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CLHO Healthy Families April 16, 2014

CLHO Healthy Families April 16, 2014. Kelly Locey, MPH, CPS Benton County Health Department. Strategic Prevention Framework. Background. Strategic Prevention Framework Prevention of excessive, underage, and binge drinking among 18-25 year-olds in Benton County:

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CLHO Healthy Families April 16, 2014

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  1. CLHO Healthy Families April 16, 2014

    Kelly Locey, MPH, CPS Benton County Health Department
  2. Strategic Prevention Framework
  3. Background Strategic Prevention Framework Prevention of excessive, underage, and binge drinking among 18-25 year-olds in Benton County: Binge drinking-Five or more drinks on any one occasion Heavy drinking-Males that exceed two drinks per day or females that exceed one per day Underage drinking-Any use of alcohol by persons 18-20 Assessment phase Collection of local data
  4. Influencing Factors
  5. Assessment Collection of local data National College Health Assessment National Survey of Drug Use and Health Oregon Liquor Control Commission Data Law Enforcement Data Census Data
  6. Assessment Town halls Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence staff and volunteers Oregon Family Support Network Youth Linn Benton Community College students Linn Benton Community College staff Organizacion de Latinas Unidas Tomando Control de Su Salud participants Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Trans-gender Health Equity Coalition
  7. Assessment Key Informant Interviews Nine interviews were conducted with stakeholders in the community about current efforts, resources, and capacity related to high-risk drinking. Law Enforcement Interviews Corvallis Police Department Benton County Sheriff’s Office Philomath Police Department Oregon State Police
  8. SPF Resulting Strategies Causal Factors: #1: Social Availability Easy to access in social situations #2: Community Norms Expectation for 18-25 year olds to drink in our community #3: Criminal Justice Limited capacity Resulting Strategies Social Marketing Policy Data Collection Increase Capacity/Readiness
  9. Medical Amnesty Winter 2012: Rob Reff, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator at Oregon State University, presented the idea of a Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan Policy to SPF Advisory Group SPF staff began gathering information about other policies across the nation The Associated Students of Oregon State (ASOSU) Speaker of the House, Thomas Bancroft, encouraged representatives to collaborate with other student leaders in drafting a Good Samaritan Policy resolution.
  10. Oregon HB 4094 A person under 21 years of age is not in violation of, and is immune from prosecution, if: (A) The person contacted emergency medical services or a law enforcement agency in order to obtain medical assistance for another person who was in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption and the evidence of the violation of this section was obtained as a result of the person’s having contacted emergency medical services or a law enforcement agency; or (B) The person was in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption and the evidence of the violation of this section was obtained as a result of the person’s having sought or obtained the medical assistance. (b) Paragraph (a) of this subsection does not exclude the use of evidence obtained as a result of a person’s having sought medical assistance in proceedings for crimes or offenses other than a violation of this section.
  11. Medical Amnesty Issue Brief PDF
  12. Oregon HB 4094 Enrolled PDF
  13. Questions?
  14. Contact Info Kelly Locey, MPH, CPS Adolescent Health Promotion Program Coordinator Benton County Health Department 541-766-6247 Kelly.Locey@co.benton.or.us “Benton County Health Services” @BentonCoHealth
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