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Pronoun-Antecedent Review

Pronoun-Antecedent Review. Pronoun = Words that replace nouns (I, he, them, his, everybody, their, it) Antecedent = Word the pronoun refers to. Example : Anybody can bring his or her favorite book to class. Pronouns and antecedents must match in number!.

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Pronoun-Antecedent Review

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  1. Pronoun-Antecedent Review Pronoun= Words that replace nouns (I, he, them, his, everybody, their, it) Antecedent= Word the pronoun refers to. Example: Anybody can bring his or her favorite book to class.

  2. Pronouns and antecedents must match in number! A plural pronoun (few), needs a plural antecedent (their). Example: Few of the students got their papers back. A singular pronoun (each), needs a singular antecedent (his or her). Example: Each of the boys got his test grade.

  3. Tip: If you can use “is” with the pronoun, it is singular.If you can use “are” the pronoun is plural Everyone is… (singular) …his or her Few are… (plural) …their Each is… (singular)… his or her All are… (plural) …their Many are… (plural) …their Anyone is… (singular) …his or her

  4. Pronoun: Compound subject and compound object agreement Compound means 2 or more. A compound subject means 2 or more things are doing the same verb. Example: Joe and Paul ran the race. (Joe ran the race. Paul ran the race.) When one of the subjects is a pronoun, it must still grammatically fit with the verb! Example: Joe and him ran the race. (Joe ran the race. Him ran the race.) It must be Joe and he ran the race.

  5. The same rule of agreement applies with objects: Example: I was going to the dance with Laura and him. (I was going to the dance with Laura. I was going to the movies with him). Example: The books were given to my mother and I. (The books were given to my mother. The books were given to I.) It has to be me. (The books were given to me.)

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