academic and functional performance • Are data-rich and address all areas of concern • Form the basis for the Present Levels of Performance in the IEP • Include strengths and needs • Provide recommendations for teachers
Parts of the IEP I. Special Considerations II. Present Levels of Performance III. Transition Services IV. Participation in State & Local Assessments V. Goals and Objectives VI.Special Education/ Related Services/ Supplementary Aids & Services/Program Modifications VII. Educational Placement VIII.Penn Data Reporting
Blind or visually impaired? If yes, explain: Deaf or hearing impaired? If yes, develop Communication Plan Communication needs Assistive technology Limited English Proficiency Behaviors that impede learning If yes, Behavior Plan based on FBA Other (Specify) Any factors checked must be addressed in the IEP. I. Special Considerations
Present Levels of Academic Achievement: Performance in general education curriculum, including reading, writing, and math Present Levels of Functional Performance: Related to activities of daily living, functional levels of academics, social deficits, etc. Strengths: Describe what student does relatively well Academic & Functional Needs: State specific needs related to disability (translates into goals) Effect on Involvement & Progress in General Education Curriculum II. Present Levels of Performance
Present Levels of Academic Achievement Instructional Level and Grade Level It is critical that assessments and present levels include both the instructional and grade levels. Instructional level alone does not meet the criteria of the general education curriculum. Grade level alone does not meet the criteria of an IEP based on identified skill deficits. The two levels together allow the student to make progress in the general education curriculum, while also addressing skill deficits 16 NEW
Academic Achievement: Standardized test scores Curriculum-based assessments Teacher records Observations Input from parents State and local assessments PSSA, PASA Functional Performance: Classroom performance Daily living skills Progress reports on previous IEP goals Behavioral records FBA results Related Services Other: Types of Information Included in Present Levels
III. Transition Services • Begin Transition Planning if the student will be 14 years of age or if the IEP team decides to begin planning earlier. • Discuss Desired Post-School Outcomes • Post-Secondary Education and Training • Employment • Independent Living
The IEP team must decide whether the student: participates without accommodations participates with accommodations (list them) will be assessed on an alternative assessment It is required that all students participate in state and district-wide assessments. IV. Participation in State /District-Wide Assessments
PSSA-M (modified) There is now modified PSSA testing in Math, Reading and Science
V. Goals and Objectives • Goals and objectives need to be: • Measurable / Able to be Monitored • Meaningful • Standards-aligned • Derived from the needs resulting from the disability • Related directly to the present levels
Goal Requirements 22 Pennsylvania measurable goal statements include: • Condition • Student name • Behavior • Criteria
Condition 23 Measurable Goals at a Glance Clearly Defined Behavior Performance Criteria Evaluation Schedule -Describe the situation in which the student will perform the behavior. Given visual cues.. During lectures in math… Given active response checks… • Number of times needed to demonstrate mastery • How consistently the student needs to perform the skill(s) • before it’s considered “mastered” • Evaluation Schedule • -How frequently the teacher plans to assess the student • -Method of evaluation Name the action you will see the student actually doing. Use action verbs. Name Locate Point Separate Rank Choose The level and frequency the student demonstrates mastery. % of the time #times/# times With the # or % accuracy “X” or better on a rubric “X” or better on a checklist. Use the Student’s Name
24 New! Standards Aligned Goals • By writing standards-aligned goals, we ensure that we are focusing our instruction on skills that will enable students to access and make progress in the general education curriculum. • Goals need to correspond to the identified skill deficits obtained from present levels of academic achievement.
Standards Aligned Goals Standards aligned goals include some of the actual wording of standards/anchors/eligible content in the PA standards. Not every annual goal must be standards- aligned. For example, functional goals related to independent living, behavior, or personal hygiene do not align with the academic standards. PDE (2009): Writing Standards Aligned IEPs At a Glance 25 New!
Steps to Standards Aligned Goals 1. Review Present Levels of Academic Achievement 2. Identify student’s needs (academic and functional) 3. Prioritize student’s needs 4. Determine the PA standard that correlates with each need 5. Write the goal with the condition, student name, behavior and performance criteria 26 New!
Examples of Standards-Aligned Goals • Goal: Given a reading passage at the 4th grade level, Samuel will be able toidentify and describe the characters, setting, plot and theme,with 80% accuracy on weekly comprehension probes for 6 consecutive weeks. • Goal: Given reading materials at the 2nd grade level, Amy will use knowledge of phonics and context clues to decode new words with 90% accuracy on weekly reading fluency probes, for 6 consecutive weeks. • Goal: Given a word bank with key math vocabulary, Simon will answer questions related to content in tables, graphs and charts with 90% accuracy on 8 of 10 bi-weekly teacher-made assessments.
