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vrikMg mwfl

vrikMg mwfl. ivSw ivigAwn j mwq sqvI iqAwr krqw:SRI mqI rynU bwlw ( swieMs imstRYs ) Shwiek : vInw rwxI ( fI.eI.rmsw trRynr ) iviAwrQI : hrpRIq kOr,nvnIq kOr srkwrI hweI skUl.G`gr srwey. swh pRxwlI Aqy swh lYx dI pRikirAw. audyS.

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vrikMg mwfl

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Presentation Transcript

  1. vrikMg mwfl ivSwivigAwn jmwqsqvI iqAwrkrqw:SRImqIrynUbwlw(swieMsimstRYs) Shwiek: vInwrwxI( fI.eI.rmswtrRynr) iviAwrQI: hrpRIqkOr,nvnIqkOr srkwrIhweIskUl.G`grsrwey

  2. swh pRxwlI Aqy swh lYx dI pRikirAw

  3. audyS ividAwrQIAW nUM mnu`K duAwrw swh lYx dI pRikirAw qoN jwxU krvwauxw Aqy swh pRxwlI dy Bwgw bwry d`sxw[

  4. loVINdI sm`grI • plwsitk dI KwlI boql • 3 gubwry(2 Coty,1 v`fw) • plwsitk pwiep 2

  5. ivDI • plwsitk boql dy ie`k isry nUM k`t lvo[ • boql dy F`kx ivckwr ie`k mohrI kr lvo qW jo pwiep AMdr jw sky[ • pwiep nUM mohrI duAwrw boql iv`c pwau Aqy pwiep dy dUjy isr nUM do mUMh (gulyl dy Awkwr) vwly pwiep nwl joVo[ • pwiep dy donW isrW au`qy Coty gubwry lgwa[ • Boql dy Ku`ly isry aou`qy v`fw gubwrw lgwa[

  6. SRI mqI rynU mwfl nwl ividAwrQIAW nUM smJwaudy hoey[

  7. DMnvwd

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