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www.mvvic.org. Preparing for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccines: What You Can Do Dr. Eisenstein & Dr. Tenpenny. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the government will spend about $16 million on outreach to convince people of the need to get the swine flu vaccine.
Preparing for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccines: What You Can DoDr. Eisenstein & Dr. Tenpenny
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the government will spend about $16 million on outreach to convince people of the need to get the swine flu vaccine. • Vaccine volunteers are paid on average $200 to participate in clinical trials ($50 for each of 4 visits). • One advertisement on Craigslist offers between $300 and $475 per volunteer for participation clinical trials. GIANTmicrobes, the company that markets and sells stuffed swine flu microbes for $7.95, also provides an information booklet about the H1N1 virus. The pink toy is intended to look like a microbe and also resembles a pig snout.
90,000 Swine Flu Deaths? Possible, Not Likely • Aug. 25, 2009 • The numbers come from a report to the president from his science/technology advisory panel. • The report suggests that in a "plausible scenario," swine flu would infect 40% of the U.S. population and overwhelm hospitals with 300,000 patients needing intensive care
Planned Vaccine Distribution • Q. Will vaccine be in multi-dose vials? • A. The majority of vaccine will be in multi-dose vials, the remainder in single dose syringes or nasal sprayers. The aim is to have enough vaccine in single dose syringes (i.e. preservative free) for young children and pregnant women. This means the vaccine will contain thimerosal. • Q. Will it be necessary for the first and second dose to be the same product? • A. Ideally, first and second doses would be from the same product. However, practical considerations make this difficult to implement. Planners should assume they will be interchangeable. • Five manufacturers are producing vaccine for the U.S.: Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, GSK, Medimmune and CSL. • (a big leap in trust by the CDC and the FDA!
Planned Vaccine Distribution • Q. Will vaccine contain adjuvants? • A. The CDC currently says that it is “unlikely” that adjuvants will be added to the H1N1 vaccine. • However, if the clinical trials show a low antibody titer (seroconversion), this decision is likely to change. • Q. If an adjuvant is added, how will it be formulated? • A.Formulation will vary by provider. • For Novartis, vaccine may be pre-formulated with adjuvant. • For CSL, GSK and Sanofi Pasteur, mixing of vaccine and adjuvant at the site of administration will be necessary. • Medimmune vaccine will not contain MF59 or ASO3 (adjuvants)
Is FluMist safer that the shot? • NO: FluMist up the nose is not safer than flu shot in the arm!! • Flumist exposes nasal nerve endings to massive doses of life-weakened viruses and to 0.5 mg of MSG. • Since MedImmune is short on sprayers, they want to use droppers, which will most likely deliver even more antigen than a spray or squirt. • This will deliver a dose of concentrated virus directly to the brain (through the olfactory bulb) and the nasal mucosa. • These tissues play a carefully coordinated role in regulating glandular, vascular and other processes. • REFERENCE: Baraniuk JN, Merck SJ. “New concept of neural regulation in human nasal mucosa.” Acta Clin Croat. 2009 Mar;48(1):65-73
What are the *real* risks to pregnant women? • CDC reported 31 confirmed and 3 probable cases of novel H1N1 influenza in pregnant women between April 15 and May 18, 2009 (total = 34) • Symptoms of H1N1 influenza among pregnant women were similar to those among other infected people, except they had more dyspnea. • Hospitalizations: 11 of 34 were hospitalized (32%) • This was called “significantly higher.” • Deaths: There were 45 deaths between April 15 and June 16. • There were 6 deaths among pregnant women (13%) • None of these women had serious underlying health problems • All promptly received Tamiflu, at six days after symptom onset. • Five of the women who died were carrying viable fetuses and underwent cesarean; no vertical influenza transmission was noted. • REFERENCE: Jamieson DJ et al. H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection during pregnancy in the USA. Lancet 2009 Aug 8; 374:451
A Few of the Many Laws on the Books in the US • Model State Emergency Health Powers Act • http://www.publichealthlaw.net/MSEHPA/MSEHPA.pdf • As of July 2006, Thirty-eight (38) states and DC have passed a total of 66 bills or resolutions that include provisions from or closely related to the Act. • Social Distancing Laws • Set up in 2007, the Social Distancing Law Project was conducted in 17 jurisdictions to assess the sufficiency of their legal preparedness to implement social distancing effectively • Sample: “Officials may seek order to restrain, prevent or correct 1) a violation of a law, rule or order that health department has duty to enforce and 2) Any activity or condition that health department believes adversely affects the public health” • CDC website http://www2a.cdc.gov/phlp/
New Massachusetts Bill • Section 13 (b)(1): The public health the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority: • (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable disease and to prevent the spread of communicable or possibly communicable disease, provided that any vaccine to be administered must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual; and • (2) to treat individuals exposed to or infected with disease, provided that treatment must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm. • An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner, or a local public health authority.
