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Healthcare Audit Services

Healthcare Audit Services: Talisman Solutions ensure specialize in Healthcare Audit Services design system that facilitates client to adjust their practices, departments, physicians, policies, and procedures to create more profitable operations. The system will also facilitate identifying lost opportunities to bill and collect, contractual analysis, and produce systematic reports for review and action at frequent pre-determined intervals.

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Healthcare Audit Services

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  1. 1-(888)617-9894 info@talismansolutions.com a Intelligent Solutions ExcellentResults Healthcare MedicalBilling MedicalTranscription AuditServices MedicalCoding ProviderCredentialing Security Hospital InformationSystem Patients HealthRecords

  2. Revenue CycleManagement PayerServices Electronic HealthRecords AuditServices Audit Services Audit is the analysis of the process to assess the current stateof theprocesswhencomparedwithStandards. Auditfindingshelptoredesigntheprocessmapto maximizethereturnsandhelp toreducetheliabilitybyimprovingtheQualityStandards. TalismanSolutionsensurespecializedesignsystemthatfacilitatesclienttoadjust their practices, departments, physicians, policies, and procedures to create more profitable operations. T he system will also f acilitate identif ying lost opportunities to bill and collect, contractual analysis, and produce systematic reports f or review and action at f requent pre-determined intervals. T he objective is to put in place, through knowledgetransferandprocesses,anorganizationthatiscapabletoidentifying therevenueincreaseopportunitiesonrecurringbases. CoreExpertise T alisman Solutions was created by senior executives in Healthcare, IT Solutions andKPO,withacombinedexperienceofover70years.Utilizingextensivepoolof high-skilled resources including certif ied coders: CCS certif ied f rom AHIMA (AmericaHealthInformationManagementAssociation)andCPCcertifiedfrom AAPC (American Academy of Certif ied Coders), Billers, andIT Solution architects. We are able to put together solutions that provide our clients prof itability and competitiveedge. Talisman Solutions core expertiseincludes: Complete Revenue Cycle Management including Coding, Billing & Payment Collections. Audit of Patient Charts and corresponding CPT , ICD-10 codes, f orcompliance andrecommendationsformaximizingrevenues. ProvidetrainingforProviders,Codersand Billers. Review and re-engineer of Coding, Billing andPayment processes.

  3. Reviewofreimbursementsagainstcurrentcontractsandrecommendationsfor improvement. ReviewofcurrentContractsandrecommendationsforimprovement. Providinganalysisofdataandidentifyingareasofnewanduntappedrevenue sources. DevelopingcustomizedviewsofdataforBusiness Intelligence. Talisman Coding AuditApproach InitialClientPresentation:Organizeapresentationbyprojectmanagerfor providers,office managersandowner/stakeholderstodiscusstheproject approach andtimings. DataCollection:Selectionofclaimseitherbypracticeoridentifieditemhaving high potential f or coding variations. Data sampling is done to maintain the Standards ofAudit. Client Interview: Interview with key staf f including clinical and health informationmanagementstafftounderstandtheorganizationcodingworkflow andresources. DataAnalysisandAudit:Reviewofcodingdataonclaimsandcorresponding medicalrecordsbasedonnationallyacceptedcodingguidelines,updatesand compliance. FinalReportPreparation:Presentationoffinalreportincludingauditfindingsfor providers, inf orming providers of the coding conventions and guidelines used when recommending changes. T his will help promote consistency in coding and utilizationacrossfacilityandproviders.Werecommendamulti-phasesolution to ourclients: Phase 1 Auditing of Charts and Presentation ofFindings. Phase2ComprehensiveandrobustSolutionbasedonthefindingsincluding TrainingtothePhysicians,CodersandBillers. Phase3Comprehensiveengagement-OngoingAuditofCodingandBilling practices. Continues T raining Programs, Review of process, technologyand organization.

  4. INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS EXCELLENTRESULTS QuickLinks AboutUs Blogs GSAAdvantage Healthcare Accreditations & Aliations UAEHealthcare Testimonial PayInvoice Services MedicalBilling MedicalTranscription Audit Services MedicalCoding Provider Credentialing Security Hospital InformationSystem Patients Health Records Revenue CycleManagement

  5. PayerServices Electronic HealthRecords CallUs: Phone: 1-(888)617-9894 Fax: 1-(866)580-9174 Direct: (248)522-6550 Copyright©TalismanSolutionsInc|Privacy&Security ConnectWithUs

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