Suplemental Data Figure S1. Alignment of deduced amino acid sequence of CaGA2ox1 and other GA2ox homologs from the pepper EST database. Dark shading indicates amino acid residues that are conserved in CaGA2ox1. The asterisks indicate amino acid residues presumed to bind Fe at the active site. The closed triangles show the putative 2-oxoglutarate binding site.
Xag8ra MgCl2 0 1.5 6 12 24 0 1.5 6 12 24 CaGA2ox1 CaPR1 CaActin Wound 0 0.5 1.5 3 6 9 12 18 24 72 CaGA2ox1 CaActin H2O 100μM ABA 0 1 3 6 12 24 48 0 1 3 6 12 24 48 CaGA2ox1 H2O Cadhn CaActin Figure S2. Expression level of the CaGA2ox1 gene in pepper plants inoculated with a non-host bacterial pathogen, Xag8ra, was detected by RT-PCR The CaGA2ox1 transcripts in pepper plants treated with ABA and wound. The expression of Cadhnin ABA-treated leaves were monitored as positive controls.
pGEX:SoGA2ox pET:CaGA2ox1 pGEX pET U I U I U I U I M kDa 75 SoGA2ox 50 37 25 GST kDa 75 50 CaGA2ox1 37 25 α-His ab Figure S3. Expression of recombinant CaGA2ox1protein in BL21 pLysS. The recombinant fusion protein CaGA2ox1 was detected by western blot analysis with an anti-His antibody. U: uninduced, I: IPTG-induced.
MgCl2 Xag8ra CaGA2ox1 CaKS25000C15 cacn18210 Relative mRNA CaPR1 CaACCox CaPR4 Relative mRNA 6h 6h 12h 12h 6h 12h Figure S4. Expression patterns of GA-responsive genes and several defense-related genes in pepper plants using Q-RT-PCR analysis. Total RNA was extracted from leaf tissues of pepper plants at 6 h and 12 h after MgCl2 or Xag8ra inoculation, respectively.
Reference Chung E, Kim SY, Yi SY, Choi D. 2003. Capsicum annuumdehydrin, an osmotic-stress gene in hot pepper plants. Mol Cells 15: 327-332.