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PROJECT REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION. e. Project Title. CLIENT : Team :. Date. These requirements are fictitious and a part of an academic exercise at American University, supervised by Deloitte. Today’s Agenda. Client’s Current Concerns and Needs System Concept Business Process Model

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION e Project Title CLIENT: Team: Date These requirements are fictitious and a part of an academic exercise at American University, supervised by Deloitte.

  2. Today’s Agenda • Client’s Current Concerns and Needs • System Concept • Business Process Model • System Diagrams • Data Model • Conclusion

  3. Client’s Current Concerns and Needs • Manual Process Resulting in: • Lack of Centralization • Inconsistencies • Inaccurate Reporting • Human Error • No Warnings for Budget Overruns

  4. System Concept • Web-based Application that: • Automated • Centrally Located (Structured and Transparent) • Tracks Flight Mission Costs • Archives Data • Helps to Avoid Over Expenditures • Assists in Effective Reporting

  5. Business Process Model

  6. Business Process Model

  7. Business Process Model

  8. Business Process Model

  9. Business Process Model

  10. Context Diagram

  11. Use Case Diagram

  12. Use Cases • UC-01: Input Mission Expenditures Information • UC-02: Update Cost Categories • UC-03: Sign-off on Mission Expenses • UC-04: Generate Report • UC-05: Budget Overrun Warnings • UC-06: Search Mission Information • UC-07: Login/Determine User’s Access Privileges • UC-08: Update Flight Mission Budgets

  13. Use Cases • UC-01: Input Mission Expenditures Information • UC-02: Update Cost Categories • UC-03: Sign-off on Mission Expenses • UC-04: Generate Report • UC-05: Budget Overrun Warnings • UC-06: Search Mission Information • UC-07: Login/Determine User’s Access Privileges • UC-08: Update Flight Mission Budgets

  14. Representative Use Case (UC-01) • Actor – Budget Analyst • Preconditions • Process • System notifies Budget Analyst when a rule is broken or information is missing • Expenditures are entered • The charges are routed for approval

  15. CRUD Matrix

  16. CRUD Matrix

  17. Flight Mission Scenario • Mission Route • BOS -> ORD ->LAX • Costs per stop • Gate fee • Refueling • De-icing • Duration • Start: November 3 • End: November 5 • Budget • $100,000

  18. Entity Relationship Diagram

  19. Entity Relationship Diagram (Con’t) Start: Nov 3 End: Nov 5 Budget: $100,000 BOS ORD LAX

  20. Entity Relationship Diagram (Con’t) Start: Nov 3 End: Nov 5 Budget: $100,000 BOS ORD LAX

  21. Entity Relationship Diagram (Con’t)

  22. Entity Relationship Diagram (Con’t) • BOS • Refueling • De-icing • ORD • Gate Fee • Refueling • LAX • Gate Fee

  23. Entity Relationship Diagram (Con’t) • BOS • Refueling • De-icing • ORD • Gate Fee • Refueling • LAX • Gate Fee

  24. Entity Relationship Diagram

  25. Database Tables • Core Tables • Missions • Flight Segments • Locations • Assignments • Staff • Costs • Core Costs • Support Tables • Staff Roles • Cost Categories • Airports • Location Types • Aircraft • Documents • Document Types

  26. Conclusion • Business Value Added • Streamlined Process • Reduction in Human Error • Information Consistency • Data and Reporting Accuracy • Decreased Time to Report • Communication and Transparency • Risk Management Mechanism

  27. Questions?

  28. Appendix A

  29. Appendix B • Items Completed • Developed System Concept • Outlined System Requirements • Designed Data Model and Database • Developed Business Process Model • Designed Context Diagram • Initiated Use Cases • Developed CRUD Matrix • Designed Entity Relationship Diagram

  30. Appendix C • Next Steps • Development • Testing • Documentation • Training • Pilot • Deployment

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