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Study in John’s Gospel. Presentation 89. Jesus Before Pilate Chap 18v28-38. Presentation 89. Introduction.
Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 89
Jesus Before Pilate Chap 18v28-38 Presentation 89
Introduction Millions of children have been captivated by the cartoon series “Scooby Doo”. It consists of a group of teenagers and a couple of dogs who on a regular basis solve mind-blowing mysteries. Their ability to do so resonates with children and adults alike. I wonder if you are the sort of person who likes uncovering mysteries, collecting clues and reaching conclusions? If you are then you will be interested to discover that there are a number of mysteries associated with Jesus’ trial before Pilate. Presentation 89
Will The Real Pilate Please Stand First, there is the contrast between what we know of Pilate's character from secular history and his conduct during Jesus’ trial. The historical picture we have is of a man who married for position and power. His took as his wife Claudia, daughter of Julia who was the disgraced and morality depraved wife of Emperor Augustus. When appointed procurator of Judea in AD 26 he showed himself politically inept and insensitive and he refused to learn from the mistakes that previous procurators had made when dealing with the Jewish population. Presentation 89
Will The Real Pilate Please Stand On his arrival in Judea his soldiers defiled Jerusalem by carrying into the city images of Emperor Tiberius. It was known that the Jews would view this action as sacrilege. When the people demanded their removal he refused and threatened them with death if they didn’t disperse. To his surprise they threw themselves to the ground, bared their necks, saying they would rather die than see their holy city contaminated. Pilate backed off to avoid wholesale slaughter. Later he built an aqueduct that would bring water into Jerusalem BUT he paid for it by plundering the temple treasury another act of sacrilege to the Jews. The list goes on! Again and again he showed himself to be cruel, insensitive and reckless. Presentation 89
Will The Real Pilate Please Stand Now the big mystery is the different portrait of Pilate that we find in the Gospels, where he seems to be sensitive to the cause of justice - he appears to use a variety of stratagems to have Jesus acquitted. First he reopens the case when all that was expected of him by the Jewish leaders was a signature on a death warrant. Three times he declares Jesus innocent. He offers to set Jesus free as an annual token of mercy but the crowd choose Barabbas. By ordering Jesus to be scourged he hoped this would appease the crowd and allow him to set Jesus free. What made Pilate behave so uncharacteristically? How do we resolve the mystery? Presentation 89
A Warning Disregarded Matthew tells us that on the morning of Jesus’ trial Pilate received an urgent warning from his wife saying, ‘have nothing to do with that righteous man; for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him’ Matt.27v19. Now, to the C21st materialistic westerner, dreams are quickly dismissed. But the Romans, including Pilate, took dreams seriously. As a result he tried to extricate himself from any earlier agreement to consent to Jesus' death. This introduces an even deeper mystery. If Pilate took his wife’s warning seriously, believing it to be a communication from heaven and since he knew Jesus to be innocent why did he condemn him to death? Presentation 89
A Warning Disregarded A further element of mystery is expressed in the behaviour of the Jewish rulers of whom we read, "to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; they wanted to be able to eat the Passover’ v28. These men were happily engaged in the judicial murder of Jesus yet were concerned about being ceremonially defiled by entering the home of a Gentile. They rode roughshod so easily over the many illegalities surrounding Jesus’ Jewish trial, turning a blind eye to the pride, hatred and jealousy that had precipitated it, but now they were concerned about their ritual purification! Presentation 89
A Warning Disregarded Can you believe that they could behave in such a way? Perhaps not without grasping what God’s Word teaches about the capacity of human nature to promote an outward commitment to religion, while inwardly undermining it – the deceitful heart. There are contemporary applications. It is possible to be committed to externals like church attendance, baptism, taking the Lord's Supper, but inwardly to have no love for God or, longing after him. We must ask, “Is the worship we offer from the heart? Is it real or, is it outward formality?” Presentation 89