Itemized provisions in SB18 • Via Mass. Bill S18., the state can: • 1. enter your home or business without your permission (they don't need a confirmed illness to enter) • 2. require you to take medications (vaccines, etc) • 3. destroy your property if it is contaminated. • 4. see your medical records without your consent. • 5. restrict your movements- not allow you to leave your home • 6. use the national guard, state police, local police to force compliance. • 7. And law enforcement authorities can involuntary transportation you to [tuberculosis] treatment centers.
Issues here with your Rights: • Violation of 4th Amendment: > Illegal search and seizure; forced entry into homes and buildings • Violation of 14th Amendment > illegal arrest without a warrant • “Involuntary Transportation” (otherwise known as kidnapping) • Fines up to $1,000 day for disobeying orders • Forced quarantine for those who refuse (this is illegal imprisonment without charge) • Forced isolation and quarantines for an undetermined period of time “the local public health authority may detain the person for as long as may be reasonably necessary…”
This bill is similar to the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, passed in essentially every state Bottom line: In all of the bills I have reviewed, there is a clause for refusing, but there can be serious consequences, depending on decisions of local authorities.
Doctors may refuse swine flu vaccine • Several studies suggest up to 60% of GPs and NURSE would oppose being immunized because they are concerned the safety trials will be rushed • guardian.co.uk, Monday 24 August 2009 16.01 BST • Many GPs, as well as their patients, may be reluctant to be immunized against swine flu once a vaccine is developed, surveys suggest today.
More Than Half of Health Care Workers Will Likely Refuse H1N1 Vaccine, Research Finds • Wednesday, August 26, 2009 • About half of Hong Kong's health workers would refuse the swine flu vaccine, new research says… • Most said they would pass on the H1N1 shot, which is not yet available, because they were afraid of side effects and doubted how safe and effective it would be. • The study results, published online in BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal on Wednesday, suggest that carrying out those plans may be tricky. • Experts were surprised so few of Hong Kong's health workers were willing to be vaccinated, since the city was hit hard during the 2003 outbreak of SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Stay healthy • A recent paper by Dr TeddKoren, DC documents the death rate from the Spanish flu, care under traditional osteopathic, chiropractic and homeopathic doctors, was negligible. • Under traditional osteopathic care: • 2,445 osteopaths treating 110,122 patients with influenza reported a mortality of 0.25%. • The 400-bed Mass Osteopathic Hospital, in Boston, also reported a mortality of 0.25%. • REFERENCE: Walter GW. The First School of Osteopathic Medicine. Kirksville, Mo: The Thomas Jefferson University Press at Northeast Missouri State University; 1992:95
Stay healthy • Under chiropractic care: • MDs lost one patient out of every 15 (6,116 deaths from 93,590 patients) while Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic had but one death out of 1,635 cases of the flu • REFERENCE: Rhodes WR: "The Official History of Chiropractic in Texas." Texas Chiropractic Association. Austin, TX. 1978.and "Chiropractic Statistics." The Chiropractic Research and Review Service. Burton Shields Press. Indianapolis, IN. 1925. • Under homeopathic care: • “In a plant of 8,000 workers. we had only one death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines.” ~~Frank Wieland, MD • Homeopathic physicians in Philadelphia reported a mortality rate of 1.05% for the more than 26,000 flu patients they treated. • REFERENCE: WA Dewey MD. Winston J. Influenza-1918: Homeopathy to the Rescue. The New England Journal of Homeopathy. Spring/Summer 1998, Vol.7 No.1 http://www.nesh.com/main/nejh/samples/winston.html
Protecting Your Health: Rec. from Dr Russell Blaylock • Some may not be able to refuse. While these recommendations are not guaranteed to stop a vaccine reaction, they will certainly help : • Use ice pack at injection site for at least 24 hrs • Take the following supplements for several weeks to decrease cytokine response • Fish oils with EPA – 2T/day of oil • Vitamin E 1000 IU/day • Vitamin C, up to 4000 mg/day between meals • Zinc 25 mg/day • Vitamin D3 50,000 units/day for 5 days • Put parsley and celery in a blender and drink 8 oz/day for at least 10 days • IF YOU HAVE BEEN VACCINATED: avoid all immune-stimulating supplements, such as mushroom extracts, whey protein and beta-glucan for at least 21 days.
