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크리스천코칭의 이해. 최창호. 기독교교육학 , 신학 , 영어학 선교사 , 개척교회 , 고교교사 , 출판사 , NCD 코치 컨설턴트 , 교사강습회강사 , …… 목사 , 빅터코칭스쿨 대표 , 예수촌사람들 대표 TLC CLC, …… IAC, CV member, SOC. 코칭이란 ?. 코칭이란 사람들을 격려하고 동기를 부여함으로써 그들이 스스로를 성장시키도록 돕는 과정이다 . – Lou Tice
최창호 • 기독교교육학, 신학, 영어학 • 선교사, 개척교회, 고교교사, 출판사, NCD 코치 컨설턴트, 교사강습회강사,…… • 목사, 빅터코칭스쿨 대표, 예수촌사람들 대표 • TLC CLC, …… • IAC, CV member, • SOC
코칭이란? • 코칭이란 사람들을 격려하고 동기를 부여함으로써 그들이 스스로를 성장시키도록 돕는 과정이다. –Lou Tice • 코칭은 한 개인이나 그룹을 현재 있는 지점에서 그들이 바라는 더 유능하고 만족스러운 지점까지 나아가도록 인도하는 기술이자 행위이다. –Gary R. Collins
크리스천 코칭이란? • 단순한 직업 그 이상이다. • 코칭은 사역이다. 사람들이 그들의 삶을 향한 하나님의 비전을 발견하고 그에 따라 사는 법을 배울 수 있도록 도와주는 방식이다. • 인간의 지혜가 아닌 하나님이 그들 존재의 중심에 계시고, 하나님이 모든 코칭 사역을 위한 안내자가 되신다. • 예수는 최고의 코치 모델링을 보여주신다.
During coaching sessions, a Christian coach will: • Challenge • Motivate • Listen • Ask powerful questions • Get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit do the work • Pray with and for clients • Hold onto clients dreams when they lose sight of them • Give clients time to think • Give appropriate assignments to help clients move forward • Create powerful gaps for clients to move into • Help clients stick to the facts instead of the interpretations in their lives • Give new perspectives • Tell stories • Give examples • Question assumptions • Tell the truth • Use appropriate Scriptures • Hold clients accountable to congruency between who they are and how they show up in the world • Be non-judgmental and non- authoritative
Spiritual Therapy Formation Healing The Growing Christ Wounded Followers Coaching Building Strengths
Coaches help people movefrom where they areto where they want to be
Christian coaches help people move from where they areto where they believe God wants them to be
Restorative Psychology Counseling Positive Psychology Coaching -10 0 10
Types of Coaching Executive Coaching Corporate/Church Coaching Family-Marriage Coaching Spiritual Coaching Transition Coaching Life Coaching
YOUR LIFE1 Means terrible – it could not be worse10 means wonderful – it could not be better • Physical health • Mental/emotional Health • Career/Employment Satisfaction • Financial Stability • Marriage/Romantic Relationships • Home Life (Immediate Family) • Extended Family (Relatives, In-laws) • Friends/Social Life
YOUR LIFE1 Means terrible – it could not be worse10 means wonderful – it could not be better • Recreation/Relaxation • Lifestyle (Amount of Busyness) • Personal Life Fulfillment • Personal Spiritual Life • Church/Religious Life • Physical Comfort (Housing, cars, neighborhood, etc.
VALUES What really is important for you?
PASSION What gets you excited?
Try writing a ten year letter
VISION What is God’s purpose for your life ? (business, career, church)
MISSION What guides your life? MISSION STATEMENT
Set Goals Develop an Action Plan
Setting SMART Goals • S - specific • M - measurable • A - agreed • R - realistic (practical) • T - time based
Christian coaching is the most effective form of discipleship. It is a partnership between a client and a coach that takes discipleship to the next level. Christian coaches come alongside people and help them "walk their talk" in all areas of their lives.
A CCI coach believes that: • All people are created in the image of God. • All people have immeasurable potential. • God does have a plan for every person based on who He created us to be. • We live in a fallen world, but God is more powerful than that fallen world. • Lost hope can be reborn. • Self-imposed limits can be exposed for what they are and released. • Jesus Christ is pre-eminent. • We can be Jesus with "skin on". • The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. (I Cor.4:20) • Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (II Cor.3:17)
크리스천 코칭의 두가지 개념 • 크리스천이 주체일 경우 • 크리스천이 하는 코칭을 일컫는다. • 크리스천의 시각으로 코칭을 하는 것이다. • 크리스천이 객체일 경우 • 크리스천의 관심영역들을 코칭하는 경우를 말한다. • 예컨대, 교회개척코칭, 교회 리더십코칭, 결혼코칭, 은사배치코칭 등이다.