Formal Indictment and Examination The greatest mystery of all asks, how is it possible to find someone guilty and condemn them to death. The Roman trial is made up of four essential parts: the indictment, the examination, the defence, and the verdict. The official nature of the proceedings is indicated by Pilate's opening words: "What charges are you bringing against this man?" v29. The Jewish leaders are taken by surprise. They attempt to evade this question by answering: “If he were not a criminal, we would not have handed him over to you.” v30. They are saying, "You should accept our judgment. He deserves death because we say so." The Jews expected a rubber stamp on the verdict they had already arrived at. Presentation 90
Formal Indictment and Examination Not to be outdone by the stubbornness of Pilate they produce a spur of the moment accusation. "We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Christ, a king." Lk. 23v2 But that’s a different charge from the one facing Jesus the night before. To meet their emergency, a political and not religious charge is presented by the religious leaders. The charge that Jesus claimed to be a king was not only true but from a Roman perspective it was serious. Presentation 90
Formal Indictment and Examination When Pilate heard this charge he retired to his chambers with Jesus to proceed with the examination - the second part of a Roman trial. Pilate wanted to explore the claim that Jesus was a king, ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ v33. If true, it would brand Jesus as Caesar's enemy. Jesus’ reply in v34 is another way of saying, ‘What is the nature of the charge?’ Jesus wanted it made clear that he was not a king from Rome's perspective but he was the promised Jewish messianic king. Pilate is not interested in matters of religion and in exasperation asks, ‘Am I a Jew?’ His only concern is, “Has Jesus done anything to affect the sovereignty of Caesar?" Presentation 89
The Defence Jesus is clearly no threat to the legitimate claims of Caesar, which becomes apparent as he explains the nature of his kingdom, “My kingdom is not of this world...my kingdom is from another place.” Pilate’s response suggests he did not understand, for he says, “You are a king then.” In reply Jesus patiently teases out what he means by ‘his kingdom’. It is “not of this world.” That is why his disciples did not fight to prevent his arrest. Presentation 89
The Defence The second mark of his kingdom is that it is one "of truth." It is a kingdom that rules over people's minds, aspirations and behaviour. Truth marks not only the identity, the mission but also the instruction of the King. This is all a bit much for Pilate who again in exasperation asks, “What is truth?” He had heard enough to lead him to an important conclusion. Despite Jesus' peculiar ideas, he was no threat to Rome’s administration and perfectly innocent of any capital offense. Presentation 89
The Verdict And this is the verdict he announces when he returns to a packed courtroom, ‘I find no basis for a charge against him’ v38. Pilate had tried and acquitted Jesus. Why did he not release him or, put him in protective custody? Pilate up to this point had conducted the trial with precision, wisdom, and dispatch. He had reached the right verdict. But now, he failed to do the right thing by immediately setting Christ free. Why? The mood of the crowd influenced him and there began a series of irregular and illegal proceedings which eventually ended in the prisoner's execution. Pilate was a coward. This is the only proper analysis of his character and the ultimate explanation of why he failed. Presentation 89
The Verdict In one sense Jesus has been on trial but in another it is Pilate who is tried and found guilty. As are we all! We all fall short of God’s standard of perfection. We all stand condemned. But remarkably, it was for condemned men and women that Christ died. He died to bear the punishment for our sin and free us from God's righteous judgment. Are you aware he has done that for you? Have you responded to him in believing faith? This response entails the belief that Jesus is who he says he is - the Son of God - and did what he said he would do - die for your sin, coupled with a personal commitment to follow him as your Saviour and Lord. Presentation 89
Conclusion We cannot be neutral or sit on the fence. Pilate tried to sustain a neutral relationship with Jesus. He wanted to be innocent of Christ's condemnation but was not prepared to stand up for him either. He wanted to sit on the fence, abstain and wash his hands of responsibility. But neutrality is impossible. We must either be for Jesus or against him. If we stand with him, he will strengthen us and enable us to live for him even in the midst of great trials. If we refuse him support, then no matter how humane, noble, or understanding we may consider ourselves to be we are against him. Presentation 89