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Report from Director Caterina Biscari. Three years of operation. Availability (18 Dec 2014). 96.8. 96.0. 94.0. 84. 77. Beam for users at ALBA. Beam for BLs : scheduled user beam , including injection time MTBF: Mean time between failures MTTR: Mean time to have the beam back
Report from Director Caterina Biscari
Three years of operation Availability (18 Dec 2014) 96.8 96.0 94.0 84 77
Beamforusers at ALBA BeamforBLs: scheduleduserbeam, includinginjection time MTBF: Mean time betweenfailures MTTR: Mean time to havethebeam back * Data until08/12/2014
Operation from Jan to Dec 2014 Top-Up Operation Periods of 100% availability
Operatingconditions • Top up – Injection every 20 minutes up to 100 mA (since summer 2014) • Slow orbit feedback (since 2012) • Fast orbit feedback from 2015 – will allow higher injection frequency • Transverse Bunch by bunch feedback from 2015 – will allow increasing current • (up to 250 mA)
User calls 2012-2014: One user call per year From 2015: Two calls per year In the hypothesis of maintaining the same number of proposals in the 2nd call of 2015 Overbooking factor above 2
User call statistics /1 International proposals increase both in absolute and relative numbers Overbooking factor in average >2
Experiments performed until 30/11/14 Finished 3rd call experiments (Run May-Dec 2014) From Jan15 4th call experiments
Publications • From User Office (this morning) 82
Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Matter Influence of the support on surface rearrangements of bimetallicnanoparticles in real catalysts – going versus custommadecatalysts A group of researchers, led by UPC university, has discovered that atoms react differently depending on the characteristics of the support that is used. Part of this study, published in Science, was performed at the NAPP endstation of CIRCE beamline of ALBA Synchrotron. Science346, 620 (2014) – N. Divins et al.
Other activities, asoutreach, collaboration with other institutions
Outreach & Divulgation • Participation in IYL2015 organization • The researchers night – 29-09-14 • Participation inside a H2020 projectArt Museum of Cerdanyola del Valles • Open day - 1630 visits - FECYT funding
Nov 2014: measurement of prototype SESAME SR dipole Characteristics: B0=1.455 Tesla G0=−2.79 Tesla/m Bending angle=22.5º Effective length=2.25m Excitation current=494 Amp Collaboration through CERN 1 + 16 series dipoles to be measured along 2015
BuncherCavityfor IFMIF project in Japan - Builtby CIEMAT (firstcavity in Spain) - Tested at highpower at ALBA 350 kV – Nominal Voltage – 100% dutycycle (data of theconditioningprocess) Bunchercavity in ALBA RF Lab
MIRAS Progress highlights since Jul’14: • Infrared Beamline on a dipole • Beamline scientist appointed (Oct’14), arriving on 2015 • Installation of the dipole vacuum chamber (Aug’14) • Design of Extraction mirror finished (Oct ’14) • Specification of in-tunnel transport optics and mechanics finished (Sep’14) • Design of In-tunnel vacuum system finished (Oct’14) • Preliminary Layout of the beamline ready (Nov’14) BL01-MIRAS Layout Extraction mirror mechanics
LOREA • Angle resolved photoemission - Soft X-Ray (15-450 eV) • Beamline scientist appointed (Nov’14), arriving on Jan’15 Source selection: EU250 (EM) EU125 (Apple II) • Apple II undulator provides higher flux and reaches much higher energy while preserving the low energy end. It saves much power. • Although EM undulator switches polarization more quickly (18s vs 125s) it fits user requirements.
Change of experimental hall classification from January 2015 also on MD days Change of classification of many of us From 2015 only NO expuesto & Categoria A
2. Occupational H&S OccupationalH&S 23 • Accidents / Incidents (2014 STATUS):
CSS group • They are there to help all of us in working safely, in close collaboration with H&S group Gaston Garcia Marc Alvarez Gabriel Jover Alberto Ruz Bern Salo Joan Vilanova-> Cristina Orozco
Staff evaluation • Started the preparation of a new model • Based on: Group evaluation (based on accomplishment of objectives) + Personal evaluation (based on accomplishment of objectives + specific parameters) • Total evaluation => yearly bonus (variable salary) • Personal evaluation => points for career advances • No bottom-up evaluation, but possibilities to include anonymous and voluntary comments on responsibles • Project being evaluated by an external consultant, then to be submitted to CE and then applied for 2016.
Proposal from Direction To be discussed by Administration with CE in next meeting: • Whenever there is a change of classification of a staff member, she/he will not loose the points accumulated for career evolution (from Jan’15 )
Psychosocial risk evaluation • In progress • External company is finalizing the report • Should be available in January 2015 • Thereafter we will analyze it, and act where needed to improve conditions
Gender balance Improve gender balance in all committees of ALBA Privilege female in recruitments or career progresswhen professionally on equal conditions of males
Phase III BL processAccording to Strategy Plan8 extra BLs to be completed by 2020
Phase III BL Process - 2014 AprilJuneOctober November December Workshop Assignment Submission of Referees SAC at ALBA for of ALBA Proposals to review to meeting Preliminary spokespersons ALBA proposers for proposal to 6 proposals evaluation presentations End 2014 – ALBA publishes the Phase III Beamline ranking, based on SAC recommendations and internal considerations.
