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Explore the complexities and history of China-US counterterrorism cooperation, including origins of antagonism, major attacks, and reasons for lack of collaboration in the 1980s and 1990s.
China-US anti-terrorism cooperation 中美反恐合作 By: Chan Ching Yi Cherry (04728131) Kim Hyung Gyun Harry (05550830)
Definition of terrorism 恐怖主義的定義 • Terrorism arises from political, economic, cultural, ethnic and religious factors 恐怖主義多由政治, 經濟, 文化, 道德或宗教問題引起 • Terrorist attacks: 恐怖主義: • in various forms: suicide bombing, hijacking and kidnapping形式上: 例如自殺式襲擊, 劫機, 綁架 • location: highly populated, symbols of a nation (e.g. WTC)地點: 多發生於人口稠密的地方, 或是國家的地標 • 9/11 attack had a profound impact on the whole world in terms of economic, social and political, as well as military significance. (starting point of Sino-US counter terrorism cooperation) 911事件形響了全球的經濟, 社會, 政治和軍事發展, 並加速了中美的反恐合作
The U.S. and terrorism美國與恐怖主義 • US main concern: Al-Qaeda – an international Islamic Fundamentalist campaign led by Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama bin Laden 美國的憂慮: 阿蓋達組織–由拉登及札瓦希里為首的極端伊斯蘭教恐怖份子組織 • Origin of antagonism: Anger triggered during the Gulf War: Saudi Arabia chose US help over Osama bin Laden’s help (use of non-Muslim help) 對立的因由: 海灣戰爭中沙地阿拉伯拒絕拉登的幫助而投向非回教的美國
The U.S. and terrorism 美國與恐怖主義 • Terrorist attacks executed by Al-Qaeda: US embassy bombings, USS Cole bombing, Bali nightclub bombing, Madrid train bombings, London Underground bombings 阿蓋達曾發動的襲擊: 使館炸彈襲擊, 美國戰艦炸彈襲擊, 峇里島炸彈襲擊, 馬德里火車炸彈襲擊, 倫敦鐵路炸彈襲擊 • US accused Al-Qaeda for 9/11, but Osama denied accusation – US claims to have found evidence of his responsibility 美國持證據指阿蓋達是911襲擊的主謀, 但阿蓋達拒絕承認責任
China and terrorism中國與恐怖主義 • China’s concern: Uyghur separatists - fights for independent state in the province of Xinjiang 中國的顧慮: 維吾爾分離分子–爭取新彊的獨立 • China accuses Uyghur separatists of having connections with Osama bin Laden 中國政府認為維吾爾分離分子與拉登有聯繫 • Origin of antagonism: formation of the PRC statehood of East Turkestan Republic taken away 對立的因由: 中華人民共和國的成立令東土耳其斯坦解散 • Scale of the attack executed by the East Turkestan forces only a fraction to that of Al-Qaeda’s 東土耳其斯坦組織策劃的襲擊規模比阿蓋達組織的小
China and terrorism中國與恐怖主義 • Chinese government exaggerates reports on East Turkestan forces. e.g.) claims that “more than a thousand” Xinjiang separatists have received terrorist training in Afghanistan, but only one organization found to have a history of operations based in Afghanistan 中國政府誇大東土耳其斯坦組織的行動, 例: 中方指 “多於一千”名分離分子曾在阿富汗接受訓練, 但只有一個組織曾在阿富汗經營 • Xinjiang separatists all over the world. Even has a lobbying force in the U.S. Congress, but still too dispersed and small to pose serious threat to China. 新疆分離分子分怖全球, 並常於美國國會進行遊說, 但對中國威脅不大
China and terrorism中國與恐怖主義 • PRC government’s main worries: 中國政府的恐懼: • Issue of potential social instability if terrorism gets out of hand. 恐怖主義失控可能引起的社會動盪 • Xinjiang separatists can provoke separatists in Tibet, adding to the potential political instability. 新彊分離分子挑釁西藏分離分子, 可引起更嚴重的政治動盪 • PRC hosting the 2008 Olympic games 2008北京奧運的保安問題
