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Student Finance

Find out about the financial assistance options available at York St. John University, including tuition fees, loans, grants, and scholarships.

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Student Finance

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  1. Student Finance York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  2. Key Facts • You do not pay tuition fees up front • You need to be earning at least £21,000 a year before you start paying back • Repayments are from as little as £4.00 a month • Graduate employment rates remain high (91% within six months of graduation) • Please note: the figures for 2013/14 are subject to parliamentary approval York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  3. Key words Fees – Amount charged to study on the course. Generally apply to all undergraduate degrees with some exceptions for health courses. Paid per year of study Loans – Taken out to cover tuition fees and living costs. Need to be paid back gradually once earning a certain amountGrants – Money from the government which doesn’t have to be paid back. Amount received generally dependent upon incomeLiving costs – Food, accommodation, bills, course costs etc.Interest – The fee charged to you for the use of borrowed money Residual household income? This is effectively the household income BEFORE tax and AFTER any pension contributions or allowances for dependant children. York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  4. How much will it cost to go to university? • Annual Tuition Fees for2013 - £9,000 (including PGCE) • Accommodation – approx. £3,500-£6,400 Pay termly, in advance, by cheque or direct debit • • Living Expenses – approx. £4,000 (but varies!)Food , books, course costs, clothes, laundry, entertainment, travel home York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  5. Financial help is available • Tuition Fees • Do not have to pay up front or whilst studying • Tuition Fee Loan available from the Student Loans Company • Loan also available for eligible part-time, first-degree students who complete minimum of 25% of full time course load p/a (including part-time PGCE) • Some exemptions to fees– NHS courses e.g. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  6. Financial help available from York St John Fee Waivers and Scholarships In 2013/14 YSJ will offer three different types of fee waivers to students who meet the required criterion. YSJ Fee Waiver - unlimited number of the fee waivers to all undergraduate students whose residual family income falls within the thresholds below and are paying £9,000. Eligibility will be reviewed annually.  York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  7. Financial help available from York St John • National Scholarship Programme (NSP) Fee Waiver - English students paying fees of £9,000 with residual household income below £25,000 may also be eligible for one of 250 NSP Fee Waivers. These provide a £3,000 fee waiver for one year of study, to first year undergraduate students  based on a range of background criteria. • YSJ Entry Scholarships-  200 scholarships of £2,000 fee waivers and an additional £1,000 cash bursary will be awarded, for one year of study, to first year undergraduate students. Eligibility criteria will be based on household incomes, academic achievements and/or widening participation groups. • SPARK Scholarships York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  8. Financial help is available Living Cost Loan • Available for all eligible full-time students (including full time PGCE) • Not available for part-time students (including part-time PGCE) • All students are eligible for 65% of the loan, further 35% is means-tested on residual household income • In 2013/14 the maximum annual loan available if you live with your parents will be £4,375, if you live away from home £5,500 York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  9. Financial help is available Living Cost Grant for full-time students: • The amount of the grant isdependant on residual household income • Available for eligible full-time students (including full time PGCE) • Not available for part-time students (including part-time PGCE) • This help does not have to be repaid • Maximum grant available of £3,354 if your residual household income below £25,000 • Partial grant if residual household income is up to £42,611 Apply for all funding via www.gov.uk/studentfinance York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  10. NHS Funding & Support Tuition Fees for NHS Courses (2012-13 figures) 2013/14 funding to be agreed in Spring 2013 Students on NHS funded courses do not pay tuition fees. The NHS meet the full cost of tuition fees. Living Costs • An income-assessed NHS bursary (extra weeks if eligible ) • A non-income assessed £1,000 grant • Reduced rate of student loan from Student Finance England (non income-assessed). • Additional allowances for eligible students (depending on your circumstances, income-assessed) On-line calculator- www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  11. Repayment of loans • Repayment starts once you leave university and are earning over £21,000 per annum • Repayments are 9% of income above £21,000 • Written off after 30 years

  12. http://yourfuture.direct.gov.uk/calculate Unpaid balance written off after 30 years York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  13. Interest During study until entering repayment • Interest rate is: • Retail Price Index (RPI) +3% Income: Below £21,000 • Interest rate is: • RPI Only Income Between: £21,000 - £41,000 • RPI plus some amount • between 0% and 3% Income: Above £41,000 • Interest rate is: • Retail Price Index (RPI) +3% York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  14. Budgeting York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  15. Accommodation • Will be your biggest spend • Be realistic • Do you NEED an en-suite • Think before you buy non-essentials to fill your room! • What is included? • TV licence? • Sharing your flat / sharing the cost • Visit the accommodation • Check contracts from private landlords York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  16. Your money • Open a student bank account • What freebies do you get? • Check for charges • Overdraft • Amount the bank will let you spend without incurring a penalty over and above what you have in your account. May be £500- £2000 per year • Interest • If you spend more money than is in your account you’ll be charged interest by the bank for going overdrawn • Only buy with cash • Store Cards/Credit Cards – NO • Keep away if possible • Check the interest rate • Keep up with repayments York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  17. University • Returned library books on time • Be careful of what you print • Bought second hand books or shared • Amazon marketplace, Oxfam • Buy a bike – cars are bad for your pocket and the • environment • Equipment costs /extra course costs York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  18. Students Union • Limit nights out - alternate with a night in • Be creative – host x-factor nights, Karaoke to save money • Watch out for discounts • NUS Card • Promotions • Fresher's Fair • Societies and Clubs cost money • Buy your fancy dress now York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  19. Top Tips • What if it doesn’t add up? • Spend time making a budget planner – be realistic • Part-time jobs • transfer employment • jobs at the university • Work and save now • Speak up! York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

  20. Contacts • Student Funding Advice Team • 01904 876536/6939 • fundingadvice@yorksj.ac.uk • Useful websites • www.yorksj.ac.uk • www.gov.uk/studentfinance • www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk • www.studentloanrepayment.co.uk • www.studentfinanceengland.co.uk York St John University |www.yorksj.ac.uk

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