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ASBESTOS A GLOBAL KILLER. Women in Europe for a Common Future - WECF. www.wecf.eu. Speakers. Olga Speranskaya, Eco Accord Russia Asbestos in Russia, biggest producer and consumer Yuyun Ismawati, Balifokus, Indonesia Asbestos in Indonesia Annabella Rosemberg, ITUC

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  1. ASBESTOSA GLOBAL KILLER Women in Europe for a Common Future - WECF www.wecf.eu

  2. Speakers Olga Speranskaya, Eco Accord Russia Asbestos in Russia, biggest producer and consumer Yuyun Ismawati, Balifokus, Indonesia Asbestos in Indonesia Annabella Rosemberg, ITUC Perspective of the Trade Unions Markus Mattenklott, German Social Accident Insurance The German case

  3. All Asbestos linked to cancer • WHO: 125 million people occupationally exposed to asbestos, including women and children • ILO: asbestos causes 100.000 deaths globally every year through occupational exposure alone.

  4. Health Risks Asbestos • All types of asbestos can cause: • asbestosis, a progressive fibrotic disease of the lungs. • lung cancer,malignant mesothelioma and gastrointestinal cancers • Latest research: asbestos increases risk of ovarian cancer • Research shows, that • excessive risks of lung cancer and mesothelioma (increased by tobacco smoking) • there is no threshold value • one fibre of asbestos can be enough for asbestosis and cancer development • Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO)

  5. Women and children: affected • Mesothelioma development risks increase sharply • in the case of long-term exposure to low doses of asbestos comparatively • exposure to high doses • Cases of mesothelomia cancer: • Washing clothes asbestos workers • Playing as child near asbestos factory • Living near asbestos factory Indian child playing on Asbestos dust heap

  6. What countries do • Main asbestos producers: • Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, Brazil • Main asbestos users: • same and: • India,Thailand, Nigeria, Angola, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Colombia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia...and others • 40 countries have banned chrysotile asbestos use, most of them developed countries and some developing countries

  7. Citizens in many user countries believe their asbestos is safe • WECF discovered with shock that NGO partners wanted to use asbestos for ecological construction • NGOs and the public had been told, that “their” asbestos was safe • People sawing asbestos slates in their house and garden Common sight in EECCA: asbestos slates used in home and garden

  8. WECF tested Kazakh asbestos • WECF bought asbestos sample in Almaty, Kiev and Garla Mare • Tested in accredited laboratory in Germany • The chrysotile asbestos from Kazakhstan is of cancer-causing type Laboratory test of asbestos plate bought in Almaty, Kazakhstan

  9. Kazakh asbestos is same as the asbestos forbidden in 40 countries

  10. Unethical Commercial Tactics • Commercial tactics of the asbestos industry are similar to those of the tobacco industry. • Losses resulting from reduced cigarette consumption in the developed countries are offset by heavy selling to the Third World. • Canada, Russia, and other asbestos-exporting countries have developed major markets in developing countries • Asbestos industry lures consumers in developing countries that „their“ asbestos can be safely used • Authorities can not protect their populations health, imports remain uncontrolled as long as not on PIC list

  11. Asbestos producers • Most asbestos is sold by national companies • No more asbestos multinational corporations exist • These national companies do not bear the costs of occupational and environmental illness their products are causing. • These companies are a threat to public health • Scientists and public officials have faced death threats and attacks on their professional career in the court • International campaigns of support needed for public health workers advocating asbestos bans in Brazil and India.

  12. Only solution: ban of asbestos • “controlled use” in NOT a realistic alternative to a ban • Ban in 40 industrialized countries is shifting sales to developing countries • International ban is the main solution to help protect citizens in developing countries

  13. Listing of Asbestos Rotterdam Convention • Scientific Review Committee of Rotterdam Convention has proposed listing of chrysotile asbestos under Annex III of RC • Prior Informed Consent to help countries control imports and exports of hazardous substances to and from their countries • Few asbestos producing states block decision at Rotterdam Convention COP due to consensus vote: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe (+Russia that is not a member)

  14. WECF asbestos awareness programme

  15. Thank you for your attention Women in Europe for a Common Future - WECF www.wecf.eu

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