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YOUR FANTASTIC BRAIN. Your 3 kinds of brain: reptilian, mammalian, and the thinking brain. Your 2 brains: the left brain and right brain hemispheres. Your 1 brain: the power of “whole-brain” activity. Your 8 intelligences: your personal unique mix of ability. Neocortex The thinking brain.
YOUR FANTASTIC BRAIN Your 3 kinds of brain: reptilian, mammalian, and the thinking brain. Your 2 brains: the left brain and right brain hemispheres. Your 1 brain: the power of “whole-brain” activity. Your 8 intelligences: your personal unique mix of ability.
Neocortex The thinking brain Corpus Callosum Connects left and right halves of the brain Thalamus The switchboard for incoming sensory information Hypothalamus Controls sex hormones, aggression, blood pressure, temperature, and thirst. Cerebellum Coordinates movement and “muscle memory” after, e.g. riding a bike, swiming. Pituitary Gland Influences and controls hormone action. Reptilian Brain Breathing, circulation, heartbeat, digestion, consciousness. Hippocampus Helps create long-term memory Amygdala Helps control emotions.
REPTILIAN BRAIN (The Brain Stem) Controls many basic functions including breathing, heart rate, and instinct. Also controls other primitive instincts--your sense of territory. It helps explain why anger is difficult to control because it is often a result either of feeling threatened or of someone trying to take away something you think is yours.
THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN (The Limbic System) Emotion Sex Memory Health Key Components: Hypothalamus and Amygdala Controls your hormones, thirst, hunger, sexuality, pleasure centers, metabolism, immune function, and important part of long-term memory. This part of our brain that controls emotions also controls health.
The part of brain that makes us most human, that makes humans a unique species. THE THINKING BRAIN (Neocortex) Handles seeing, hearing, creating, thinking, talking --- all higher intelligences. • The Specialist parts of the neocortex: • Speech • Hearing • Vision • Touch Human prefrontal lobes exercise judgment, planning, and higher order thinking. Since this area also linked strongly to limbic system it is also where we develop compassion, altruism, and a sense of justice. It is the thinking brain that has given human being the capacity of adaptation. Cogito, Ergo Sum
Our Two Brains Left brain Right brain Left brain specializes in “academic” aspects of learning : language and mathematical processes, logical thoughts, sequences, and analysis. Right brain specializes in “creative” activities utilizing rhyme, rhythm, music, visual impressions, color, and pictures.-- metaphorical mind looking for analogies and patterns.
A New View of Intelligence IQ : an individual’s mental age, as determined by intelligence testing, divided by the person’s chronological age multiplied by 100. IQ test predominantly measures an individual’s ability with linguistic and Logical-mathematical challenges as well as some visual and spatial tasks. = 100 Sd =16 IQ test is reasonably good at measuring and predicting a student’s school performance. Intelligence is an ability to solve a problem or fashion a product that is valued in one or more cultural settings (Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 1985). Linguistic intelligence Logical-mathematical intelligence Visual-spatial intelligence Musical intelligence Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Interpersonal (social) intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence Eksistencial (spiritual inteligence)
A New View of Intelligence (Howard Gardner, 1985) Linguistic intelligence The ability to read, write, and communicate with words (authors, journalists, poets, orators, and comedians). Logical-mathematicalThe ability to reason and calculate, to think things through in a intelligence logical, systematic manner (engineers, scientists, economists, accountants, detectives, and members of legal profession). Visual-spatialThe ability to think in pictures, visualize a future result (architects, intelligence artists, sculptors, sailors, photographers, and strategic planners). Musical intelligenceThe ability to make or compose music, to sing well, or understand, and appreciate music (musicians, composers, and recording engineers). Bodily-kinestheticThe ability to use your body skillfully to solve problems, create intelligence products, or present ideas and emotions (athletes, artists, dancers, actors, and all physically talented people). Interpersonal (social)The ability to work effectively with others, to relate to other intelligence people and display empathy and understanding, to notice their motivations and goals (teachers, facilitators, therapists, politicians, leaders, and salespeople). Intrapersonal The ability for self analysis and reflection-to be able to quietly intelligence contemplate and assess one’s accomplishment and innermost feelings, to make plan and set goals, to know oneself (philosophers, counselors, and many peak performers) Naturalist intelligence The ability to recognize flora and fauna, to make other consequ-ential distinctions in the natural world, and to use this ability pro- ductively (hunter, farmers, botanists, biologists, environmentalists). Eksistencial