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- Oct 1994 Matt Gallo, Tabby Dodson. Yasser Arafat. Oct 1994. Yasser Arafat Ultimate Peace Prize?. TIME. “For efforts to make peace in the middle east”. Home land. Israel. Yasser Arafat at Ceremony for Nobel Peace Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1994/arafat.jpg.
- Oct 1994 Matt Gallo, Tabby Dodson. Yasser Arafat
Oct 1994 Yasser Arafat Ultimate Peace Prize? TIME “For efforts to make peace in the middle east”
Yasser Arafat at Ceremony for Nobel Peace Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1994/arafat.jpg Statement for winning - Renounced acts of terror. - Sincere participant in a true peace process. - worked on peaceful ways to resolve issues
Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres receiving nobel peace prize Statement for winning - Yasser Arafat - Yitzhak Rabin - Shimon Peres All three won nobel Peace prize for their outstanding efforts.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Arafat-young.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Arafat-young.jpg Yasser Arafat as a young boy in the 1940s. Early life -Born August 24th, 1929 - mother died when he was 5 - father was not involved. - shifted homes - no discussion of childhood
Tombstone represting the death of Yasser Arafat's mother. http://www.interment.net/column/uploaded_images/stained-glass-tombstone-704138.jpg Early Life Mother: Zahwa Abul Saud - Yasser's mother died when he was only five - Yasser was moved to live with his uncle - later on moved with sister
The Father of Yasser Arafat http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LG0aK89yc2o/TOCepPtJVrI/AAAAAAAAAxI/VjwMft909uE/s1600/yaser+father.jpg Early Life Father: Abel Raouf al-Qudwa - Father was a merchant. - seven children - father was not involved in the childrens life.
The different stages of growth through out Yasser Arafat's life. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_0h5FXSE7HC8/TMEqfxdb7OI/AAAAAAAAAj8/S5EEPdfyCIQ/s1600/pic1.jpeg Early Life: how did it shape Arafat? - tough childhood: -Responsibility -Courage -Hope -Wisdom
Cairo University; The first college of which Yasser Arafat attended before leaving. http://patdollard.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/cairouniv.jpg Adult life - Cairo University - University of King Faud I - Yasser “Easy Going” -Judaism and Zionism
Yasser Arafat sitting in a meeting for his organization. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7hNEG4O5180/TcwHqO4IEuI/AAAAAAAABVA/nNbe7DUf8xM/s1600/1_yasser_arafat.jpg Adult Life - left school to join Arab forces -Leader in Palestinian effort - returned to Cairo in 1949
The Egyptian Army http://cdn-media.nationaljournal.com/?controllerName=image&action=get&id=5183&width=620&height= Adult Life - Studied engineering / Bachelors degree -called to duty in 1956 -served as 2nd lieutenant in Egyptian army. -public works -contracting firm
Al- Fatah logo http://vialogue.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/fatah.jpg Adult Life -1958 founded “Al-Fatah” - full- time revolutionary - sought contributions for Fatah - Fatah: 300 members/ most powerful group - president of PLO
Yasser Arafat; 1956 graduating with BA in engineering http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LG0aK89yc2o/TOCh56dCPtI/AAAAAAAAAxk/8v3F7qmGovs/s400/yase-study.jpg Adult Life: how did it shape Arafat? -War has put Arafat in shape physically & mentally - Gained Knowledge -Skills
Arab- Israeli conflict political cartoon http://www.science.co.il/arab-israeli-conflict/cartoons/land-for-peace-20060724.jpg Problems -Arab- Israeli conflict - Yitzhak Rabin: Israeli
Map of territories causing arab-israeli conflict http://www.ijs.org.au/Images/UserUploadedImages/PeelCommPP1937.gif Arab-Israeli Conflict
Yitzhak Rabin http://static.newworldencyclopedia.org/thumb/1/1c/Yitzhak_Rabin_(1986)_cropped.jpg/160px-Yitzhak_Rabin_(1986)_cropped.jpg Yitzhak Rabin
Palestine liberation Organization (PLO) Logo http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/images/plologo.gif Accomplishments & Goals - Giving Palestinian people hope - Create peace in the Middle East - PLO and other Organizations
Yasser Arafat http://www.sportcartoons.co.uk/wallpaper/yasserarafat.jpg Personal Story - British soldiers assaulted family - growing up without parents - fighting in war
Connection to class themes - Imperialism -International Conflicts - Arab- Israeli conflict - Human Rights
Imperialism illustration http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Uploads/Graphics/002-0725213018-Imperialism.jpg Imperialism
International conflicts seminar http://www.workshops.org/images/2011%20ICS%20Brochure_opt_page2_image3.jpg International conflicts
Human Rights, time and truth. http://www.dosomething.org/files/pictures/human_rights_first.jpg Human Rights
Yasser Arafat at nobel prize ceremony http://streetwhispers.com/images/Yasser.jpg Yasser Arafat: Ultimate Noble peace prize - attempted to fix Arab- Israel conflict (came closest) - devoted to his people -risked his life for his beliefs -