Reasons for no counter-terrorism cooperation between US and China in 1980s and 1990s八十與九十年代中國與美國在反恐上缺乏合作的原因 • Poor Sino-US relationship 惡劣中美關係 • US Congress condemned human rights conditions in China by seeking dissolution of normal trade relations and introducing resolutions in the United Nations 國會指責中國的人權問題, 並多次提出取消中國的貿易最惠國待遇, 及多番在聯合國引入譴責中國的決議 • Rapid breakdown of relationship after the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989年天安門事件令中美關係急速惡化
Reasons for no counter-terrorism cooperation between US and China in 1980s and 1990s八十與九十年代中國與美國在反恐上缺乏合作的原因 • The bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade by NATO planes in 1999, the EP-3/F-8 aircraft collision in 2001, the Taiwan crisis and the North Korea issue have all put the two countries into a stalemate. 1999年中國在柏爾格雷德的大使館遭北約戰機炸毀, 2001年中美戰機衝突, 台灣問題及北韓問題皆令中美關係陷入僵局 • Little terrorist threat to both countries 恐怖主義未對兩國造成嚴重威脅
Reasons for cooperation 合作原因 • The 911 attack in 2001 started Bush’s “War on terrorism” 911事件令布殊發起“反恐戰爭” • China has for long been troubled by the extreme behaviours of the Uyghur separatists 中國長久以來受困於新疆分離分子 • Terrorism as common enemy 恐怖主義成為兩國的共同敵人
Details of Cooperation 合作細節Statements of support 合作聲明 • 11 Sep: President Jiang Zemin phoned George W. Bush to express sympathy and to condemn the attack. 9月11日: 江澤民致電布殊表示對死傷者的慰問及指責恐怖份子的行為 • 12 Sep: Jiang sent a personal message to Bush reassuring support to fight terrorism 9月12日: 江承諾支持布殊的反恐行動 • 12 Sep: Beijing voted for Resolution 1368 in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to approve the use of military force against al-Qaida and Taliban in Afghanistan 9月12日: 北京在聯合國安全理事會支持通過對阿蓋達及塔利班動用軍事行動“決議1368”
Details of Cooperation 合作細節Statements of support 合作聲明 • 28 Sep: China voted for Resolution 1373 in the UNSC again to reaffirm the need to combat terrorism. 9月28日: 北京再次支持通過打擊恐怖主義的“決議1373” • October 2001 The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Shanghai: Bilateral agreement between the US and China to fight terrorism 2001年10月: 亞太經合組織會議中, 中美發出聯合聲明共同打擊恐怖主義 • China persuaded Pakistan, her close ally, and some Central Asian countries to support Washington 中國遊說盟國巴基斯坦及其它中亞國家支持華盛頓
Intelligence 情報 • China sent a team of 32 anti-terrorist experts to the US to supply intelligence on the financial networks about al-Qaeda and Taliban. 中國派出32名反恐專員到美國提供阿蓋達及塔利班的經濟網絡情報 • February 2002: A Legal Attaché Office under the FBI was set up at the US Embassy in Beijing with China’s approval. 2002年2月: 北京通過美國聯邦調查局進駐北京的美國大使館方案
Container Security Initiative (CSI) 集裝箱安全倡議 • 29 July 2003: customs officials from the US are allowed access to the ports in Shanghai and Shenzhen to check containers that are delivered to the US. China can do the same in the US 2003年7月29日: 美國海關可派專員到上海及深圳港口檢查將運進美國的集裝箱. 中國在美國亦享同等權利
Financial support 經濟合作 • 21 Jan 2002: $150 million aid from China on reconstruction of Afghanistan 2002年1月21日: 中國答應撥出1億5千萬元予阿富汗重建計劃
Military support 軍事合作 • The Chinese borders on the Afghan and Pakistan fronts were closed to prevent the fleeing of Osama bin Laden and his followers into China. 中國堵截接壤阿富汗及巴基斯坦的邊境, 防止拉登等人潛入中國 • Other details are kept confidential 其它軍事合作細節保密