For those of you in Europe, the UK, Aussie and NZ: • Contact your local political groups and political representatives. • Let them know what is in the vaccines; they may not have any idea how dangerous this is going to be for their people • There are activist groups in every country. Join together. Strength is in numbers.
The County Sheriff: America's Last HopeBy Richard Mack • Sheriff Mack's newest book covers decades of research to prove once and for all that the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions. • The sheriff absolutely has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from our own Federal Government. He is the last line of defense for his constituents; he is America's last hope to regain our forgotten freedom.
Protecting Your Rights • #1: Make friends with your Sheriff • Know your state laws. There are usually provisions for refusing; • but the new laws buried into Public Health Law will have consequences for refusing. This is not all clear yet to the public • Contact your State and Federal representatives. Tell them you want your rights preserved. • Form a community of like-minded friends • Go to www.PandemicFluOnline.com and download brochures and fliers for your friends. This is VERY important! Many are 100% uninformed about the problems with vaccines.
Support the Constitution Party • The Constitution Party, a fast-growing third-party, has come out strongly in opposition to any mandatory injections of potential toxic (H1N1) 'swine flu' vaccine. • “It comes down to the most fundamental of all freedoms. If government can force potentially dangerous substances into our bodies what, then, can’t government do to us? Whether mandated by the federal government, the individual states such as Massachusetts or international organizations like the WHO or U.N., forcing potentially dangerous chemicals on a free people is tyranny”, stated the Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer. • Rep. Ron Paul said he was concerned that "nearly $8 billion spent to address a 'potential pandemic flu' which could result in mandatory vaccinations for no discernable reason other than to enrich the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccine."
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. - President Ronald Reagan
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." ~~Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
President Obama Today • The President gave good advise and stated on public TV, “The program will be completely voluntary.” • Let’s be sure to hold him to this! • If you think you have been exposed, and possibly had Swine flu, you can get a lab test to confirm immunity. • If you had laboratory-confirmed swine flu, you do not need this shot • If the H1N1 virus mutates in the next few months, the vaccine will not work anyway – 100% reason to refuse.
Think Outside the Box • We don’t have all the answers but if all of us work together to think outside the book, we will win over the Goliaths before us.
INFORMATION ABOUT SWINE AND SEASONAL FLU SHOTSwww.DrTepenny.com FOWL! Bird Flu: It’s not what you think Introduction Chapter 1: Prologue Chapter 2: The Flu as we know it Chapter 3: The Avian Flu: What you need to know Chapter 4: Perspective: Past Epidemics Chapter 5: Recent Fiascos: The Swine flu affair/smallpox Chapter 6: The New Play Book Arrives Chapter 7: Vaccines: A Short Summary of a Long History Chapter 8: Influenza Vaccines: What’s In That Needle? Chapter 9: Cell-culture Vaccines and New Toxic Adjuvants Chapter 10: Mandatory vaccination: Is it possible? Chapter 11: The Scam of Tamiflu Chapter 12: How the current hype began Chapter 13: The Killing Fields Chapter 14: Sick Chicks in the U.S. Chapter 15: Sick Migratory birds: Canaries in the Coal Mines Chapter 16: Sick humans Chapter 17: Tying it All Together Chapter 18: Getting Involved: The Activist’s Play Book Glossary Index