BLs projects – first proposals 1. Microfocus diffraction beamline for macromolecular crystallography Spokesperson(s): Núria Verdaguer (IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona); MariaSolà (IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona,); Isabel Usón (IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona); Jeronimo Bravo, IBV) ALBA-spokesperson: Jordi Juanhuix 2. Submicrometer-beam diffraction, fluorescence and absorption beamline Spokesperson(s): Adela Muñoz (Universidad de Sevilla); Gema Martinez Criado. (ESRF)) ALBA-spokesperson: Josep Nicolas/Laura Simonelli 3. High-energyimagingbeamline Spokesperson(s): Juan GómezBarreiro (Universidad de Salamanca), Federico Sket (IMDEA MaterialsInstitute - Madrid) ALBA-spokespersons: Xavier Turrillas/Eva Pereiro 4. Surface-interface diffraction beamline Spokesperson(s): Xavier Torrelles (ICMAB-CSIC) ALBA-spokesperson: Salvador Ferrer (ALBA) 5. Skiron: Chiroptical spectroscopy beamline Spokesperson(s): Salvador Ferrer (ALBA) 6. Instrument development and Innovation beamline Spokesperson(s): JosepNicolas (ALBA), Miguel A. G. Aranda (ALBA)
Phase III: Some of the proposed scientific opportunities Nano technology, earth and environmental sciences, cultural heritage and bio-medicine at submicrondiffraction, flourescence and absorption Nanostructures, surface-interface, catalysis at surface-interface diffraction Microcrystals, Proteins at microfocus PX Food science, geology, material science, Life science, medicine, paleontology at Fast Tomography Bioscience, chemistry, materials At Chiroptical Spectroscopy Detector and instrument developments at Notos
Phase III BL proposal evaluation 3-4 December 2014 Beamline proposal were defended in front of SAC by authors. Each presentation was followed by an open discussion The SAC was asked to provide an evaluation on • Scientific Case • User Community • Technical Proposal and a grade according to: • A: should be considered for funding now if resources are available in Phase III; • B: should not be considered for funding in Phase III. The scientific case is strong enough so that a new proposal could be considered in the future if modified appropriately; • C: the proposal is deemed not feasible for technical reasons at the current time; • D: should not be considered for funding in Phase III and the scientific case does not warrant consideration in the near future round of proposals.
Final conclusions(From SAC draft report) We conclude that all six proposals are grade A quality and their scores identical (certainly within the errors of the various subjective assessments). Their Technical Design Reports will now be required.
About Phase III realization Present Phase III proposals: average 5 M€/BL Strategic Plan (from 2014 on): 2 BL per year, 5 M€/BL Aiming at defining the first Phase III BL in few weeks, and while building them re-launch the process for new projects to be started during the 2017-2020 period. Financing: 50% from FEDER, 50% from other financing sources: administrations, loans, ICF or BEI loans? Each new Beamline to be correlated with 8 new staff members
Conclusions (as shown in CR on 15-12-14) • ALBA is routinely and efficiently in operation • National and international users are oversubscribing the 7 Phase I BLs. • Top scientific results are being obtained • ALBA staff is involved in several international and national projects • First patents and development of technological transfer • Outreach activities increasing • Two Phase II BL are in construction • Six proposals for Phase III BLs presented by a wide national scientific community have been very positively evaluated by SAC • Executive Committee has created a working group to study the financing of Phase III BL • Contacts with BEI for inquiring about conditions of loans on going • 50(out of 181) three-years contracts major present difficulty in ALBA
Staff • 8 people left in 2014 (dropping from 15% of total staff in 2013 to 4.5% in 2014) • International representation maintained • Women percentage maintained (28%) • 181 people + 16 Students (FP and PhD) • 50 temporal contracts
Proyecto de Ley de Presupuestos del Estado 2015 (06-10-14) • Uno. No obstante lo dispuesto en la disposición adicional vigésima de la Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento Administrativo Común, excepcionalmente, en el año 2015, la contratación de personal por los consorcios participados mayoritariamente por las administraciones y organismos que integran el sector público, definido en el artículo 20, apartado Uno de esta Ley, que tengan la condición de agentes de ejecución del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación con arreglo a la Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación, podrán realizar contratos indefinidos con un límite del 50 por ciento de su tasa de reposición, calculada conforme a las reglas del artículo 21.Uno.3 de esta Ley. Sólo en casos excepcionales y para cubrir necesidades urgentes e inaplazables, podrán llevar a cabo contrataciones temporales.
A dia de hoy: Permiso de la Comision Ejecutiva a cubrir todas las bajas (con contratos temporales) Hipótesis más favorable: permiten más contratos indefinidos – pasamos a indefinidos todos los contratos estructurales actualmente de tres años (~50) – Necesidad de pasar por un concurso abierto Hipótesis menos favorable: no hay ninguna enmienda aprobada – Se abren Nbajas/2 plazas indefinidas correspondientes a los contratos temporales más antiguos. Los demás se pasan al acabar los tres años a contrato de interinidad (sin concurso). Cuando será posible se irán transformando en indefinidos
Postdocs From 2015 on contracts of 5 years instead of the 3 years contracts. Those who are already with us will get an extension (if they want) up to a total 5 years term
Conclusions We have consolidated operating conditions We are producing scientific results We have started the Phase II Construction We are preparing for the Phase III Thanks to all of you!