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Hatvan. Nearly 24,000 inhabitants along the M3 motorway, the Zagyva coast . Major transportation hub and economic center.
Nearly 24,000 inhabitants along the M3 motorway, the Zagyva coast. • Major transportation hub and economic center. • Hatvan is more distinct settlement parts. It is situated on the east coast of ZagyvaÓhatvan, the actual city center. Be attached to the west, small business sites by inserting a newHatvan, where the station is located. • Hatvan railway junction, three railroad lines meet. Among them, the most prominent of the Budapest-Miskolc main line, which aHatvan Manila and Hatvan-SalgótarjánLosonc line is connected.
History • Hatvan territory of the earliest Stone Age artefacts in the new sights. Then it is observed that both sides Zagyva was inhabited. However, the only really important Copper Age settlements emerged, flourishing at the early bronze age. The two large Bronze Age culture of Hungary, one of which fromHatvanl (Hatvan culture) named after him. • The 1170's saw Norbertine monks settled in the present-day area of the city. • In 1406 it won the borough title. • 1544 from the Turks after tax of the city by the Turks in rural encompassing sanjak center. • Grassalkovich Prince Anthony in 1734 bought the estate has established a modern Hatvan fowls around the city.Hatvan az 1848-49-es szabadságharcban fontos hadászati szerephez jutott. 1849. április 2-án itt vívták a tavaszi hadjárat egyik győztes csatáját. • Hatvan boom began in earnest in 1867, the city's population nearly tripled.
Grassalkovich-castle The Grassalkovich castle was built between 1754 and 1763 in Baroque style. 2014 ZsigmondSzéchenyi Carpathian Basin hosts a hunting museum.
Louris Museum The Hatvany Louis Museum of local history, archeology and ethnography can be seen.
beach The city's beaches in the summer and spring water infinity swimming pool.
Katolikus templom A Szent Adalbert-templomot Grassalkovich Antal építtette (1751-1757).
Secondary-schoolsinthe city • IstvánSzéchenyi's Roman Catholic High School • Bajza Joseph High School and Vocational School • Damjanich John Vocational School Vocational School and College
Damjanich John Vocational School Vocational School and College
Hatvan famoussculptures World War II Memorial Anthony Grassalkovich
Stephen Werbőczy memorial In 1525, the National Assembly was in.
Triatlon Országos Triatlon Ranglista Versenyt rendeznek a nyárközepén
twolargefactoriesin Hatvan • Bosch • Leoni