Obstacles 困難Human rights in China 中國人權問題 • China wanted US’ support in its battle against Uyghur separatists by supporting the US 中國希望透過支持美國的反恐戰爭, 爭取美國向其對解決新疆分離分子問題的支持 • The East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was identified as a terrorist group by Washington on 26 August 2002. 2002年8月26日“東土耳其斯坦伊斯蘭運動”被美國納入為恐怖組織 • Chinese government took actions against the terrorist organization, resulting in arbitrary detentions, persecutions or even executions 中國政府打擊東土耳其斯坦伊斯蘭運動, 並對其進行扣留, 迫害, 甚至執行死刑
Human rights in US 美國的人權問題 • US soldiers’ inhumane treatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq 美軍在伊拉克對囚犯的虐待 • Inhumane treatment of captured suspects of al-Qaeda and Tailban in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba 美軍對在古巴被扣留的阿蓋達及塔行班疑犯的不人道對待 • 15 prisoners from Xinjiang who were believed to have close ties with al-Qaeda were were sent to the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The Beijing government has made frequent inquiries on the repatriation of the prisoners, but Washington was worried about the treatment of these prisoners in China 15名懷疑與阿蓋達有聯系的新疆囚犯被美國扣留於古巴, 北京政府爭取遣送囚犯回國, 但美國對囚犯遣返後的待遇感憂慮
Others 其它 • The US commented that the information on terrorist groups provided by Beijing was coming up short on specifics in comparison with their other partners such as the Philippines or Singapore. 美國評價中國提供有關恐怖份子的情報, 不及其它伙伴如新加坡及菲律賓般詳盡 • The problems of trade imbalance, intellectual property rights infringement and arms proliferation, in addition to the Taiwan and Tibet issues led to worsened relationship 貿易逆差, 知識產權紛爭, 武器散佈問題, 台灣及西藏問題破壞中美關係
Effectiveness of counter terrorism cooperation 反恐合作的成效 • Effectiveness of counter terrorism difficult to measure 反恐合作成效難以計算 • Exchange intelligence have taken place successfully but its usefulness is questionable 情報互通的成效受質疑 • Major financing network for terrorist groups in Afghanistan were cut off by identifying terrorist money in Chinese banks and disabling drug trafficking – one of the major sources of money for terrorist groups. 阿富汗恐怖份子的主要經濟網絡在中國銀行被截斷, 另一經濟來源 -- 毒品走私亦在中國被堵截
Potential development of counter terrorism cooperation 反恐合作的發展潛力 • Better protection of critical infrastructure 加強保護重要建設 • Development of technologies to detect lethal weapons 發展科技以探測具殺傷力武器 • Better transportation security 改善運輸系統保安 • Safeguarding border security 加強邊境安全 • Joint technical training 技術培訓的合作 • These points may favor China, while some may be unrealistic 合作多對中國有利, 但或顯得不實際 • Money can be better spent on building proper schools in predominantly Islamic countries to teach younger generations. 或應投放資源在回教國家建設更好的學校以教育青年人
Conclusion總結 • Counter terrorism cooperation has probably yielded no breakthrough in fighting terrorism. 反恐合作對反恐力量帶來少突破 • Significance and implication on the Sino-US relations: 合作對中美關係的影響: • One of very few aspects of Sino-US relations that both sides can agree and cooperate in 反恐是中美關係中少數可合作的層面 • Sheer existence of cooperative mechanism between the US and China is already a positive move for both parties, but has not lead to a breakthrough in Sino-US relation 缺乏合作細節的合作層面為中美帶來正面影響, 但未足以為中美關係帶來突破
Conclusion總結 • Cooperation based on common interest is not enough for a breakthrough. Rather, cooperation based on common interest + common values will be better. 基於共同利益的合作難以改變中美關係, 只有基於共同利益及共同價值的合作才能帶來突破