크리스천코칭의 고려사항 1) 개인의 무한잠재성 Vs. 하나님의 주권 • 개인의 무한 잠재성은 죄인인 인간과 배치 • 개인의 잠재성은 하나님이 주셨다. • 개인의 꿈과 비전도 하나님이 주신다. • 그러므로 코칭의 도달할 목표도 하나님의 인도하심과 그분의 기뻐하심이 된다. • 인간관, 신관 ; 코치가 무엇을 믿느냐가 코칭의 질과 방향을 결정한다.
크리스천코칭의 고려사항 2) 코치의 탁월성 Vs. 하나님의 전능성 • 성령에 의존한다. • 코치이를 위해 기도한다. • 코치이가 자신에게 꿈과 비전과 그것을 성취할 수 있는 잠재력을 주신 하나님의 뜻을 스스로 이루도록 돕는다. • 성경적 모델링을 발견하고, 자신의 것으로 만든다.
최목사가성경에서 배운 코칭의 지혜들 • 내가 죽어야 코치이가 살고, 내가 피해야 하나님이 역사하신다. • 예수의 동정녀 탄생은 라포형성의 첫단계이자 섬기는 리더십의 첫단추이다. – Level with Me. • 코칭은 하나님이 영광 받으셔야 한다. • 코칭은 온세상을 제자훈련할 수 있는 하나님의 주신 선물이다. • 코칭은 ‘돕는 베필’Helper suitable의 의미이다. • 코칭은 그리스도의 몸을 세운다.
크리스천코칭의 고려사항 3) 포스트모던 Vs. 공동체 • 진정한 공동체를 발견할 수 있는 곳은 한 곳 밖에 없다. –피터 드러커 • 지난 40년동안 미국사회에서 나타난 가장 중요한 사회적 현상이다. –피터 드러커 • 크리스천 코칭은 공동체지향적이다. • 크리스천코칭의 궁극은 하나님나라의 확장이다.
Coach Training Programs INSTITUTE FOR LIFE COACH TRAINING (Christian Track)All interactive classes by phone. Forty hours over fifteen weeks. ICF accredited. Advanced Classes available. LifeCoachTraining.com CHRISTIAN COACHING INSTITUTEAll interactive classes by telephone. Nine month program. 126 hour training.ICF accreditation ChristianCoachingInstitute.com CAREER COACH ACADEMY (Christian Track) All classes interactive by phone. Thirty hour program over 15 weeks. Cost is $1,895. Certification available. www.careercoachacademy.com CHRISTIAN COACH TRAINING INSTITUTEThirty hour program with interactive classes by phone over 20 weeks. Also a ten hour program specifically designed for church staff and leadership. ChristianCoachTraining.com TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE COACHINGFour tracks for entire program. Combination of telephone and in person training. See website for academic credit through Regent University. transformationalcoaching.com CORPORATE TRAINING ADVANTAGE COACHING & TRAINING AdvantageCoaching.com
크리스천코칭의 사용 Personal Coaching Do you want to live more in harmony with your values? Establish more meaningful relationships? Communicate more effectively? Are you serious about getting through barriers like forgiveness and change that now hold you back? Are you facing a huge challenge or going through a time of change or transition? Do you want to enhance relationships and strengthen your family? Are health, weight, or fitness problems dragging you down? Are there financial concerns? Time or space management? A personal Christian Coach is trained to support you in achieving your goals. Leadership Coaching Are you in a position of leadership, but not seeing the results you would like? Do you feel weary or alone? Would you benefit from talking through difficult situations? Do you want to buff up your leadership skills? Leadership coaching can help you blaze the trail to new levels of expertise. You can also learn to coach those working with you and lead a more effective and productive team. Ministry Coaching Do you feel like there is not enough of you to go around? Are you struggling to find a balance? Working with others who are in conflict? Trying to bring a cohesive unity to a group of believers? Supporting those who are going through an involuntary transition? Whether you are a pastor, a home Bible study leader, or a person doing one-on-one discipleship, your ministry can be enhanced by working with a Christian coach armed with different experience, perspective, and expertise. Business Coaching Do you struggle with ethics issues? Are you constantly facing internal conflict between what is right, what is compassionate, and what is profitable? Christian Business Coaches understand those issues well; and can help in areas of employment problems, team building, marketing, organizational development, finance, and profitability. A skilled Christian Business Coach can help you lead the way to better business!
벧전 5:2~4 • 억지로 하지 말고 하나님의 뜻을 따라 자원함으로 하며 • 더러운 이득을 위하여 하지 말고 기꺼이 하며 • 맡은 자들에게 주장하는 자세를 하지 말고 양무리의 본이 되라. • 그리하면 ……시들지 않는 영광의 관을 얻으리라.