Let’s Talk About It -- Count off 1-2-3. New ideas? Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?
For Information on Standards Aligned System: SAS : www.pdesas.org Explore this site!
VI. Special Education/Related Services/Program Modifications • Program Modifications and Specially Designed Instruction (including Positive Behavior Support Plan, if required) • Related Services • Supports for School Personnel • Extended School Year
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) SDI is what’s “special” in special education. • Designed to meet the unique and individualized needs of the student. • The IEP team must identify the specific strategies that are needed by the student to access and be successful in the general education curriculum. • Often carried out in the general education setting.
Examples of SDI • Instructional: • large print textbooks/ materials on tape • communication devices/assistive technology • test modification • instructional adaptation (repeating directions, • use of study guides, frequent checks for • understanding) • replacement of traditional reading curriculum with • functional sight vocabulary
Extended time on tests Material read orally to student Reduce number of items on page to 5 or less Pencil grip Modified curricular goals Adaptive equipment Quick pen Preferential seating near teacher Seat cushion More Examples ...
Examples for Positive Behavior Supports If behavior is identified as an area of concern, list positive behavioral support strategies as part of specially designed instruction. Social- Behavioral: • Individualized positive behavior support plan • Consistent rewards and consequences • Visual schedule/ assistance with transitions • Direct instruction in anger management • Direct instruction in social skills
Monitoring Delivery of SDI • For each program modification and/or SDI, the team must indicate the location and frequency of the service to be provided. • LOCATION refers to where the child will be receiving the service. • FREQUENCY refers to how often the child will be receiving the service.
Ensuring Delivery of SDI • School staff must deliver each service or SDI listed in the IEP exactly as outlined in the IEP. • Special educators and general educators need to collaborate to document that each student is receiving the services identified in the IEP.
Refers to transportation and any developmental, corrective or other supportive service needed to assist a student with a disability to benefit from special education. Examples: speech and language physical and occupational therapy audiology services psychological services job coaching mobility services Related Services
If personnel, such as general educators, need supports to implement the IEP, it should be noted in this section. This could include aids, resource materials, training, or equipment. Examples: information/ training on attention deficit disorder training in positive behavior support training in using assistive technology consultation with special educator regarding modification of instruction Supports for School Personnel
Monitoring Supports • For each support listed, the team must indicate the location and frequency of the support to be provided. • LOCATION refers to where school personnel will be receiving the support. • FREQUENCY refers to how often school personnel will be receiving the support.
In considering whether a child is eligible for ESY services, the IEP team must consider these factors. Regression Recoupment Maintenance Mastery of skill Crucial skill for self-sufficiency/independence Withdrawal from learning process Severity of disability Extended School Year (ESY)
Amountof support: Itinerant (20% or less) Supplemental (>20% and <80%) Full-Time (80% or more) Type of support: Blind/Visually Impaired Support Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support Autistic Support Learning Support Life Skills Support Emotional Support Physical Support Multiple Disability Support Speech & Language Support VII. Educational Placement
Educational Placement- Location of Child’s Program • State location child will receive services. Explain if not the neighborhood school. • Explain, if any, reasons the child will not participate with non-disabled peers in the regular education class. • Explain, if any, reasons the child will not participate with non-disabled peers in the general education curriculum.
VIII. Penn Data Reporting • Section A: Indicate the percentage of time the student spends inside the regular education classroom per day (examples provided on IEP) • Section B: For students educated OUTSIDE Regular School Building for more that 50% of the day
Final Thoughts • Bigger is not better when it comes • to the IEP. • Create a focused, manageable, • measurable document. • Develop special education services (SDI) that address the underlying skill deficits needed to succeed in the general curriculum.
A Few More • Use every section of the IEP to spell out the services and specially designed instruction. • Monitor student progress. • Review the IEP and make changes, • if needed.
And… • If it’s written in the IEP,it needs to happen. • If it’s not written in the IEP,it didn’t happen.
This Is It The IEP is a written commitment to the child and his or her family, outlining the resources and specially designed instruction to be delivered. The most well-written IEP is worthless if it is not implemented as written. FOLLOW THE IEP.
Let’s Take a Break! Hurrah!!
Positive Behavior Support: Rationale • “Positive, rather than negative, measures shall form the basis of behavior support programs to ensure that all students shall be free from demeaning treatment, the use of aversive techniques, and unreasonable use of restraints.” • “Behavior support programs shall include research based practices and techniques to develop and maintain skills that will enhance the student’s opportunity for learning and self-fulfillment.”