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Survey: What Self-Managing Teams Manage

Survey: What Self-Managing Teams Manage. Percentage of Companies in which Self-Managing Teams Perform These Management Functions.

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Survey: What Self-Managing Teams Manage

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  1. Survey: What Self-Managing Teams Manage Percentage of Companies in which Self-ManagingTeams Perform These Management Functions. Schedule work assignments 67%Work with outside customers 67Conduct training 59Set production goals/quotas 56Work with suppliers/vendors 44Purchase equipment/services 43Develop budgets 39Do performance appraisals 36Hire co-workers 33Fire co-workers 14

  2. Potential Benefits of Teams • Superior performance • Motivation/Satisfaction of members • Learning from others

  3. Potential Costs of Teams • Time consumption • Conflict • Social Loafing

  4. Social Loafing More of a problem in traditionally individualistic cultures (e.g., U.S.) Recommendations: Form Smaller Teams Have Individually-Assigned Tasks Measure Individual Performance Include peer evaluations

  5. Workflow Interdependence Pooled Interdependence Output of people working independently is summed Sequential Interdependence Work moves from Person A to B to C, but not in any other order Reciprocal Interdependence People work cooperatively in no fixed order

  6. Interdependence: Management Implications Form of Interdependence Amount of Horizontal Communication Type of Coordination Required Pooled (e.g..Bank) Low Standardization, Rules, Procedures Sequential (e.g., Assembly line) Medium Schedules, Manager-to-manager contact Reciprocal (e.g., Hospital) High Cross-departmental meetings, Cross-functional teamwork Client Client Client

  7. Team Size Performance Size

  8. Team Size Small Teams (2 to 4 members) Decisions made more quickly More participation per member Members report greater satisfaction

  9. Team Size Large teams (12 or more) Positive: More ideas More acceptance of decisions by others Negative: More Social Loafing May be good or bad: Bolder or riskier actions

  10. Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Teams Less conflict Faster team development Perform better on simple tasks requiring cooperation More conflict Slower team development Perform better on complex problems - more creative Homogeneous Teams HeterogeneousTeams

  11. Norms Norm:“A standard of behavior agreed upon by members of a group/team.” • Can lead to positive and/or negative outcomes

  12. Determinants of Status in a Group/Team Status in other contexts Status of one’s associates (friends, relatives, etc.) Adherence to group norms Roles assumed in the group

  13. Task Specialist Role Provide: Information Ideas Opinions

  14. Socioemotional Role Support Social Unity Encourage Reduce tension

  15. Team Member Roles High Task Specialist Role Dual Role Member Task Behavior Nonparticipator Role (Social Loafing) Socioemotional Role Low Low Member Social Behavior High

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